The Regimen And Gly...
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The Regimen And Glycolic Peels- Unanswered Questions


Posted : 11/18/2013 10:56 am

Hi all. I know this is a topic that may have come up before as Chemical peels are indeed a popular method of maintaining healthy skin and shedding red marks, however after much searching I am still unsatisfied with the answers given.

The question is: Is there any big reason not to incorporate a once-weekly glycolic peel into ones skincare regimen, other than "It might irritate your skin if you use the BP too soon after a peel (I.e. couple of days)?

I mean, there aren't any other implications here? Would the BP age my skin at a greatly increased rate if I used it after peels over a significant enough period of time?

My idea was:

Monday- Cleanse-BP-Moisturize (Morning and night)

Tuesday- Cleanse-BP-Moisturize (M+N)

Wednesday- Cleanse-BP-Moisturize (M+N)

Thursday- Cleanse-Glycolic Peel-Moisturize. Then just cleanse and moisturize in the evening

Friday- Cleanse, Moisturize. (M+N)

Saturday- Cleanse, Moisturize (M+N)

Sunday- Cleanse, Moisturize. Then finally introduce the BP Back on sunday evening in order to get ready for the next 3 days.

The idea behind this is- Skin is usually tight for about 3 days, and although I know the effects are longer than that, provided one's skin is sufficiently accustomed to the BP it wouldn't be too phased by re-introducing it roughly 3 days after the peel.

The thing is, my skin is at the stage where it doesn't *massively* freak out when there is no BP present anymore, and the days after a peel it's good enough by itself that it doesn't break out. However when it comes to Tuesday-Wednesday time the lack of BP really shows on my previous regimen of BP just nightly every 2 days.

Oh, and as a side question, is there any real scientific reason that BP slows down the healing rate of skin, even when properly moisturized? It's a theory I have seen a lot on these boards and while there may be some stock in it, I've yet to see/hear evidence as to why.

If you made it to the bottom here, much appreciation.
