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Suspect Leaky Gut, What Snacks Can I Have, Low Carbs? Strict Diet Results


Posted : 08/15/2015 8:44 pm

Hi, okay so I have been shaping and fixing up my diet for a few months now, and last week put myself on a strict diet, where I basically only ate meats and vegetables and hardly no snacks at all!

This showed positive results however is so hard to maintain, then on Friday I tried to have a few snacks/cheats and bam the next day I break out! All I had was a couple pancakes and a tiny bit of chocolate!

So what can I do, I suspect high carbs break me out and the sugar from fruit tends to break me out too! The diet is so boring and does this sound like leaky gut? If do how long does it take to heal, also is there anything I can do meal wise to maybe eat new things or stuff u guys recommend

Thanks :)

Could someone give me a rundown on leaky gut too please


Posted : 08/15/2015 9:04 pm

i think the most important is to not take antibiotics and if you have recently then start taking probiotic pills. then find out if you are allergic to anything and avoid those foods. avoid all gluten (wheat, rye, oats, spelt, barley) and sugar. i think things like rice chips and popcorn are okay as long as they are a healthy brand and you arent allergic. theres these pretty good bag of chips that are actually puffy vegetables crisps. you could probably make homemade. i *think* all those are ok.


Posted : 08/16/2015 3:19 am

I've been doing a low carb "diet" for almost a year now (Where you stay in ketosis). I don't tolerate sugar, carbs, or gluten well so I have to stay away from it. I do notice thought that when I consume ore sugar than usual I break out worse. It IS a known fact that lowering your blood sugar (and keeping it stable) can help with acne. And lol, I know what you mean by boring! It doesn't have to be that way though. No one said you had to eat extremely low carb. Maybe just try cutting out sugary beverages, cakes, candy, and other sweets. Small steps can take you a long way!


Posted : 08/16/2015 7:01 am

I've been doing a low carb "diet" for almost a year now (Where you stay in ketosis). I don't tolerate sugar, carbs, or gluten well so I have to stay away from it. I do notice thought that when I consume ore sugar than usual I break out worse. It IS a known fact that lowering your blood sugar (and keeping it stable) can help with acne. And lol, I know what you mean by boring! It doesn't have to be that way though. No one said you had to eat extremely low carb. Maybe just try cutting out sugary beverages, cakes, candy, and other sweets. Small steps can take you a long way!

i literally dont eat any sugary stuff i find even blueberries break me out, its so hard, i guess im just going to have to try stick to the diet and see how it goes i guess


i think the most important is to not take antibiotics and if you have recently then start taking probiotic pills. then find out if you are allergic to anything and avoid those foods. avoid all gluten (wheat, rye, oats, spelt, barley) and sugar. i think things like rice chips and popcorn are okay as long as they are a healthy brand and you arent allergic. theres these pretty good bag of chips that are actually puffy vegetables crisps. you could probably make homemade. i *think* all those are ok.

which probiotics should i take?

and the antibiotics i am on is tetralysal


Posted : 08/16/2015 10:37 am


I've been doing a low carb "diet" for almost a year now (Where you stay in ketosis). I don't tolerate sugar, carbs, or gluten well so I have to stay away from it. I do notice thought that when I consume ore sugar than usual I break out worse. It IS a known fact that lowering your blood sugar (and keeping it stable) can help with acne. And lol, I know what you mean by boring! It doesn't have to be that way though. No one said you had to eat extremely low carb. Maybe just try cutting out sugary beverages, cakes, candy, and other sweets. Small steps can take you a long way!

i literally dont eat any sugary stuff i find even blueberries break me out, its so hard, i guess im just going to have to try stick to the diet and see how it goes i guess


>>>i think the most important is to not take antibiotics and if you have recently then start taking probiotic pills. then find out if you are allergic to anything and avoid those foods. avoid all gluten (wheat, rye, oats, spelt, barley) and sugar. i think things like rice chips and popcorn are okay as long as they are a healthy brand and you arent allergic. theres these pretty good bag of chips that are actually puffy vegetables crisps. you could probably make homemade. i *think* all those are ok.

which probiotics should i take?

and the antibiotics i am on is tetralysal

the one i take is called innovite health and its 15 billion CFU but if you actually have leaky gut AND are on antibiotics thats not good and you would need much higher. you need to find out if you actually have leaky gut because if you do antibiotics are the last thing you would want to be on. most people dont know how much antibiotics can destroy your health. if they are prescribed for a life threatening illness, yeah take it. but do research on all the problems they cause your body and the damage they actually do (because im sure your doctor didnt tell you) if you are going to take it for anything else. sorry for the lecture. that being said,. probiotics will help. i saw some that were 50 billion CFU but i would get them at an organic food store and then you would get higher quality and could talk to the person in that department and they would know which one was best for you to take.

here are a couple of things you may want to read

hope something from all that helps. really, get professionally checked for leaky gut. really important. good luck to you!


