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Posted : 11/02/2012 1:16 pm



Posted : 11/02/2012 1:34 pm

Dan does not claim that he is a physician he is merely sharing a regimen that has helped him with others who struggle with acne.

And if you followed it precisely then maybe their could be a slight chance where you can see optimal results.

I can only speak for myself as Dans regimen has helped me far more than any rx medication has ever done (and i have severe acne.)Just as you can only speak for yourself.

It is not false advertisement when half of the community has had positive outcomes with the regimen and i understand your frustration. But everyone skin reacts differently.

So, dont give up, acne cant last forever. Keep your chin up.


Posted : 11/02/2012 1:57 pm

I had pretty moderate acne when starting the regimen and within eight months or so my face was flawless. But I quit. Because its chemicals. And a temporary fix. And that's why I don't like it.


But please know that not one solution works for every single person. It just isn't so. But it does work for many.


Posted : 11/02/2012 4:00 pm

Dan doesn't claim that it will work for every single person who tries it...there are no treatments that work for everyone. Yes, you might think retinoids are better, but do they work for everyone? No.


I don't follow the regimen, but it works for most people, simply because benzoyl peroxide works for around 70-80% of people who try it and stick with it, and use it properly, regimen or not. Couple that with a cleanser and moisturiser that doesn't irritate, and that percentage goes up 90.


Posted : 11/02/2012 4:38 pm

Dan doesn't claim that it will work for every single person who tries it...there are no treatments that work for everyone. Yes, you might think retinoids are better, but do they work for everyone? No.

I don't follow the regimen, but it works for most people, simply because benzoyl peroxide works for around 70-80% of people who try it and stick with it, and use it properly, regimen or not. Couple that with a cleanser and moisturiser that doesn't irritate, and that percentage goes up 90.




Posted : 11/02/2012 10:01 pm

Oh sorry about that, I guess the regimen really does work, I'm just an idiot. Nevermind. I'm not using it properly.


If that's what everyone thinks, then Ok, fine. I guess I'm wrong.


Posted : 11/02/2012 10:33 pm



Lol- you're not am "idiot." We all understand how frustrating and defeating it can feel when we put time effort and money into curing something and it doesn't work. We know how you feel. It's normal to feel psychologically fed up- we just want you to understand it happens to all of us and no one method works for everyone


Posted : 11/08/2012 2:51 pm

Never once did Dan say that his regimen works for everyone. This website was created so he could share what WORKED FOR HIM with other people so it could POSSIBLY help them. False claims would be a 100% GUARANTEE that this would work. The reason I like this site is because it is very trust worthy. It makes sense. Never once did Dan say he was a dermatologist or a doctor. He's just a former acne sufferer like us. I love this regimen, I think it's awesome, I follow it precisely every day, just because this didn't work for you DOESN'T mean that it won't work for someone else. I am glad that you finally found something that worked for you, I'm sorry you didn't like the regimen, I know it can be frustrating to put time, effort and money into something that doesn't end up working for you in the end.
