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Digestive Enzymes Purging


Posted : 05/12/2016 7:13 am

I think Leaky Gut is the cause of my acne because I have food intolerances/allergies to foods, meat and vegetables with high protein. I am breaking out to egg, chicken, gluten, soy, etc. Sometimes I am depressed, have back pain and joint pain at my knee. I also have acid reflux.

So now I decided to take digestive enzymes (Super Enzymes by NOW).

Anyone experienced purging? I started yesterday and after taking it, I felt itchy at my jaw and at night I can feel that there are pimples forming. Anyone experienced the same? and how long this purging will last? Or for some people digestives enzymes doesn't work?

I hope this supplement will work for me. Many people say that digestive enzymes are good for food intolerances/allergies.


Posted : 05/12/2016 8:24 pm

Have you read about the side effects of taking digestive enzymes? Also, have you heard of the anti-candida diet?


Posted : 05/13/2016 8:11 am

Dell10000, nope, why? Can you please explain? Thanks. As of now I eliminated all my allergens and only some vegetables and pork what I eat. I can't even eat fish because of its protein. I don't eat fast food and drinking only water.I'm currently taking multivitamin, vitamin d and zinc but still not clear. Also drinking lemon in the morning and evening.

One side effect I have noticed is thatI getangry easily and of course thispurging.
