3 Months On The Reg...
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3 Months On The Regimen


Posted : 10/04/2013 5:43 pm

Hello guys, I am new to this forum & this will be a long post but I would so appreciate it if you could help me. I watched the regimen video a while back after my acne was starting to get pretty bad.

Firstly about 4 months I went to the doctor who gave me clindamycin gel to use for my face & and lymecyline oral tablets. They really weren't working that great, after about say a month it was getting worse more than better. The oral antibiotics did actually clear 100% acne on my forehead, my previously worst area, which I can say is very clear now, my back also. However, my cheek area has been such a struggle say the last 5 months. I never had acne in this area before but this is the area that's affecting me the most now.

So yeah, about 1 month into the antibiotics and I found this regimen, I decided to give it a try. After the first week or so, I was so impressed. I could definitely see an improvement, and I didn't let the irritation or flaking bother me, and I decided to tell my doctor about it, who prescribed me the duac gel. After using that every night, my acne was slightly improving but I was still getting breakouts. I then decided to use the benzoyl peroxide cream in the morning aswell, so I was back on using it twice a day. After seeing the doctor the other day, and concluding that the antibiotics didn't really work too well for me after 4 months, I've now been prescribed ethromycin and see how that goes.

Since my skin has gotten completely used to benzoyl peroxide, I put A LOT of it on, and it doesn't really irritate me. I've used it for 3 months and it has given me qutie good results, I wouldn't say perfect because i'm still getting those annoying breakouts, although my acne does look a lot worse than it actually is due to hyperpigmentation (which sucks). I can definitely say I am so pleased to have found it because only god knows what my skin would look like without it.

My real question is though, I wonder if I am making any mistakes. Should I have been expecting clear skin by 3 months, or do I have a bit more to wait.
