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Acne Scars?


Posted : 05/25/2013 4:50 pm

Hello All, i am still on the regimen it has been almost 2 months, my skin has somewhat clear up although i still have acne scars "i think " because when i touch my face where the acne was, i still feel a bump as if the acne grew in and not out, i hope there are solutions for this, will it ever be erase? i did add jojoba oil into my regimen, Thanks for reading and Thank you in advance smile.png


Posted : 05/25/2013 7:12 pm

They should fade with time, are they dark marks/spots?


Posted : 05/29/2013 2:57 pm


no they're tiny red dots...


They should fade with time, are they dark marks/spots?


Posted : 05/29/2013 3:49 pm

They'll fade in time, just sounds like basic hyper pigmentation left over after acne. It usually takes a few months, but something like AHA might speed the process along a bit.


Posted : 06/01/2013 1:24 pm



Posted : 06/01/2013 3:01 pm

Aloe Vera is usually a very good thing to try, as it has no side effects to my knowledge.

Here's how I use Aloe Vera:

1. I buy an Aloe Vera plant (sorry buddy, I'm gonna cut you up bit by bit so I can look beautiful - don't look at me like that, I know I'm a monster).

2. Make sure the plant is like, normal-sized, not a little bitzy-itzy thing with really thin leaves. If it's as thick as this picture, or close to it, it's fine.


3. Arrive home with your plant. Before going to sleep, grab a knife. Go and cut 1cm to 1.5cm from one of the leaves along its width. If you're just starting at the tip of a leaf you can cut 2-3 cm to have something to work with.

4. Go to a sink with your bit of leaf, things will get a bit gooey. Take the bit of leaf you just cut and slice off the upper flat part of solid green (so you can better access the gel).

See the pic below? Slice off that upper part of solid green without cutting too much into the gel. An easy way to do this is just to cut at one of the sides and then lift the green stuff up and then cut the other part which is holding it. This is a lot simpler to do than I'm making it sound here.


5. Place the newly opened leaf under tap water for 1-2 seconds to clear away the extra-smelly yellow stuff. The yellow stuff is pretty useless, and it smells really harder than the rest of the gel, so you can do without.


6. Now just press on the solid gel with your finger and then pick some up and spread it all over your acne scars. It will be absorbed by skin in less than a minute and be virtually invisible. You'll still smell it when you turn your head, but it's not unbearable, although I wouldn't go around town with it, since it's not super attractive either.

7. You can now keep pressing on the gel on till it all comes out and put more on your face (it doesn't matter if you overdo it, your skin loves that shit and absorbs it all). You can even rub the leaf on your face. Just make sure to cover all your scars.

8. At first, your scars will get a bit redder, although that'll subside in a little while. In the morning, wash your face with cold water, and repeat the experiment for a week or 2.

Use this technique at night since that's when you can stay the longest time with it on your face without bothering anyone with the smell, plus your body regenrates more when you sleep!

You can apply this to fresh acne scars as well and it'll help create scabs faster and heal faster! Just make sure you clean properly beforehand with rubbing alcohol or spit or whatever works for you.

CAUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aloe Vera gel may leave slight yellow taints on your pillow. While its colourless, it's actualy a very light yellow, even if you wash off the yellow stuff before applying it. This doesn't always happen, but it CAN happen, so don't blame MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

