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Posted : 09/18/2013 12:00 am

I'm over five weeks into the regime and my face burns really bad when applying the bp and mousturiser!! When will this go down? Like its really actually painful! I'm using cetaphil and jojoba to moisturize, this step burns worse but the application of the bp burn alot too. Should I try I different moisturizer or should this go down more over time? Thanks


Posted : 09/18/2013 12:41 am

The burning sensation is so unpleasant isn't it? I really don't miss that feeling at all.

Your really should start to feel a decrease in the burning over the next few weeks, but certainly trying a different moisturiser can make a difference. For example when I used cerave the burning was unbearable. Cetaphil moisturiser I found gave the burning sensation on occasion, but not always. Dan's moisturiser was the best for me, but I know some people who have posted that it caused their skin to have a burning i think its all individual.

The best trick for any of it though is to wait at least 20 mins before applying the moisturiser. I found that the drier the BP was the less it hurt when applying moisturiser.

Good luck! :)


Posted : 09/18/2013 4:49 am

Cetaphil has something in it that causes extreme burning. I tried Dan's bp with dan's moisturizer at first. The moisturizer felt a little stingy so I looked into cetaphil. So after trying cetaphil moisturizing cream, the burning was a lot worse than Dan's moisturizer. Dan's moisturizer was a piece of cake compared to cetaphil. It would still sting after 20 minutes of application so I washed it off... Plus it made my skin surface redder. I think there's some kind of chemical in there such as alcohol that interacts with the benzoyl peroxide, or at least people with my skin type. I think dan's moisturizer is the least painful.... I took this moisturizer for granted.


Posted : 09/18/2013 8:44 am

I always wait at LEAST 20 minutes probably usually 30 or more before applying the mousturiser. I used to use the mousturizer but I thought it was absolutely horrible it did not moisturize me at all so using that for me is not an option. I have read that most people found cerave to cause burning and that cetaphil did not so I'm scared that switching to cerave will be WORSE then cetaphil do does anyone know if somthing besides these two mousturiser that will not burn me or cause break outs? Or should I just stick it out and asumme that the burning will go down in the next few weeks or month??
