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Check out these natural remedies and tell me what you think.


Posted : 06/27/2003 11:03 pm


Amaranth Make a tea from amaranth seeds and use as a face wash. To make the tea bring 3 cups of water to a rolling boil, add 2 teaspoons of seeds, cover and simmer for five minutes; remove from heat and add 1 teaspoon of leaves (if available) and steep for 30 minutes.


Basil To treat affected area, obtain a basil-based oil from your health food store and apply it as directed. Another way is to get the actual herb and make an infusion. To make an infusion, put two to four teaspoons of dried basil leaves in a cup of boiling water, steep for 10 to 20 minutes, cool, and apply to the acne.


Burdock The herb burdock (Arctium lappa), is effective in treating acne and is the most important herb for treating all forms of chronic skin problems. To make the tea, bring 1 quart of water to a boil, reduce to simmer, add 4 teaspoons of cut, dried root; cover and let simmer for 7 minutes, then remove from heat and let steep for 2 more hours. Use as a skin wash.


Calendula can be made into tinctures, lotions and creams. Look for products containing this herb. Make a tea of calendula and wash your face.


Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium) It has antibiotic properties and helps stimulate the immune system. Take one of the following three times daily: tea from dried root (2-4 grams); tincture (6-12 ml or 1.5-3 teaspoon); fluid extract (1-2 ml or 0.25-0.5 teaspoon); solid powder of 8-12% alkaloid content (250-500 mg.).


Tea There are several other herbs that can be made into a tea and taken internally or used as a wash. Besides aloe and burdock, calendula, chickweed, dandelion, red clover, white oak bark, yellow dock, cayenne, echinacea, ginseng, redmond clay, sarsaparilla, and valarian may be used.


Tea tree oil derived from the leaves of the native Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree contains antiseptic compounds that are a very effective skin disinfectant. Depending on severity, use 5-15% solutions twice daily. It is as effective as 5% benzoyl peroxide and is less drying, although it may take a little longer to work. See our Product.



Natrum muriaticum (table salt, sodium chloride) 6x, 12x or 30x.





Aloe Use aloe vera juice or gel to counteract infection and promote healing. Use the ointment on pimples and sores. For acne scars, using aloe vera juice morning and night for as long as necessary (perhaps six months or longer) will help reduce the scars and improve skin complexion and color. It is drying, so if you have dry skin, use an aloe-based moisturizer. The pulp of the aloe vera plant is an excellent skin cleanser. Break off a portion and rub the pulp directly on the skin.


Apple cider vinegar/lemon juice Clean your skin and apply either lemon juice or apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball. The acid in these kitchen remedies helps flush out the pores and keeps the skin looking beautiful. Vinegar acts as an astringent and helps remove excess oil, kills bacteria, and normalizes the skin's pH. This remedy should work quickly.


AaA Another method using apple cider vinegar is to "steam clean" the face by putting it over a pan of boiling water with a towel over your head to trap the steam. This will loosen the dirt and oil. Then apply the vinegar with a cotton ball to remove the dirt and oil buildup. Repeat twice, then dab more vinegar on the pores to close them. Use this method once a week.


Beans Make a tea by boiling a handful of green beans in a quart of water for 10 minutes; add 3 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers to the tea, cover and steep until cool; strain and bottle. Use as a face wash at least three times daily.


Carrot Juice The essential oils in carrot juice will aid digestion and help stop acne.


Charcoal To aid digestion, take 3 tablets of activated charcoal three times daily.


Colloidal Silver Cleanse the skin morning and night with colloidal silver. You should start to see improvements within a week. Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic that has safely been used for a century. See our Product.


Cucumber Liquify a peeled cucumber in a blender and apply the juice to the acne. Another variation of this remedy is to drink four or five cups of cucumber juice daily for a week. This is said to purify the blood and lymphatic system, resulting in a clearer skin.


Egg whites Clean your skin thoroughly and apply egg white with a cotton swab. Let it sit for several hours or overnight. The egg white is an astringent.


Fels-Naptha The use of Fels-Naptha soap has been reported with good results for those with oily skins. It contains mineral spirits and other ingredients that work well on skin problems.


Grapefruit seed extract This extract is a powerful all-around antimicrobial product and is an excellent disinfectant. Make a solution of 4-40 drops in four ounces of water and apply to the affected areas with a cotton ball two or three times a day. See our Product.


Molasses Take 2 teaspoons of molasses with one teaspoon of sulphur once or twice daily to cleanse the blood. Skin eruptions may increase initially, but they are an indication that the blood is being cleansed.


