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Help me please


Posted : 08/02/2024 8:10 am

Hi. I have been struggling with acne for about a year now and these last 3-4 months have definitely been the worse. I hate to say but ive tried most things. Im currently on a Paleo diet. No sugar no dairy apart from eggs and no gluten for about 3 weeks now and have seen no change in my skin. Taken refined carbs out of my diet too. I keep it simple when it comes to skin care. I use Norse organics acne ritual. I have cut down on fruit aswell. I take 2000 fish oil. 50mg zinc and a some other supplements. Im currently taking lymecycline 408 mg tablets which my GP upped my dosage from 1 to 2 a day and have been taking them for about 5-6 weeks now. I get 20 min of sun every day. Drink 2-3 litres of water everyday and do a tumeric, carrot and celery juice in the morning. And STILL i feel like my acne is only getting worse and new bumps keep forming on my face that hurt and take almost a week to cook to the point they are ready. Please help. This is really affecting my mental health at this point in my life. Im only 21

Member Admin

Posted : 08/06/2024 3:48 pm

You're doing so much right! That is cool. I would recommend The Regimen. You should be clear pretty quickly if you use it. I've coached people who look exactly like you (well, very close), and it will work.

Jconant, Jconant and Jconant reacted

Posted : 12/29/2024 10:28 pm

Tommy, I'm older, with nearly a lifetime of bothersome and sometimes painful acne. Benzoil peroxide and even Accutane in my youth did not fully clear me up. Yet, over six years ago I cut out dairy milk and switched to almond milk which I believe has helped reduce my allergies and my acne. In addition, cutting out soda and chips and other junk food from my regular diet has helped, as has thankfully resuming a dedicated fitness regimen. Getting back to fitness has driven me to further nutrition changes, e.g organic spaghetti and plant-based italian sausage called Tofurky, readily available at WalMart, but without all the grease of animal meat. Tofurky also has 24 grams of protein per serving, surprisingly more than most meats out there!
It seems evident I still have internal bacteria, but I'm convinced learning of additional dietary changes and better self-care practices will combat more of that.
I hope this helps!

This post was modified 2 months ago by Jconant

Posted : 02/03/2025 9:18 pm

Hi there, I've been on the regimen for maybe 15 years and have tried a lot of other things that haven't worked. Accutane also didn't get rid of my acne, but the regimen did. For reference I feel personally it is strongly linked to diet, I know the jury is out but I've had acne since 14 years of age to now 41, so if I eat one food and it ALWAYS cause cystic acne, then I'm sure it isn't a coincidence. So for me, fish is a huge trigger, probably cows milk (and possibly cream, but not as potent) next then white potatoes. I learned this after taking fish oil supplements for the 'acne benefits' only to receive horrendous breakouts. Eating fish had the same results.

I know it's all personal and individual, but if you have a dietary 'trigger' and you keep having that every day, it'll keep producing new acne. At least that's what happens to me. For reference I avoid fish altogether, drink soya milk and have sweet potato instead of white. I also think there's a link for me with high glycemic foods, so foods that raise blood sugar. So any extra chocolate at Christmas or having too many treats, I'll get acne. I don't drink sugary drinks, maybe a 'diet' version once every few months. But I feel limiting those 'spikes' from high glycemic foods helps a lot.

When I was younger, my mum used to made fish pie with a creamy white potato top (made with milk and cream), and I wondered why my face was so horrendous. It was a perfect cocktail of all my triggers, which I appreciate now but didn't have a clue at the time. Anyway, just my advice and I hope you get it under control!
