I respond very well to BP, however I can't stand using it during the day. I'm honestly unsure how anyone even manages to. It ruins all my clothes and makes my face a runny mess when I sweat. So I'm currently only using it at night, then just washing it off in the morning. This method clears like 70% of my acne. I'm curious if using a higher concentration (5%, 10%) for my once daily application might actually achieve better results, or if it would just result in the typical irritation associated with the higher concentration formulas. Anyone tried this?
According to Dan, 2.5% BP is no less effective than 5% or 10% but less drying. I've tried 10% in the past (Clean & Clear Persa gel 10) at night and I can confirm it DRIED. I mean I've been on the regimen for a while now, and I know the DKR is drying, but using such a high concentration meant my skin was constantly like parchment. However, I had dry skin to begin with. Your experience might be different and I guess the only harm in trying is losing the 70% improvement you've made. How long have you been on the regimen? In my opinion you should continue applying BP day and night until you're 99% clear and then reduce it to 2 pumps at night. I recently did that and I've stayed 97% clear (I have some blocked pores again on my nose and a tiny pimple by my lip since reducing it).
According to Dan, 2.5% BP is no less effective than 5% or 10% but less drying. I've tried 10% in the past (Clean & Clear Persa gel 10) at night and I can confirm it DRIED. I mean I've been on the regimen for a while now, and I know the DKR is drying, but using such a high concentration meant my skin was constantly like parchment. However, I had dry skin to begin with. Your experience might be different and I guess the only harm in trying is losing the 70% improvement you've made. How long have you been on the regimen? In my opinion you should continue applying BP day and night until you're 99% clear and then reduce it to 2 pumps at night. I recently did that and I've stayed 97% clear (I have some blocked pores again on my nose and a tiny pimple by my lip since reducing it).
I've been on and off the DKR and other treatments for 10 years. I've followed it perfectly and achieved better clearage, but I did struggle mightily with dryness no matter what moisturizing products I used. Also just got tired of melted bleach oozing off my face every day at the gym, or while walking to school on a hot day. Just the feel too...as a male, I hate there being a thick layer of product on my face all the time. I know all about Dan's recommendations of 2.5% being no less effective. However, that is his recommendation based on 2x a day application, with BP being on your face 24 hrs a day. Was just curious if someone were going to forgo the ideal recommendation, if an increased concentration would actually help clear more acne.
According to Dan, 2.5% BP is no less effective than 5% or 10% but less drying. I've tried 10% in the past (Clean & Clear Persa gel 10) at night and I can confirm it DRIED. I mean I've been on the regimen for a while now, and I know the DKR is drying, but using such a high concentration meant my skin was constantly like parchment. However, I had dry skin to begin with. Your experience might be different and I guess the only harm in trying is losing the 70% improvement you've made. How long have you been on the regimen? In my opinion you should continue applying BP day and night until you're 99% clear and then reduce it to 2 pumps at night. I recently did that and I've stayed 97% clear (I have some blocked pores again on my nose and a tiny pimple by my lip since reducing it).
I've been on and off the DKR and other treatments for 10 years. I've followed it perfectly and achieved better clearage, but I did struggle mightily with dryness no matter what moisturizing products I used. Also just got tired of melted bleach oozing off my face every day at the gym, or while walking to school on a hot day. Just the feel too...as a male, I hate there being a thick layer of product on my face all the time. I know all about Dan's recommendations of 2.5% being no less effective. However, that is his recommendation based on 2x a day application, with BP being on your face 24 hrs a day. Was just curious if someone were going to forgo the ideal recommendation, if an increased concentration would actually help clear more acne.
Oh sorry, I thought you'd just started the regimen and were impatient to speed things up. I completely understand what you're saying though, I check the weather forecast daily to make sure that if it starts raining I'm either inside or completely covered- if not my BP starts running. I also have to get up really early to exercise before my morning BP to make sure it doesn't run with sweat, much like I have to sit or stand still at gigs because if I jump around so will the BP and so on..
Anyway my previous comment still stands, I tried doing the regimen at night with 10% and it dried me out to extremes where I don't think I noticed if my skin cleared up any more so than with other concentrations. However, while reading through the boards today I saw someone had written a letter to Dan saying they found 10% BP was more effective on their skin than 5% or 2.5% so it's probably worth trying...sorry I wasn't much help. Good luck!