Molkosan, a product derived from concentrated whey, the bi-product of cheese manufacture, has been used effectively against many forms of skin problems, especially acne. Add a teaspoon or tablespoon to a glass of water and take with meals. It aids in digestion and regulates metabolism. Soak an absorbant cotton pad or cloth in Molkosan and attach it to the affected areas and leave on overnight. Molkosan is an excellent antiseptic.


Oatmeal As for measles and other skin irritations, people have used oatmeal to conquer acne. Apply some cooled, cooked oatmeal to the whole face for fifteen minutes, then wash off. Oatmeal is an astringent and seems to draw oil and impurities out of the skin, keeping it clean and blemish-free. This method may take a week or two, but should have good results.


Oil of oregano Put a few drops in a glass of water and dab on the acne using a cotton ball. Oil of oregano is a very strong disinfectant, so if you start to get redness on your skin, stop using it for a few days then use a more diluted solution. See our Product.


Sugar Wash your face and make a poultice of white sugar with a small amount of water; dab on the affected area. Sugar has an antibacterial effect.


Sun Ultraviolet radiation from the sun or a sunlamp will help kill bacteria on the skin and dry up excess oil.


Witch hazel In the morning wash your face with a gentle cleanser. If you have oily skin, rub a cottonball saturated with witch hazel over your entire face. It is an astringent and will help dry the skin and shrink the pimples. Next, spread a thin coat of a 2% salicylic acid product (found in drugstores) over your whole face. Its deep penetrating action will help unclog oil-clogged pores. Repeat the cleansing and witch hazel steps, then dab 2.5% benzoyl peroxide over the entire face to kill bacteria





Common Uses:


AA Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and analgesic

AA Helps to heal burns, skin injuries, wounds and ulcers

AA Soothes skin rashes, acne, insect bites and stings, poison oak and poison ivy.

AA Soothes dry skin conditions

AA Is very useful for soothing eczema especially when it occurs on sensitive facial skin

AA Soothes sun burnt skin.

AA The gel is rich in enzymes and herbalists recommend taking it internally as a general tonic. They say it can also be useful for poor appetite as it stimulates bile flow and aids digestion.

AA The powder is a powerful purgative, herbalists sometimes recommend it as a natural treatment for stubborn constipation.





Common Uses:


AA As an Antiseptic

AA Effective against fungal skin infections including athletes foot

AA Effective against vaginal infections including yeast infections

AA Reduces the risk of infections and aids healing of cuts, abrasions and burns.

AA Reduces acne with fewer side effects than benzoyl peroxide

AA Soothes insect bites

AA Helps reduce dandruff - add a few drops to shampoo when you wash your hair.

AA Helps relieve cold sores and warts.




Soothing Skin Clarifier (for minor acne flare-ups)


Mix 1/2 cup warm water with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Using a cotton ball, apply directly to blemish. Maintain pressure with cotton ball for several minutes, to soften blemish. Using a cotton swab, dab honey on blemish; leave on 10 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.


Firming Facial Mask


Whisk together 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon glycerin (available at drug and beauty stores) and enough flour to form a paste. Smooth over face and throat. Leave on 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.



Acne, Pimples:


Mix 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon powder paste (ground the cinnamon into powder). Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks it removes pimples from the roots


Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice with 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon powder. Apply on affected areas frequently


Make orange peel paste by grinding it and mix with some water. Apply on the face


Rub fresh garlic over affected area


For acne spots, apply lemon juice with a cotton bud as bactericide


Mix and heat for 2 minutes 1 cup grounded Black Seed AA cup grounded pomegranate skin and AA cup apple cider vinegar. Apply on area before going to sleep every night until it disappears. Mixture can last 3 weeks and have to be kept in cool temperature



Acne, Blackheads:


Apply a pinch of Cinnamon (powdered) with a few drops of fresh lime juice on the affected area


Seals open pores:


Apply mixed 1 tablespoon tomato juice and a few drops of lemon juice to open pores. Wash after 15-20 minutes


Massage into skin mixture of 1 egg white and a few drops of lemon juice. Rinse with warm water after 5 minutes


Good complexion:


Mix 1:1 honey with almond oil and apply on the face


Mix a pinch of Cinnamon powder to AA teaspoon honey and apply on the face every night


Drink at least a litre of water everyday for that glowing skin


Acne, Pimples:


Mix 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon powder paste (ground the cinnamon into powder). Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks it removes pimples from the roots


Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice with 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon powder. Apply on affected areas frequently


