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How Long Does Dryness/flakiness Last?:(


Posted : 10/22/2012 12:05 pm

Well basically, the regemin has started working to what I can see, although I put the stuff on in a morning, go to school all day with confidence and come home, look at myself and my skin is just flaky/dry and to think it must have been like that all day makes me upset! Does the dryness ever stop or will I have to start taking mousturizer to school? :( Im on week 4 day 4 btw


Posted : 10/22/2012 11:44 pm

dryness will never stop on the regimen. flakiness can last anywhere from 3-6 months on average. try mixing some jojoba oil with your moisturizer. a few drops in your palm with your moisturizer right before applying can go a long way toward preventing some of the flaking. you wont be able to stop it all though. just gotta wait it out and eventually itll subside. but you will always be experiencing dryness on the regimen. that is why the moisturize step is often referred to as the most important step, even moreso than the BP. good luck.


Posted : 10/30/2012 10:36 am

I've been doing the regimen for 3 years now, or at least my version of it. I only use 1 pump of BP morning/night (that seems to be enough for me). It might just be my skin type or something else, but even with jojoba oil (put on before BP) I have to worry about dryness. Typically I only use 1 pump of moisturizer after each BP application but lately it's been 1.5+ pumps. This for me is tough because it takes about 5mins for me to rub in that amount! Though for the record I only apply with my left hand, so my right hand can multitask.


So my point: time won't necessarily stop the dryness/flaking. Lately I've strongly been considering switching to something else, but for the time being I'll just try upping the moisturizer usage.


And yes, bring a travel size of moisturizer with you. I keep one in my car all the time for additional application to dry areas.


Posted : 11/02/2012 10:05 am

Actually, now that I think about it, the moisturizer Dan sold up until about 2 years ago or so was a white moisturizer (not yellow). I literally used maybe 1/2-2/3 the amount of it compared to how much of the yellow moisturizer Dan currently sells, and it seems like that amount was 2x more moisturizing than what I currently use.


Supposedly the newer yellow moisturizer is less irritating to the face (some people claimed it caused redness). But I've wished he would bring it back as an option since it kept flakes and dryness at bay SO MUCH better than the current moisturizer.
