Is Dan A Con Artist...
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Is Dan A Con Artist?


Posted : 07/31/2012 11:05 pm

personally i think he's a total shill. I was watching one of his videos and he kept saying "There's no natural cure for acne, but if someone ever finds one, I won't only endorse it, I'll champion it". As if, he makes a fortune selling these products, he isn't going to give that up. He cons people who don't need BP into using the regime by making it seem like no other methods work. I know it works for some people but the long-term damage to the skin and the dependence your skin gets isn't worth it. For most people I think it should be a last resort, especially when there are so many other treatments out there that don't involve putting 3 different chemicals on your face, twice a day, every day, forever. I think this is especially true if your acne isn't that bad to begin with.


He makes it seem like he's this team player who really cares about us, when really his one and only goal is to sell as many of his products to people as possible. There could be tons of new research showing some cheap household item cures acne and that BP causes permanent damage to the skin and he would still keep pushing his products because he wants to make money.


Posted : 07/31/2012 11:22 pm

Couldn't disagree more.

FabianL liked

Posted : 07/31/2012 11:48 pm

Of course he is! Just last week he painted a gorgeous likeness of Bernard Madoff.


Posted : 08/01/2012 12:09 am

if he was really a con artist he would be selling a product with a MUCH higher profit margin, ex. pills. Plus, compared to the .5 oz of BP in stores for $10 ($20 an ounce), while his 16oz. bottle is only $32 ($2 an ounce), he is not ripping people off, plus topical BP is arguably the safest and most effective way to clear acne, it oxygenizes your pores. Lastly, this is America. If he creates a great product, which he has, and there is a demand for it, which there is, and it's not illegal or killing anyone, then what's wrong?


btw... i have been through 2 trials of accutane, had cortizone shots and blood tests every month for cysts, plus retin-a cream for 2 years. Dan's regimen has been the only thing that has worked for me long term. been acne clear for 5 years now. that is all


Posted : 08/01/2012 12:13 am

personally i think he's a total shill. I was watching one of his videos and he kept saying "There's no natural cure for acne, but if someone ever finds one, I won't only endorse it, I'll champion it". As if, he makes a fortune selling these products, he isn't going to give that up. He cons people who don't need BP into using the regime by making it seem like no other methods work. I know it works for some people but the long-term damage to the skin and the dependence your skin gets isn't worth it. For most people I think it should be a last resort, especially when there are There could be tons of new research showing some cheap household item cures acne and that BP causes permanent damage to the skin and he would still keep pushing his products because he wants to make many other treatments out there that don't involve putting 3 different chemicals on your face, twice a day, every day, forever. I think this is especially true if your acne isn't that bad to begin with.

He makes it seem like he's this team player who really cares about us, when really his one and only goal is to sell as many of his products to people as possible.


your post makes no sense man.

A. "there could be tons of research showing that BP is bad for your skin and how good natural products are". There "could be" a lot of things. However, there ARE TONS of research papers showing how BP is NOT dangerous, and also showing how effective BP is in treating acne. Benzoyl peroxide being harmful is 100% anecdotal based off of no current empirical findings.

B. Dan's products are not only some of the cheapest acne products available, but the best. I've done countless hours of research into ingredients of cosmetics, and Dan's products are by far the best out far (I would pay so much more than he charges)

C. I really don't understand your argument...Dan created an entire advertisement free site that YOU and I use every day (forums, reviews, blogs, pictures, research, etc). His selling of products is trivial compared to everything on this site. How the heck can you accuse him of being a con artist when you sit there at your computer using HIS forums which HE pays for look for natural cures.

D. He shows people how to use his regimen with store brought products. I'm REALLY tempted to say more but I don't want this post to get deleted so i'll end here before I get into trouble


Posted : 08/01/2012 5:27 am

Don't feed the troll.


Posted : 08/01/2012 7:57 am

I've watched so so many YouTube videos of people that's lives have changed for the better due to the regimen and from having painful acne all over there face, they're now clear. I'd take premature ageing over huge cystic acne ruining what's meant to be the best time of my life any day.


My acne isn't so bad, but I know how it feels to not want to talk to people due to self-consciousness and I believe Dan does too. Like the above poster, I don't wanna feed your utter crap.


