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The real acne free guide


Posted : 08/22/2017 11:51 pm

Hello, I decided to make a quick and easy acne free guide.

I had acne for a long time, but I know it's all food related.
I cleared my skin with no face washes, creams, potions or lotions. I did shower once a day with no shampoo etc, and I used a very small dab of tea tree oil when my acne was bad but not anymore.

First I want to say if you follow a diet, or guru, to stop immediately, aka vegan/ paleo etc.

In my experience, acne is related to food allergens you react to, intestinal irritant foods, and lymphatic congestion.

So I will start with food groups.

Meat, fish, poultry:
Chicken, turkey, lamb, cold water fishes.
Avoid red meat, processed meats, eggs

I ate mainly canned light chunk tuna and canned pink salmon to clear my skin.
Other food may be ok for healthy people but check if allergic.
Red meat you can eat 1 pound a week, but I rarely do unless at a steak restaurant. Because red meat can lead to colon and prostate illness if overeaten, especially in inactive people. It is a good fertility food though, as are eggs; 5 a week.
I don't eat tuna much anymore because the store that sells it contains a soybean broth with it...

Avoid anything that contains dairy, including whey protein especially. This includes processed foods that contain the ingredient.
I don't recommend the fortified calcium drinks because that type of calcium can calcify soft tissues, possibly in the eye as well leading to eye floaters. But I will cover calcium in the vegetable section. You will get acne under the jaw and around the lymph from dairy.

Most people will think these are healthy but if cooked improperly they can be an intestinal irritant, and excessive gas can cause acne. The main bean I recommend you eat everyday is mung dal; a dehulled mung bean. This really helps keep blood sugar stable. I cook up a batch and add 1-3 teaspoons to my meal. Don't eat more than 1/4 to half a cup a day uncooked. Acne watch; forehead.

A lot of vegetables you can eat, but I would cook all of them. Raw vegetables can be an intestinal irritant and don't form into a solid stool that great. If you have any floaties in your stool this can be an irritant for the intestine and show up on the skin. You might want to try and avoid carrots and beets. Carrots don't break down as well in the intestine because of their antibacterial defense.
I ate 1 big handful of leafy greens per meal and about a quarter slice of white onion. I used the spinach or the power green blend, about 100g more or less for at least 2 meals. You need this much for the calcium and the lymph clearing and hormonal regulating abilities and vitamin C. Onions also have vitamin C and quircitin, plus antiviral,fungal,parasite and bacteria properties. I don't like the red onion as much because colored vegetables tend not to break down as well in the intestine. You can also try organic cucumber in a very small amount, few slices, for the silica that helps the matrix of hair, skin and nails.

Avoid tomatoes

I didn't eat much fruit if at all. Dried figs were ok. Fruit isn't that great for people with intestinal problems. It can bind with the collagen proteins causing age's. This isn't a problem for healthy people when eating in 1 or 2 servings a day, but never as the main meal. Some people think eating fruit as a snack, and away from meals, helps digestion. I would agree because I would get a lot of burping if I ate a apple after a meal. Green apples have less sugar.

sweet potato, rice, buckwheat, millet, sourdough are good.
Find a brand with little to no additives.
I would say to avoid the grains that require you to boil them. I find that these grains distend the intestine and stomach.
They have a lot of fiber and stretch your insides. It's hard to explain but the calorie to weight ratio is not good.
The cals in a pound of rice/grain doesn't equal the same as a doughnut. You want a calorie rich food that is not as dense, but
still healthy.

Also, some are concerned with lectins and I find that they are well destroyed when made into processed versions.
The solution is to eat pasta, and breads. I avoid cereals because of the cooking process; it's dehydrating mainly.
Pasta and bread will form to your intestine without stretching it.
I ate a vegan brand of brown rice and millet ramen, with a slice of sourdough bread.
Try not to eat more than 90g of carbs per meal from these 2 foods, veg and beans don't count toward this. You may need less or more depending on your body size.

