My Not-So Miracle A...
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My Not-So Miracle Acne Cure!


Posted : 03/24/2014 3:47 pm

So I'm 18 now and I've had SERIOUSLY bad acne since I was about 13. I mean all-over, everyday, never ending, cystic acne which leaves huge lumps about 2cm in diameter under the skin. I've taken four different types of antibiotics, currently taking tetracycline (1000mg per day). Until now, nothing has worked for me. I've literally tried every product advertised as "100% effective" and every other cream, gel and face wash money can buy. NOTHING worked for me. However, I've developed my own skincare regime that seems to be producing miracle results, despite the fact that it's somewhat tedious and time-consuming. So here's a list of things I do to take care of my skin:

1. Every morning I wash my face with a gentle exfoliating wash by St Ives (the pink lemon and mandarin orange one). This is a lovely wash that gets rid of dead skin cells and leaves your skin soft and oil-free without drying out too much.

2. I use neutrogena multi-vitamin natural moisturizer after washing, which is not harsh on the skin at all and non-greasy. Love it.

3. I drink two cups of green tea every day (maybe it's a myth but I heard it's amazing for your skin and I've been drinking it since just before I started to see results, so go figure).

4. I eat as many vegetables and fruits as I can every day. Seems like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised at how much it effects your skin and well-being in general.

5. Every day when I get home from school or whatever I did that day, I wash all of my makeup off and make sure I have no dirt or gunk of any kind on my skin. I then apply 100% pure honey ALL OVER my face. Yep, just slather it all over straight from the bottle. It's sticky but washes off really easily. I leave it on as long as I can, usually from when I get home until I go to bed at night. The honey is antibacterial and also contains properties that absorb the water from pimples so that the bacteria causing acne is starved of moisture and dies. muhahaha. But seriously, I think the honey is the most important factor here. At night, if I have a particular spot or lump that I think requires more attention, I put a glob of honey on a band-aid and put it over the pimple overnight. In the morning, it is reduced in size and redness. I've only been using this honey remedy for about 2 weeks but i've seen AMAZING results since I started.

6. I use the neutrogena moisturizer again before I go to bed (after washing the honey mask off)

7. I also take tetracycline, which you need to be prescribed by a doctor. Medication will differ from person to person so you will need to see your doctor to see what is right for you.

8. The old favourite - drink LOTS of water. Tonnes of it. Even if you're peeing every five minutes. Water is your best friend. Just don't drown.

If any of these help anyone else, fantastic. I really think that using honey is the most important thing. It's not a well-known remedy, so I want to spread the word and share this story with you guys which inspired me to try it:

Hope this helps you guys, as an acne sufferer and a female who cares a little too much about how I look, I fully understand how frustrating and embarrassing acne can be. I got picked on relentlessly for it, and it made me feel like poop. I'm not as bothered by it now because I've been focusing on improving myself as a person and not letting my looks define me, but there have still been days when just looking in the mirror makes me burst into tears. I also didn't let my boyfriend see me without makeup until we'd been dating for over 18 months, and he loves me with or without acne. So don't be discouraged! YOU ARE NOT ALONE x
