Bp Burns And My Fac...
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Bp Burns And My Face Gets "red"


Posted : 01/11/2013 3:01 am

Hey. I wasn't sure where to post this topic. So I'm going to post it here anyway.


Well first a little history;

So im 18 years old bla bla bla... i've had acne for some years. In the spring of 2012 I started using this antibiotics called tetralysal ( don't know if they are called something else in english ).

I ate them and used cleanser + Differin + BP + Moisturizer ( BP at mornings, Differin before bed ).


Then before the summer i stoped using them like you should, as your skin get really sensitive, it's recommended to sop during summer-days.


Well... in the middle of the summer I was pretty clear! But then in the end of the summer it started coming back. And then i started eating the antibiotics again. stoped some months later as I ran out of them...


And today i got some acne around my mouth and on the chin. some on my forehead. So i just started using BP again, using the recommended amount 1 time a day.. im on day 5 i think. Otherwise that dry and flakiness i feel a burning feeling where i have applied the BP, the skin is also in a light red tone.


My question is, should i continue using BP ?


Posted : 01/11/2013 1:33 pm

based on my experience with BP. those are normal skin reactions. i too experienced slight burning, dryness, flakiness, and a red skin tone ( its winter and I look like i just came from the beach!) i am still experiencing these reactions but its not as bad as it used to be ( 4 weeks in). so long as your using the right amount at the right frequency you should be fine. BUT if you find it very uncomfortable and painful, maybe you should let your skin rest for a day or so. and dont forget to moisturize! :)