Some people may have a problem with wheat so Rice breads and tortillas are commonly found at a store.
I ate 1 or 2 servings of ramen noodle with 1 serving of toasted bread 50g, for 2 meals, the third meal I ate half a sweet potato and some mixed cruciferous veg with bread.
Another thing about why bread and pasta is important is that it acts like a glue for all of your food. It binds it together so you don't have things floating
around in your intestine during the day and bumping into it. It's what I believe causes leaky gut. It's important to check your stool every day to see what you
should change in your diet.
corn,gluten(sourdough ok),potatoes

I put olive oil on my bread. I recommend no more than 3 teaspoons, 1 per meal.
I avoid all other oils, but most are ok. I'm not a fan of any other.
Avoid margarine, shortening, butter etc. Keep it simple and inexpensive. Olive oil is all you need because
it's great for skin. Oil is not an irritant, soothing and helps stimulate bowl movements, gallbladder ... lots more.
It's kind of like a medicine.

Avoid nuts/seeds/chocolate
I consider these intestinal irritants to the max, and it's why a lot of people have zits around their forehead.
I would avoid peanut butter and other nut butters even. But a very small amount like a condiment, not a food, can work. I find this stuff way to tempting when
I'm hungry so I say to avoid. And it will cause constipation in some, leading to acne. Chocolate I consider a lymph congester. Coconut is overrated.

Avoid sweeteners.

If you are looking for antioxidants from fruit, I say to drink tea instead. No sugar and a lot of antioxidants. Japanese follow this idea, they treat fruit as candy.
I take a teabag and put it into a class jar that can hold 8 cups and let it soak in. It's easy and doesn't require boiling.
Some teas are Bigelow green tea, roobios tea, Egyptian Licorice, and Jason winters tea if you can find it, early grey is caffeine free.
I find the matcha green tea doesn't cold steep that well.
I do not like the lipton type of tea, I think it could be an irritant.

curry powder,black pepper, salt
Put these on all your meat. It helps with digestion and any
problem meat might have for you. Better digestion = less irritants floating in your intestine.
I find some spices with red pepper cause acne so be careful. A plain curry powder should be fine.
Grey Poupon is good too.

Neocell beauty infusion: this product is amazing and will heal the collagen levels in your body, hair, skin and nails etc. This did wonders for me
and you will notice in the first week. It improves your resilience and tolerance for other foods and will help heal you.
Black seed oil can help with inflammation and other problems.
A kelp supplement for Iodine. 1 or 2 tablets should do the trick a day. Iodine is VERY important for people with acne.

Some resources I used
A book called Eat wheat
Chris beat cancer website
A natural path for the elimination diet/allergies testing

This guide will save you a lot of money because the diet is cheap, and you don't hardly need any supplements.
You can also happily throw away a lot of other junk you don't need, like creams etc.
Just know that if you eat the avoid foods you should do so in small amounts or you will get acne again.
It could take a long time to heal, even after the acne clears. But I think the main problem
that caused the acne was imbalanced eating.
So remember vegetables,protein,starch,teaspoon oil, spices and tea
I cooked everything in a microwave and a toaster. Super quick and easy. So don't be afraid to use it. If you don't use the microwave then water cooking is best.
I put my chopped vegetables in a small bowl with my canned fish and 1-3 tsp pre cooked mung bean, and put another bowl on top and another larger bowl on top of that.
It comes out soft and steamy in 4 mins. I soak the noodles a little bit before and cook them in the microwave for 5 mins. It's important for them to be soft
but not falling apart. Toast a slice of bread and use your tsp of olive oil too. Sprinkle the spices,pepper & salt etc and you are good to go.

Some extra
Don't shave with a blade, use a cheap pair of hair clippers without the attachment.
Get to be early/ wake up early
(although I wasn't strict)
Best time to workout
Upon waking after a bowl movement and on a empty stomach
It helps to not have food or fecal matter bouncing around in you
when exercising; so that can cause acne.
Most importantly believe in Jesus and read the bible, because he is the master healer


Posted : 01/05/2018 11:31 pm

I want to chat to you about lymph and acne. I see that you have linked it with dairy which.... I think could very well be true.
i never had a problem until a year ago and now it seems that I get swollen lumps right in front of my ears where there's a lymph node. They hurt and take a long time to go away.