Posted : 08/01/2012 8:39 am

^ what do ya mean with premature ageing exactly? =/__\=


looks like only way is to test this bp myself again. you could just apply it carefully and at places that doesnt wrinkle, maybe?

ill just post superadvertisment post if it actually works! like i care if its masking symptoms or not, i just need this shit be gone and thats iiit. but im not sure again.


what do you mean premature ageing?? i know it dries skin and all but..


well what happens if you apply it only on nose fe? what does it do to clogged pores?


Posted : 08/01/2012 10:35 am

first off, too much of any chemical is bad for you, no matter what it is. Benzoyl peroxide can be found in dozens of OTC acne products, why should this one be any different? The only logical way BP could definitely cause wrinkles is if you apply it around your eye area, or you are exposed to the sun with no sunscreen.

If Dan were a con artist, he would not have a website where people can openly voice their opinions about his products.

If Dan were a con artist, he wouldn't show his face in videos demonstrating how to use the products.

He wouldn't encourage people to use drugstore products too. He gives realistic expectations to people. As far as I'm concerned, he's a good guy who wants to share with people what worked for his skin. thats it.


Posted : 08/01/2012 12:12 pm

^ what do ya mean with premature ageing exactly? =/__\=

looks like only way is to test this bp myself again. you could just apply it carefully and at places that doesnt wrinkle, maybe?

ill just post superadvertisment post if it actually works! like i care if its masking symptoms or not, i just need this shit be gone and thats iiit. but im not sure again.

what do you mean premature ageing?? i know it dries skin and all but..

well what happens if you apply it only on nose fe? what does it do to clogged pores?


I've heard that a side-effect of BP is premature ageing, not sure if it's true. I was just using that as an example, because the OP mentioned side-effects.


Posted : 08/01/2012 12:23 pm

Of course he is! Just last week he painted a gorgeous likeness of Bernard Madoff.


You... I love you.


Posted : 08/01/2012 5:28 pm

Seriously people, stop encouraging the troll.


Posted : 08/01/2012 8:28 pm

You guys really believe the dear leader when he says things like ""There's no natural cure for acne, but if someone ever finds one, I won't only endorse it, I'll champion it"? He makes thousands of dollars selling this stuff, he's going to be biased because he stands to gain from discrediting other methods in his videos.


Posted : 08/01/2012 8:29 pm

You crazy hun...he has helped so many people...


Posted : 08/01/2012 10:11 pm

He's obviously trolling, but imagine how many hundreds of acne newbies discover this website every day, and then read posts like "this is a scam". The fact of the matter is these types of posts can actually have real life effects, so it's at least important to call him out on the trollage to help other people out


Posted : 08/01/2012 10:34 pm

^ Agreed, Maximus, it's not necessarily a bad thing to show people who the real con artist is.


You guys really believe the dear leader when he says things like ""There's no natural cure for acne, but if someone ever finds one, I won't only endorse it, I'll champion it"?



I'm sure you won't mind sharing this natural cure? Or any cure at all? Would be awesome, it's what everyone here is waiting for.


He makes thousands of dollars selling this stuff.



How do you know? Just curious. And thousands of dollars a day? Month? Year?


he's going to be biased because he stands to gain from discrediting other methods in his videos.



He does not discredit other methods, maybe you should just have a look around. He just thinks (for very good reasons) that BP is the best option for most people. Do some research, you'd be surprised. Then come back and share what you've learned. Also, terms like "total shit" to describe someone you don't know at all (whether it's our "dear leader", or another member), are not appreciated.

FabianL liked

Posted : 08/01/2012 10:37 pm

here is a couple points for dan- this is the best damn website for acne that exists, they let you get away with saying almost anything without booting you off, and when they do boot anyone off or shut down a thread, its for pretty decent reasons.


i love the free speech here, other sites arent like that, so regardless if he makes a few bucks selling some acne products, this site is GREAT!!! although i do not believe benzoyl peroxide is safe for human use, i have stopped using that stuff years ago. he should just sell glycolic acids and other hydroxy acids, but he can do whatever he wants, its his website!!


Posted : 08/01/2012 10:55 pm

^ Agreed, Maximus, it's not necessarily a bad thing to show people who the real con artist is.

You guys really believe the dear leader when he says things like ""There's no natural cure for acne, but if someone ever finds one, I won't only endorse it, I'll champion it"?


I'm sure you won't mind sharing this natural cure? Or any cure at all? Would be awesome, it's what everyone here is waiting for.

He makes thousands of dollars selling this stuff.


