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How Important Is It To Wait Between Applying Bp And Moisturiser?


Posted : 12/29/2012 8:10 pm



I've been on the regimen for over six years (apart from a disastrous trial off treatment recently.) I thought I had tried everything then I found this site and I am SO grateful to Dan because it really made a big difference to my life!


There is one aspect of it though that I am not sure about and would really like to get some opinions on if possible... How important is it to wait 5-15 mins after washing/showering before bp and another 5-15 mins after applying bp before moisturiser? It takes up quite alot of time... I have to get up so much earlier than everyone else in the house because I have to do that and then I spend alot of time applying makeup (I have alot of PIH to cover after my recent trial off bp breakout and I am a perfectionist...) If I knew it really made a difference to wait I would, but I don't know...


I found this in the regimen FAQs:


Q Why wait between washing and treating and between treating and moisturizing?

A This is the result of many years of trial and error. I found this is how The Regimen works best. Follow The Regimen this way until you are completely clear. Then you can safely change one variable at a time, such as waiting a shorter amount of time between steps.


This doesn't seem alot to go on getting up at 5.30am every morning! The advice to try changing one variable at a time sounds sensible, but I don't always wait the same amount of time and I haven't been keeping records and I do still get spots and I don't know if I can attibute them to anything in particular or if it's just the way my skin is. So... what are your experiences? Do you wait between steps of the regimen? How long for? Have you tried different timings and noticed any to be better or worse? I would really be so grateful for any input, I don't know how to answer this one on my own! I might just try waiting less time and see if things get worse but I'm a bit scared of having another massive breakout sad.png Mostly I'm happy just to trust Dan's advice because this regimen really was like a miracle to me but when you start sacrificing sleep I think it's time to re-evaluate...
