3 Years On Regimen....
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3 Years On Regimen. Still Clear! W Pics


Posted : 05/13/2013 7:38 pm

Hi all,

Before I start, I will tell you I came off all antibiotics and acne meds when I started this regimen and have been off them ever since. Just so it's clear that it was the regimen that cured my acne 100% and no medication was used incase you were wondering whether it was the regimen and medication it WAS JUST PURELY THE REGIMEN.

I think it was about 3 years I came across this site out of sheer desperation of many years of acne, 10 years on minocycline and having it somewhat work better than if I was on nothing, to finally becoming resistant to it 3 years ago. My acne was so severe 3 years ago and the doctor gave me benzoyl peroxide which all that did was dry my face out and fail to work (read on though about what good benzoyl did once I found this regimen), I was given cindomycin gel, didn't work....I was given some retinol cream or something. So long ago I can't remember the names.

I didn't want to leave the house. I was ugly! Make up didn't cover it. In fact my face would just ooze and bleed as soon as I tried to put foundation on my face.

I think I came across this site 3 years ago and did think at first I tried benzoyl and it didn't work. But I followed the instructions as I had nothing to lose.

First few days my face was on fire. I didn't use much to start with. By week 2 my face was itching, burning and flaking. I spoke to the pharmacist and he told me to stop using it. I asked would I not get used to it and he said no, stop using it because I was having an allergic reaction. He gave me some anti itching cream. I did stick with it but I used even less. The itching/burning and flaking was bad for a month or so even though I was using simple non fragranced moisturizer and jojoba oil. I also didn't notice much difference in my acne.

I think it took a few months, although slowly an improvement was noticeable and gradually the burning/itching and dryness got better. I increased the amount of benzoyl slowly and my skin started to accept it and no longer had a reaction. In fact the mixture on top of jojoba and moisturizer my skin ended up quite soft and smooth.

My acne healed 98% and 3 years on I am still doing well. I get the odd spot every now and then, but nothing major. I do get a few tiny pimples on my chin around my womans time of the month but they are so small and not oozing, painful or bloody like the huge acne puss filled horrors that I used to have. I still follow the regimen. I use about a 10p piece size of benzoyl everynight to UK users and a nickel size to USA users. I have to admit I got slack on the moisturizing. I don't use the oil or moisturizer anymore. I probably should as I am 33 years old and don't want to get wrinkles. But my skin is so used to it now that it doesn't dry it out. Also in the UK now it's hard to get on prescription benzoyl peroxide the past 6 months. It's now 5% benzoyl and 1%cindomycin gel called duac gel. I used to use 2% benzoyl and panicked when the doctor come back saying no we can't get it. But this duac gel works the same for past 6 months.

As you will see from my pics. You will see my severe acne before starting, then you will see 6 months on, and then now how my skin looks today. Excuse my no make up, but I wanted to show you make up free. I still have some faint red marks. If I stuck with the jojoba maybe they would of got even less. I have a few pot marks from the very deep acne I had. I feel a little self concious over the marks in daylight, but I think only I see them as no one else has said anything and my boyfriends have still loved me after seeing me in daylight and make up free.

I wanted to post a sucsess story and to tell people stick with it. It isn't a quick fix, it is something you have to be patient with. Your acne wont go overnight nor will it go in weeks. It can take months to work like my experience. I am so glad I stuck with it and also found this site. I know how it feels to feel ugly and to have severe acne and have it ruin everything. I know what it's like to run out of medical options of drugs and gels and even expensive skin clinic acne super potions that don't work, but empty your bank and give you false hope because it's expensive and from a private clinic.

One thing lately I have is mild acne/spots on my back. I started using salt water on my back 10 days ago and my back is really clearing up. I would use benzoyl but it's not easy trying to get it on your own back and doing yourself a neck injury trying to reach down as far as you can. Good old table salt and water is working well on that though. I don't have a bath, so I skirt it out of a drinking bottle over my back before bed.

Good luck everyone and please stick with the regimen. Beware of stinging/burning/itching and pealing. Don't make this put you off. I am not a doctor, but obviously like me you will get some of this to start with. It does calm down, also maybe use less and build up gradually. If it looks severe then obviously go to your doctor.

Before regimen:


Around 6 months on regimen



3 years on. NOW smile.png















Posted : 05/13/2013 7:50 pm

Wow, your skin looks amazing! That's such an inspiring success story, I'm so happy to see that got positive results from the Regimen! Thanks for sharing that with us. I'm on my first week of the Regimen and seeing results like this just spurs me on even more and gives me an incredible amount of hope for the Regimen and what it can do for my skin. Awesome post! :)


Posted : 05/13/2013 7:57 pm

Wow, your skin looks amazing! That's such an inspiring success story, I'm so happy to see that got positive results from the Regimen! Thanks for sharing that with us. I'm on my first week of the Regimen and seeing results like this just spurs me on even more and gives me an incredible amount of hope for the Regimen and what it can do for my skin. Awesome post! smile.png

Thank you. It was very upsetting when I was in the state I was in the first pics. I posted because I want people to know it works and as you can see my acne was bad. Keep up with the regimen and be aware that you might not see results fast. It took months for mine to start clearing up. You have to be patient and really stick with it and make it become a routine that you never miss for a day. It takes some getting used to, it also seems like huge task and a timely one. But once you get into it, it doesn't take up any time. I have to add I was on no medication for acne when starting the regimen and have never taken any for acne since. Good luck and keep us updated. smile.png


Posted : 05/13/2013 7:58 pm

Your skin looks great! Thanks for posting! =)


Posted : 05/13/2013 9:09 pm

Thanks for posting. I'm sure many newcomers to the regimen will find it helpful and motivating to keep with it through the initial months (which are the toughest).

You look great! :)


Posted : 05/13/2013 9:38 pm

You're truly an inspiration, your face is beautiful!


Posted : 05/13/2013 10:14 pm

I love this post! Makes me believe I can stay clear even after years on the regimen! :)


Posted : 05/14/2013 1:42 am

You are so pretty thank you for your story to cheer up people


Posted : 05/14/2013 5:16 pm

Around when did you notice your skin start to get better?

Did your skin get any breakouts? You mention the redness and burning but any breakouts?


Posted : 05/14/2013 7:09 pm

As everyone else has said - congrats! Acne sucks and i am glad you have FINALLY found something that helps control it. I hope i have similar results! You definitely give me hope


Posted : 05/17/2013 10:40 am

Astounding!!! eusa_clap.gif