How do you know? Just curious. And thousands of dollars a day? Month? Year?

he's going to be biased because he stands to gain from discrediting other methods in his videos.


He does not discredit other methods, maybe you should just have a look around. He just thinks (for very good reasons) that BP is the best option for most people. Do some research, you'd be surprised. Then come back and share what you've learned. Also, terms like "total shit" to describe someone you don't know at all (whether it's our "dear leader", or another member), are not appreciated.


Considering the number of people who use this website, the regime and his products the dear leader is clearly making serious bank from this. I wouldn't be surprised if he's making high 6-figures to be honest.

Sure BP works for a lot of people but even for them there are definite negative side effects. There are lots of people it doesn't work for and it ends up making their problem so much worse, and these people only used it in the first place because great leader Dan hyped it up to them because he wants to make money. I'll say it again, three chemicals cocktails on your face twice a day is not the best option for most people.

And I called him a shill, not a shit.


Posted : 08/01/2012 11:13 pm

Considering the number of people who use this website, the regime and his products the dear leader is clearly making serious bank from this. I wouldn't be surprised if he's making high 6-figures to be honest.

Sure BP works for a lot of people but even for them there are definite negative side effects. There are lots of people it doesn't work for and it ends up making their problem so much worse, and these people only used it in the first place because great leader Dan hyped it up to them because he wants to make money. I'll say it again, three chemicals cocktails on your face twice a day is not the best option for most people.

And I called him a shill, not a shit.


Oops lol, I guess the negative tone in your post made me read it as "shit".

Oh yes, if all the people using this website were using his BP, he'd be a rich man. But guess what? They don't. There are many who are using alternative treatments, from water-only and diet to Accutane, and everything in between. How many people do use his products anyway? I don't know, but apparently you do. Dan "hypes" this up, because he truly believes it's a good regimen. He even offers advice on alternative products that he doesn't get paid for. Plus, if making money was my only goal, I'd make this a forum about my own products only. I mean, how would I make money when people use holistic methods or prescribed medications? Anyway, your assumptions (because that's all they are) are based on anecdotes and guesswork.

How about telling us about your natural cure? It must be ground-breaking, at least it's the first time I've heard of a cure for acne. And apparently one without any side effects.


Posted : 08/02/2012 11:56 am

Even if he is a rich man, what's wrong with that? Bill Gates made billions off Windows. Would you rather be stuck with a Mac? *shudders* People profit off making lives better. It's called capitalism. What is Dan supposed to do, say 'Hey, I did tons of research and found this to be better, but in the effort of not looking bad I'll just tell you that my method sucks so I don't profit from it!'?


Posted : 08/10/2012 4:02 pm

I've never used Dan's products but others have and have had great success. With that said, Dan is free to promote any product he chooses and he does....that's what living in America is all about. I think he is more than generous creating a forum for other products/ways to battle acne than the regimen (that makes him brilliant in my my book).


I think at the end of the day, people need to do their own research and make up their own minds about what works/doesn't work for them. We also need to be respectful in regards to our difference of opinions.


I get what you're saying OP and i'm sure it's coming from a good place but Dan is doing what a business man should do and the fact that he uses his own supplies....well he obviously believes his product can help people.


Posted : 08/10/2012 5:03 pm

I dont think hes a con artist or anything, he sells the products cheap and it seems to work well for alot of people. He gives people an option to get rid of their acne and seems like he cares about helping people without exploiting them money wise.


However It seems as if he believes the only thing that will get rid of acne regardless of the circumstances is smearing a tub of benzoyl peroxide on your face 15 times a day.


Which could end up aging peoples skin if they use it for months/years on end without getting to the route cause of their particular problem. Its destroying the acne after it is formed, which is good but people also need to work on stopping it forming in the first place.


In my opinion.


Posted : 08/13/2012 2:28 pm

I don't like feeding a troll, but I REALLY don't like good people being attacked (esp. on their own site!)


I've never used the Regimen, but my skin is clear because Dan made this site and I found my solution through another member. If it wasn't for Dan making this site, I'd still be breaking out every day.


Even if BP isn't the best solution, how many people with bad acne really care? Honestly. Yes, some do, and that's great. But when you have acne for 12 years like I did, you just want it gone. And it's a hell of a lot better than Accutane or laser treatments. Dan is just letting people know what worked for him. He's not forcing you to buy it & he's not making you pay for this site.