Make orange peel paste by grinding it and mix with some water. Apply on the face


Rub fresh garlic over affected area


For acne spots, apply lemon juice with a cotton bud as bactericide


Mix and heat for 2 minutes 1 cup grounded Black Seed AA cup grounded pomegranate skin and AA cup apple cider vinegar. Apply on area before going to sleep every night until it disappears. Mixture can last 3 weeks and have to be kept in cool temperature


Facial moisturiser:


Mix grated cucumber with honey and apply on the face. Wash when dried (also for body)


Blender cabbage and remove its juice to be mixed with honey. Wash face with mixture


Apply a small amount of honey lightly over skin. Remove with splashes of cold or warm water. Leaves skin baby soft


Facial scar:


Apply 1 tablespoon finely ground raw papaya on face and neck. Let it stay 15-20 minutes before washing


Take dates and almond to get rid of scars


Soak facial cotton in egg-white and apply on the face. Let it dry. Once hardened, peel off the cotton gently. Do this 1x a week


Facial toner:


Wipe face with Rose Water or mix 100ml to 1 teaspoon camphor powder


Blender 1 tablespoon honey with a peeled cored apple. Apply and leave on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water


Natural Masks

Break two large bananas, toss into a blender along with half of the peel and one tablespoon of raw honey. Blend to liquefy, pat on, let dry for 20 minutes.


Mix equal proportions of honey, fresh cream, or oats and almond paste. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes.

Peel and pit an avocado, liquefy in the blender with one tablespoon of raw honey. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.



Oily Skin Masks

Wash and core two crisp apples, but do not peel, liquefy the whole thing into the blender. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Splash on with cool water.

Wash a big, ripe tomato and liquefy the whole thing in the blender. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes, splash off with cool water.



Two nourishing masks for all skin types:

Blend two egg yolks, two tablespoons of honey, three drops of almond oil. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.


Grind half a cup of yellow mustard seeds, adding 2 litres of water in it. Also grind in a few rose petals. Apply on skin. Let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse well.



One Clarifying facial mask, good for all skins (to be used occassionally):


This does with gentle natural enzymes what skin-slouching creams, peelers and exfoliating lotions do with chemical Aaaoe it removes dead, dry skin cells on the surface to expose fresh clear skin.


Peel a ripe banana and puree in the blender. Pat on the fruit, let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.



Two cleansing and bleaching masks (for faded, end of summer tans as well as winter-drab or season-change sallow skin)

Add the juice of two lemons to one cup of buttermilk. blend, pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Splash off with cool water.


Liquefy one whole lemon (washed, not peeled) and half an orange (washed, not peeled) in the blender, add one cup of plain yoghurt. blend, pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Rnse off with cool water.


Here are a few more any-time masks

For a glowing skin, cucumber mixed with fresh coconut water gives remarkable results.


use mashed bananas and strawberries as a pack to freshen up the complexion.


For curing pimples, apply a mixture of haldi (turmeric) and sandalwood on the face.


Pimples can also be cured with a light massage of rose and sevti flowers extract. The extract is easily prepared by distilling a number of flowers in a distilling apparatus. The extract should be applied on the pimples three times a day.


Acne Home Remedies - For Your Information Only

Put toothpaste on your pimple before you go to bed, should help reduce swelling overnight. Make sure it is the paste not the gel. One of the most popular acne home remedies.


Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the acne like soap.


First wash face and then dab acne with cotton balls soaked in vinegar.


Place strawberry leaves on the acne, the alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling.


Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application helps cure pimples and reduces blemishes and scars.


Another method is to massage the face with the skin of lemon before washing with lukewarm water.


Application of fresh mint juice over face every night cures pimples and prevents dryness of the skin.


A couple of garlic cloves, crushed and dabbed on the face 1-2 times a day. One of the smellier acne home remedies!


Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Wash off with warm water next morning.


Use 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10-20 minutes. Cool, and apply with cotton ball.


Grind orange peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts. One of the best acne home remedies.


Clean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times a day. Do not use soap.


Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon powder and apply on affected areas frequently.


Nettle Tea is another solution, this tea has a herb that has some curing power and really helps work wonders on skin problems. Drink four cups a day to get the full benefit of one of the most powerful acne home remedies.


Dab egg white on your pimple and leave on for at least 20 minutes preferably overnight, this is supposed to "suck out the nasty stuff."


Aloe Vera juice applied twice a day can greatly speed up the healing of acne lesions.


