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Safe Foods to Eat for Oily Skin


Posted : 04/30/2019 11:55 am

Hello. I am on Doxycycline course for about 6 months now, along with Vitamin D3, Zinc, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, Selenium and Omega3 supplements. I also took Vitamina A retinol in the past.

I've changed my diet several times, with low result. I have tried the vegan diet for about a year, I was breaking out in the chin area and other.

Now, I eat meat again, same result.

What is safe to eat for acne prone skin? I have oily skin.

I usually eat: chicken, turkey, fish, vegetables and NO fruit(currently doing low carb)

I also AVOID: Dairy, legumes, sugar in any form, gluten, red meat and Oil of any type. I do NOT eat anything with salt, either.

I also drink only water(about 3-4 litres a day) and sleep enaugh.

I haven't took Accutane yet, however I'm scared of the side effects and besides that, I've read on this board that acne comes usually back even with Accutane.

I have a very strict hygiene, I've used salycylic acid face wash and now use a neem and turmeric soap by Himalaya. It dries up the skin, however, after 2 hours the oil on face is back. I've heared I should wash my face only with water, is that ok with oily skin??

I have like 3-4 pimples on my face on which I apply some antiacne cream.

I would like to know some advice about diet and about washing face only with water on oily skin!! Could the soap be the problem?? And... Are legumes okay for acne or not?

Thanks in advance.


Posted : 05/01/2019 10:56 pm


Oily skin is often dry skin... when you strip your skin of oils, it produces more to compensate. I would suggest trying Facetheory's acne-friendly moisturiser; it made a big difference to my skin!

The effects of Doxy will likely have worn off now. As they are an antibiotic, they wipe out your gut bacteria (the good ones too!) so your body will be off-balance. Would suggest taking probiotics and avoid taking doxy again... it's a very short-term measure with a long-term negative impact! Have been through the process myself.

I would also make sure that you are packing good fats into your diet, not just animal fat; especially if you are eating low carb.


Posted : 05/02/2019 10:32 pm

Is it OK to take any probiotics? And.. Good fats you mean avocado, etc? By the way, do animal fats and vegetal fats lead to more oil on my skin? Or it is not related?
