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HELP! Not seeing the results I hoped for after eliminating sensitive foods.


Posted : 10/12/2015 9:17 pm

Hey everyone,

I got my MRT food sensitivity results back about a month ago now. I have eliminated all yellow and all red foods. I have not been eating any other foods outside of the tested ones. I am still breaking out!! 

I also take Vitamin B5, green tea extract, vitamin d, zinc, and omega 3.

Most of these supplements are to help with excess sebum.

What else can I possibly do? I've tried everything at this point and losing hope :(


Posted : 10/12/2015 10:36 pm

An "anti-acne" diet is not just about the foods you're sensitive to. It's about food (and fruits) with a high glycemic index, high in cholesterol, rich in iodine, sea food, nuts, seeds, almonds, dairy, gluten etc. And that is very person dependent, you might not be able to eat food from these categories that other people tolerate and viceversa. And even if you keep a strict diet, it might not work for you, but if you're willing to give it a shot, you should wait and see how it goes for at least 3 months or so. I've been on a super strict diet (no cheating whatsoever) for 7 months and I've seen big improvement, but in the long term. It seemed like I was on a roller coaster, some days my face looked awesome and some days my face was horrible. What I've learned from this experience is that this is not a solution unless you want to follow this diet for the rest of your life. I was still breaking out after a few months, but way less when I had severe acne and the nodules or cysts would heal much quicker. If you want to give it a shot, be pacient, don't cheat and don't stress.


Posted : 10/12/2015 11:39 pm

So have you figured out all of the "bad foods" for you? Essentially, you
re just not eating this way anymore?I've learned there are so many factors along with foods, hormones (DHT) being one of them


Posted : 10/13/2015 12:05 am

Not eating this way anymore for about 3 weeks now, since my derm told me I have to keep this diet for my whole life. The thing is, you can't be absolutely sure what's bad for you, because you might eat something and see a reaction in a few hours, or you can see it after a complete skin cycle and that's about 2-3 weeks. So far, even when I was keeping that diet and now when I'm not anymore, I've noticed that I might have a sensivity/intolerance/allergy w/e to citrus. When I ate fish with lemon juice, I would get some cysts on the jaw, or the pimples I had on the chin would get itchy or inflamed. The worst breakout I had in these 7 months of diet, was when I drank orange juice, daily, for 2 weeks, but granted, I drank a lot, over 1.5L/day. I started eating an orange every day and I kept on getting cysts, took a break of a week from oranges, ate one and in a few hours I had 2 new cysts on the jaw. Haven't tried eating eggs, sea food, drinking milk, nuts, almonds, grapes, corn. Ate everything instead, sweets, pasta, pizza, drank soda etc. and so far it's going good, the only breakout I had was those cysts when I ate an orange. It sucks that it takes so much time to see if you're still breaking out and still not being able to put your finger on what's causing it. Tbh, if I knew I have to keep this diet for the rest of my life, I wouldn't have done it, it's not worth it to me. If I still get a moderate breakout soon, I'll stop wasting time and go on Roaccutane.


Posted : 10/13/2015 11:16 am

Have you ever tried supplements? I have great results from B5 and am adding in Saw Palmetto. It's more than just diet


Posted : 10/13/2015 12:13 pm

yeah took Zinc and Vit C for a few months