FURTHERMORE, why would he have a whole section on the site called STORE BRAND REGIMEN SUPPLIES. Hmm...possibly so people have other options other than buying his Regimen...


You said: "There are lots of people it doesn't work for and it ends up making their problem so much worse, and these people only used it in the first place because great leader Dan hyped it up to them because he wants to make money."


Ok, well, don't commercials on TV do the exact same thing? I've used plenty of products I saw on TV that SUCKED and made my issues worse. Do you think these big companies that make these products want your skin clear? They don't. They won't make any money. Dan's just a guy relaying what he's learned to other people because he knows how it feels.

Don't be jealous you didn't come up with the idea first. If you don't like this site, goodbye. tinydan.gifwub.png


Posted : 08/13/2012 2:50 pm

How is the thread starter a troll exactly?


Dan is profiting on the site, and likely does not care about you unless you are personally friends with him in the world of I don't get where most of you believe this. Look at the domain: I would have killed to have it, because that's pure profit right there. He got lucky and was at the right place on the web at the right time, and was smart. He was able to profit off of a very common problem. He found a niche on the web and got it and he's lucky for it. If he didn't act like your best buddy, how would he sell his product? There are actually so many cheaper products that I use that are effective.


With that said, is he scamming you? In my opinion, only somewhat, since BP has been around forever, so what makes his any different? You can choose not to buy the product...which would probably be a much better idea given the wide range of treatments out there, or you can choose to go for it and hope you get lucky.


And also with that said, he's only doing what anybody would desire doing, so think for yourself. Oh and, these forums are pretty useful I guess and deterred me from using Accutane, so I feel like if I hadn't discovered it I'd make an irreversible mistake, so at the very least thanks for the useful site and info on other methods.


Posted : 08/16/2012 1:32 pm

I think debating is a good idea, but if you want to open the debate, at least have the decency to use some good arguments.


I am personnally convinced that Dan is not a con artist (definately), for simple reasons :


1/ He gathered here good information about the acne condition, going really further than 90% of dermatologists who simply don't give a shit about acne and don't know jack shit about it and just follow simple traced rules of treatment.Acne is far more complicated that just a teen skin problem.


2/ Most of the research he did is good research, scientifically proven, and not just general bullshit about acne like we can read everywhere on the internet


3/ The regimen works. Benzoyl peroxide works. Of course, it is a "chemical", but a chemical required for a country to be considered as having a good health system (along with 200 other medications) for its role against acne by the global health organization.


4/ The products are cheaper than most of OTC products based on BP and, at least the cleanser, AHA, jojoba and BP are good products. I am more concerned about moisturizer but it s not a big issue.


So, Manfeelings, why are people like me doing the regimen ?


First, because I had 2 courses of accutane in my life, and my body now has definite side effects of it. My muscles aches, my adrenal glands are fatigued to death, and I sweat 10 times more than before (and I had those two courses late, at 20 and 22). For the second one, I think BP would have be sufficient to get clear but no one told me this. Maybe for the first time too.


Secondly, because, I find this regimen to be convenient. It is only 2 products, I apply them in 2 minutes, letting them soak while doing other things, and it is much less than some other regimen. The products are quite well packaged and does not really smell funky or whatever. This is doable with my social life. With my GF, and even friends. I don't see me explaining to ppl "ok I have to boil 20 bags of tea then put them on my face rubbing them and it s good" and have to stockpile tea bags all over my place.


I don't have either to put on some ACV which smells like... well like vinegar on my face and smell like I soaked in a wine production facility.


Thirdly because it s cheapper, I pay something like 20 euros (yep) a month of supply, which is far cheaper than what I would pay in other places.


Let's face it. Acne is mostly a disease of our lifestyle. With better food, better water quality, more sun & fresh air, most of us would not have acne. But the fact is that, in our society, eating GOOD food, having more fresh air / sun exposure is not easy for everyone. Same goes for stress... How many of us can say that they can really decide their planning at work ? Seriously ? With such levels of stress, on an overconnected world, how can you live a decent life without stress ? Impossible.


So, we use what we use.


The drawbacks ? There are. It stains clothes. That sucks. And the other one ? Well, acting like a disinfectant and destroying the natural lipid barrier of the skin, you put on your skin something that you cannot stop easily without having a magnificient blowback.


But, most of the regimen followers.... They did their choices.
