I Think The Bp Burn...
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I Think The Bp Burnt My Skin...


Posted : 10/25/2013 7:54 pm

So, I had mild acne when I started using the Acne.org Regimen two months ago (I was trying to prevent it from getting any worse) and I already stopped getting new pimples. The only problem is, I think I put too much BP on certain areas and now all the red marks that normal pimples would've let on my skin after disappearing (which would take two to three days to go away) are still there after several weeks and even months. Is it going to go away or did I burn my skin? Plus, since I started using the Regimen, some pimples created little holes (which are not scars, 'cause I never had acne scaring before)...So are those going to disappear over time if they are not acne scaring?


My skin is now full of red spots even if it's almost acne-free now...it's easy to hide them with a little bit of foundation, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life wearing make-up...


Thanks for your help! :)


Posted : 10/26/2013 3:30 am

It sounds like you're talking about the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation red marks. Using BP does tend to make these marks from old acne appear more easily but they will fade in time. Using something like AHA can help to fade them too but it still takes time. It's important to use a sunscreen too, not only because BP and AHA make your skin more sensitive to the sun, but also because sun damage can make them last longer too, as far as I know.

I'm not completely sure what you mean by the little holes.. could they just be large pores?

Anyway - great to hear the regimen has worked to clear your skin of acne! :)


Posted : 10/26/2013 12:03 pm

Lilly's post is spot on. BP can makes hyper pigmentation last longer than usual. Of you are using Dans treatment for acne.org with your next order, add the AHA you will love it, and it really helps fade those red marks. Plus it has amazing benefits besides the red mark fading. It makes your skin so soft and smooth, and in my case I regained that glow back to my skin that acne took away. I don't ever want to go a day without this product, and a little goes a long way.
