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Help guys


Posted : 08/31/2016 8:38 am

So i was wondering if bread and grains are bad for everyones skin ? I mean even if your not gluten intolorant ? I already gave up dairy but bread and rice are a big part of my diet. i never get severe acneor cists but i do get pimples ocasionally and i have a few blackheads and oily skin .


Posted : 09/02/2016 12:56 am

I believe it might be highly inflammatory and troublesome to digest. Problems why some people gain weight eating excessive amounts of bread. I limit it to a slice or 2 of brown whole wheat if I see no other option for a meal. I suggest you just limit your sugar and greasy foods. I came to believe it's a late summer ordeal for most in terms of oily skin. Good eating practices and it'll likely subside into the colder months

Gabicake liked