Clear all Moisturizer?


Posted : 04/07/2014 8:53 am

Ok so I was about to order Dan's moisturizer until I saw the reviews.....there are A LOT of people who REALLY don't like this moisturizer....can someone please tell me if they have used it or not?? And if you have, did it work for you? Because I really need a new moisturizer, this Cetaphil moisturizer is NOT working for meee


Posted : 04/07/2014 9:14 am

I have recently just started using the moisturizer. Up until that time I used Cerave and Cetaphil. I have a few pros and cons about the moisturizer though.


- Lightweight

- Absorbs into the skin w/o feeling greasy

- No weird smell


- You really need to wait for the BP to dry and set before applying the moisturizer or it will ball up into bits on the skin.

- It does not provide enough moisture for my liking as a night time moisturizer. I'm used to using cetaphil which is really thick.


Posted : 04/08/2014 4:15 pm

Thanks for telling me!! So you think that it works perfectly fine in the morning?? If it does, then I'm okay with it not working at night because I don't really go out at night xD

doghood liked

Posted : 04/08/2014 11:01 pm


I've been using Dan's moisturizer for exactly 3 weeks today. It's the only moisturizer I have ever been able to use without breaking out. It is water based and slides easily onto my face (less irritation) and is not greasy. For me, it moisturizes well enough that all flakes are masked, however, others have suggested that it did not moisturize well enough. My only con for this product is that it makes my face look a shade or two darker than my natural skin colour, which isn't exactly optimal. My advice would be to order the smallest bottle (travel size I believe) and see how it works for you. Alternatively, you could order the free kit (just pay $5 for shipping) which contains the travel sized moisturizer.


Good luck!


Posted : 04/10/2014 6:10 pm

Haha thank you! And is the darkening of the skin REALLY really bad?? Because I'm indian...and my skin already darkened from the regimen. And I really dont want my skin to darken anymore.


Posted : 04/10/2014 6:57 pm

Hey, update since I last posted that. In the last few days I've noticed that my face was getting darker from the BP, NOT the moisturizer. The BP made my face flaky, and the flakes were much darker than my actual skin colour, which the moisturizer only patted back onto my face. Now, as most of the flakes are going away, the skin underneath is my natural shade, and the moisturizer is not affecting it. Sorry if I misled you, I just noticed this a day or so ago. P.S. I am Indian myself :)


Posted : 04/10/2014 7:06 pm

Oh my God I am so glad that you're Indian because it's WAYYY different for Asian skin xD and did you do anything for that dark dead flaky skin to go away?? O.o or did it go away by itself?? How long does it take to go away?? I'm sorry if I'm asking too many question haha but how long did it take for the the dark dead flaky skin to completely disappear and never come back?


Posted : 04/10/2014 7:26 pm


Np :). I totally understand your concerns. It's definitely new territory being on something so powerful, with such an array of temporary side effects. I started noticing my face darken by the 2nd week on the Regimen (this also coincided with the flakes, but I didn't put two and two together). In the middle of week 3, my extra dark flakes started coming off (on their own, and sometimes b/c I simply picked at them lol). I noticed that the areas of my face that weren't flaky were my normal skin colour, whereas the damn flaky areas had a much darker colour. I've added AHA into my mix yesterday (at the end of 3 weeks) and it's supposed to help with the flakes. I can already see a slight improvement in de-flaking, but I've read that it can take up to a month to really see the results. Anyway, I think once that layer of dead skin comes off, your skin will return to its original colour.


According to the FAQ page, Dan recommends using the AHA after 3 or 4 weeks of being on the Regimen. Basically when your skin is fully acclimated to the full amount of BP and has been acclimated for some time. If you are thinking of adding AHA into your routine, please follow his steps very carefully, and do so very gradually or your face will burn like hell. Also have patience with the AHA, nothing on the regimen works overnight...but in due time, it seems like the products really work. Hope this helps.




P.S. I do a weekly update on how my face has been reacting since starting the regimen a little over 3 weeks ago. Since we seem to have similar issues, it might help with your concerns. You can check it out here:


Posted : 04/10/2014 7:30 pm

Oh thank you so muchhhh. And would you recommend using the AHA after four weeks? I mean, do i HAVE to use it? I really don't wanna add anymore products because it stresses me out so much thinking if I'm using it the right way and stuff haha. Do you think the flakes will go away if I don't use AHA? And yes thank you so much for sending me the link!! It will really help!


Posted : 04/10/2014 7:36 pm

I can't really say whether it is a must, as I've already started using it, and can only speak of my experiences using it. However, after reading many many posts on here about AHA, the general consensus seems to be that AHA really does help as it is a powerful exfoliant (i.e. it removes dead skin cells). Perhaps you can wait it out past the 4 weeks and see if your flakes go away on their own. If not, you can always try AHA after that.


Posted : 04/10/2014 7:44 pm

Ohhhhh okay thank you!!


Posted : 05/21/2014 9:45 am

I recently began using Dan's moisturizer and to be honest with you, I'm starting to not like it. I don't know if it's an ingredient or not, but whenever I apply it, my skin burns and turns bright red! This doesn't occur when I use just Jojoba Oil. I have no experienced any breakouts with the moisturizer. It moisturizes pretty well, but I cannot get past the burning and redness... I think I will discontinue it and just use Jojoba Oil. I'll probably check into AHA.
