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My Story and what I did


Posted : 11/11/2017 7:32 pm

Dealing with Acne as an Adult and thought I'd share my story to tell others what I'm doing in hopes it can help someone else.

I struggle with Acne Cysts. It started 2 years ago and have been dealing with them ever since. I've changed my diet up constantly and sometimes it worked and other times it didn't. My dermatologist has tried to put me on Accutane, but no disrespect who's doing it, I didn't want to deal with the side-effects. In late August 2017, I grew in a a golf ball-sized acne cyst on the upper side of my face. It was one of the worst ones I grew in. I saw my Dermatologist and he gave me the Cortisone shot. Due to these acne cysts, I've had probably 10-20 shots on my face to kill them. Anyways, I decided at that moment I was going entirely healthy and see if this works. This is my regimen:

I take a multi-vitamin pill every morning. I also take 3 fish pills a day for lots of Omega 3s. I've done research that Omega 3s is the good type of fatty acids that help your body. I solely drink only water and green tea. I don't drink anything else as there's too much sugar or other unhealthy things they put in it. I eat lots of Salmon, Sardines, and Catfish as those also have a lot of Omega 3s. I eat Turkey Sandwiches and lots of Peanut Butter (Jif w/ the Omega 3s in it) and thankfully my Mom makes homemade Strawberry jelly w/ very little sugar in it. W/ bread, I solely eat whole wheat bread and that's it. I don't go out to any fast food restaurants and, if I do, I usually stick w/ a salad and some sort of chicken/turkey/shrimp on it. I've cut out all Dairy for the most part. I will spoil myself with a pizza, but I make it myself. It is solely a cheese pizza. I also like drinking meal replacement shakes as those have a lot of good things in it. For a snack, I eat a Kashi Cookie as it's got a lot of Omega 3s in it. W/ hygiene, my skin is oily and I think it's genetics, but I take 2 showers a day and I also wash my face 3 times a day. I use Treeactiv 3 times a day & an Oxypad at night. I also change my pillow cases once a day.

Currently, my face is clean and the last cyst I grew in is healing. It'll take another couple of weeks for it to be gone entirely. This is what I do. I'm no Doctor, but I was tired of these. I changed my diet up entirely. I've lost 10 pounds, but that's not a bad thing. I do miss the restaurant food, but I enjoy far more clear skin.I feel all of you guys of how demoralizing these are and I live one day at a time, but so far so good and I've been going on close to 3 months with no Acne Cysts (knock on wood). Anyways, I thought I'd share my story and what I decided to do. I eat healthy. I drink healthy (except for beers ha). I feel good. Hope this helps someone, but I truly believe it's what you put in your body (and genetics) of what causes these.
