Does Using Too Much...
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Does Using Too Much Bp Cause Breakouts?


Posted : 12/28/2012 5:40 am

Hello, I'm new here and just need a quick question answered.


I used to have clear skin and used panoxyl bit this was discontinued, I then started the regimen and it didn't work for me. Caused severe red flaking/weeping skin which looked like a minor chemical burn and big big cystic breakouts.


Now I thought this might be me being allergic to the new bp having been off panoxyl for 6 months(and struggling)


But thinking about it, could it be how much bp I was using? Dan says 2 pumps which is apparently roughly 4ml twice a day 8ml. But when I used panoxyl a 40ml tube lasted a month which is just over a ml an application( I only applied at night)


Could this be why my skin got so bad? And broke out In cysts.


I ask because I have since stopped and my skin has healed, bar the acne ( tea tree oil doesn't do much ) and am debating trying the regimen again.


I have sensitive skin.


Appreciate the help team!


