7Th Week: Peeling W...
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7Th Week: Peeling With Facial Hair


Posted : 09/30/2013 12:34 am

Hey all, I'm close to my 7th week on the regimen and I have been battling flakiness more than active acne now. It's mostly been on the cheek region closest to the nose, upper lip, and along the jaw. Most of these areas were once covered in facial hair, which I recently shaved a day or two ago. The flakiness has slightly diminished in those areas ever since, which was once annoying because every time I ate the whiteness would become appearant. Shaving is the best way to go if you're having trouble with this guys. Another question has just arisen. Does my skin keep producing dead skin or has the Bp just made a lot of dead skin over the weeks. I basically don't even feel a sting anymore, and I have the 16oz treatment coming this week so I can have a consistent amount (4mL) and not guess with the tube.


Posted : 09/30/2013 3:09 am

If you haven't yet, try getting your hands on some AHA. It helps a great deal with flakes and getting out all those dead skin cells. Before I had AHA, I gently exfoliated using jojoba oil, just to remove the big flakes around my nose and mouth.
