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Digestive Enzyme for Protein Metabolism?


Posted : 05/01/2016 7:34 am

High protein foods like chicken, egg, etc. and also gluten gives me acne. Do you think I need to take digestive enzymes? Will I undergo purging if I take it?


Posted : 05/01/2016 8:19 am

Digestive enzymes never did a thing for me in terms of helping acne and i took them for a while and still got/get acne from egg, chicken & gluten, and more. Cutting those foods out worked for me. i just eat turkey instead of chicken. Potatoes instead of grains. Meat instead of eggs. I recommendsome testing to try and hone in on what might be wrong. a good functional medicine doctor would have access to digestive tests. in my many years of tinkering, still the only thing that works is food removal.


Posted : 05/01/2016 8:52 am

23 minutes ago, mygutleaks said:

Digestive enzymes never did a thing for me in terms of helping acne and i took them for a while and still got/get acne from egg, chicken & gluten, and more. Cutting those foods out worked for me. i just eat turkey instead of chicken. Potatoes instead of grains. Meat instead of eggs. I recommendsome testing to try and hone in on what might be wrong. a good functional medicine doctor would have access to digestive tests. in my many years of tinkering, still the only thing that works is food removal.

I really suspect that I have also leaky gut. Most of the symptoms are referring to me. I'm still having acne even I don't eat these allergens, maybe stress, I don't know. I have acid reflux that is why I am always prone to stress. I always have problem with my stomach after I eat, it feels like I can feel the digestion (I don't really know what is bloating and gas). I hope digestive enzymes will work for me, I am almost tired trying.

So you are saying your allergies are forever?


Posted : 05/01/2016 9:42 am

44 minutes ago, 3mrd said:
I really suspect that I have also leaky gut. Most of the symptoms are referring to me. I'm still having acne even I don't eat these allergens, maybe stress, I don't know. I have acid reflux that is why I am always prone to stress. I always have problem with my stomach after I eat, it feels like I can feel the digestion (I don't really know what is bloating and gas).  I hope digestive enzymes will work for me, I am almost tired trying. 

So you are saying your allergies are forever?

Allergies typically are long term, Ive had mine for 28 years haha. But, you can save yourself the agony by 1. Getting a allergy BLOOD test to find out what youre allergic to, and not eat them

cut out inflammatory foods like gluten. You have to give yourself At least 3 months without it 100%. Most people only cut it out here and there but thats just not how it works, gluten stays in your system for around 3 months, thus making it useless if you actually have a sensitivity.
The more foods you are allergic to that you eat, the more inflammed you will be, causing you to be more susceptable to other issues. Im allergic to 50 things. Im gluten free and vegan. Im telling you, its totally possible and i dont starve myself :) theres plenty of foods out there, you just gotta explore and experiment


Posted : 05/01/2016 4:33 pm

3mrd - have you tried betaine hcl? that might help your stomach if low stomach acid is the problem. you can also help your body create its own stomach acid by taking TMG (trimethylglycine), zinc and B vitamins.

a blood test didn't work for my allergies. a skin test did though.



Posted : 05/07/2016 9:40 pm

I understand how hard it is to shift your diet, but it is recommended in this case since allergies really do last a long time.