Another lotion that uses bee propolis extract may also be effective. Mix eight ounces of water and 11 drops of bee propolis extract. One of the acne home remedies which has been proven effective with many people.


Some herbal acne home remedies...

Internal: Burdock leaf tea.

External: lavender essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)

tinture of calendula flowers

tea tree essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)

cabbage - liquefy cabbage leaves with witch hazel strain and add two drops of lemon oil. Use as a lotion.


Drink lots of water. Drinking water will prevent most of your skin problems. For a simple calculation divide your body weight in half and drink at the least that many ounces of water a day.


Exercise regularly. Some form of aerobic exercise will bring oxygen to your cells and give you a healthy skin.


Keep your skin always clean by washing with very mild soaps and lukewarm water.


Whenever you sweat wash off promptly.


Avoid eating chocolate, fried food, and refined sugar.


Ice down the acne before bed, by morning it should be noticeably better. Works best on larger pimples that have not yet formed a head. Because it is a method of reducing the swelling and helping the acne "re-absorb" it should prevent scarring.


Do not try to prick and peel the acne as this can leave permanent marks on the face.


If you have constipation problems treat it immediately.


Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. At the least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet. All acne home remedies should include a healthy diet.


Take B-complex and zinc supplements daily to strengthen the skin's resistance to acne. Acne home remedies benefit from proper supplementation.


Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and apply on affected area. Leave for 15-30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.


Mix some vinegar and salt in a bowl. Pour a little bit in your hand and rub it on the pimples. Soak a face towel in it and dab it on the bumps. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off.


Blend cucumber and make a paste. Apply this as a mask on your face and leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse. This refreshes your skin and prevents acne.


Mix fresh lemon juice and salt. Wash your face and apply this mixture on your face. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash off.


Mix corn flour with egg white and apply on your face. Let is dry completely for 1/2 hour. Dip your hands in warm water and massage your face and wash off. This when repeated regularly gives you a smooth skin.


Eat 2-3 cloves of raw garlic everyday.


Mix sandalwood paste with rosewater and apply on the face. Rinse off after 30 minutes.


Mix the paste of tender neem leaves with turmeric and apply of affected area. An eastern approach to acne home remedies.


Grind some nutmeg with milk and apply on affected area. Pimples disappear like magic without leaving a mark.


Make a mixture of lime juice and rose water. Apply on face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.


Try some of these remedies for acne:


1. Blend a cucumber, apply externally, leave on for 20 minutes, then wash off.


2. Rub watermelon rind on the acne.


3. Apply aloe Vera.


4. Eat watermelon or drink watermelon juice.


5. Drink tea made from carrots including the tops and beet tops.


6. Drink lukewarm water with 2 teaspoons of honey every morning on an empty stomach. This effectively lubricates the intestines. If one does not evacuate the intestines regularly, the toxins either end up in the liver or come out in the skin


Posted : 06/28/2003 1:10 am

Even the most desperate person would say, FUCK THAT! That's waaaayyy to much. lol. I'm sure you dont mean to do all of those but damn dude. Too much shit for your face.


Posted : 09/14/2004 7:04 am

Some of these remedies are actually very useful, so I thought I would resurrect this age-old thread, seeing as hardly anyone has replied to it! cool.gif


Posted : 09/14/2004 3:43 pm

Tea tree oil has worked very well for me. Smell's werid though. I steam with it or I massage somei into myskin before I moisturize after a facial.


Posted : 10/08/2004 5:03 am

any one use the aloe pulp to clean their skin??



Posted : 06/15/2014 1:46 pm

Good remedies esp face mask.. egg white one n banana mash


Posted : 06/16/2014 8:20 am

Why the hell hasn't this ancient thread been archived. Much more active and more recently active threads have been?


Posted : 02/21/2023 2:22 am

I am using this face wash daily. You can Use this face wash and a good moisturizer and your problem skin will be much better.

DermaMed ACNE WASH [Edited link out]

2.0% Salicylic Acid: Will only penetrate the surface of the derma making it very safe in an effective wash. Salicylic acid reduces and isolates acne, plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), deeper lumps (cysts or nodules), redness and inflammation associated with acne, causing skin cells to slough off more readily and prevent pores from clogging up.

Green Tea Extract: Green Tea Extract is potent extract used primarily for fighting free radicals. Green tea extract contains potentantioxidantswhich are intimately involved in the prevention of cellular damage.

For best results, use DermaMed Acne Gel after cleansing to prevent additional skin irritation and for fast recovery of irritated skin

This post was modified 1 year ago by Ishayat