Posted : 08/16/2015 8:12 pm

It's probably microbial. You could take a probiotic (I recommend Elixa - I may be writing a more in depth post on this probiotic in the near future if my skin continues to improve from it). You could also try different carbohydrate sources. I would avoid grains to start - wheat (including pancakes, pasta, bread, etc), oats, barley, rye, and possibly even rice. I would then avoid legumes (beans, lentils, hummus, peanut butter, etc), which are also mostly carbohydrates, and tend to be antigenic.


The safest carbohydrates tend to be root vegetables. I would try squash or sweet potatoes first, as some people have problems with white potatoes. You could try some white rice as well, as it tends to be very safe. If you have a problem with all of these, then you almost certainly have dysbiosis, which should be treated with probiotics (see above), or if unsuccessful, antibiotics followed by probiotics. But hopefully you can tolerate some of the mentioned safe carbohydrates.


As a side note, fruit can be safe, but if you're sensitive to something like citric acid, a lot of fruits will break you out. I am not so certain that sugar is necessarily the problem here for you. Chocolate itself - even without sugar or milk - is also problematic for many people.


Finally, to help with leaky gut, I suggest making bone broth soups. This will help your gut heal if you have leaky gut, which you probably do to some extent. Start with a bone broth (google a paleo bone broth recipe), add meat and vegetables. Then you can add a safe carb, such as a root vegetable or white long-grain rice. You should be able to tolerate this.

Rachkellz liked

Posted : 08/25/2015 2:14 am

If you aren't already, I would suggest adding free-form glutamine to your regimen. I am also in the process of healing my leaky gut and started taking it under the guidance of my naturopath who recommended it for my sugar addiction and many, MANY food allergies.


It's the most abundant amino acid in your body but depleted very quickly and is especially necessary when healing the lining of your gut. The bonus of it is it also cuts sugar and carb cravings IMMEDIATELY.


I take the recommended dosage of 3-5 grams a day and after only 2 weeks, I'm already seeing the leaky gut symptoms disappear. And it's making it 150% easier to stick to the strict gluten/sugar-free diet. Seriously, you just dissolve 1/2 tsp on your tongue when you are craving sugar/carbs and the craving disappears like magic. Good stuff!


Posted : 08/25/2015 8:57 am

If you aren't already, I would suggest adding free-form glutamine to your regimen. I am also in the process of healing my leaky gut and started taking it under the guidance of my naturopath who recommended it for my sugar addiction and many, MANY food allergies.


It's the most abundant amino acid in your body but depleted very quickly and is especially necessary when healing the lining of your gut. The bonus of it is it also cuts sugar and carb cravings IMMEDIATELY.


I take the recommended dosage of 3-5 grams a day and after only 2 weeks, I'm already seeing the leaky gut symptoms disappear. And it's making it 150% easier to stick to the strict gluten/sugar-free diet. Seriously, you just dissolve 1/2 tsp on your tongue when you are craving sugar/carbs and the craving disappears like magic. Good stuff!

hm i may have to try this, do my symptoms sound similar to leaky gut?


Posted : 08/25/2015 11:54 am

Definitely try glutamine (I take it everyday in my smoothie) and I would suggest a probiotic, or coconut oil as it helps fight the bad bacteria in your gut. Avoid gluten, it will wreak more havoc on your gut!! Try kombucha as well for probiotic. Do you take any multivitamins?? I also made a post on what works for me, I suspected leaky gut in myself as well :)


Posted : 08/25/2015 5:01 pm


If you aren't already, I would suggest adding free-form glutamine to your regimen. I am also in the process of healing my leaky gut and started taking it under the guidance of my naturopath who recommended it for my sugar addiction and many, MANY food allergies.


It's the most abundant amino acid in your body but depleted very quickly and is especially necessary when healing the lining of your gut. The bonus of it is it also cuts sugar and carb cravings IMMEDIATELY.


I take the recommended dosage of 3-5 grams a day and after only 2 weeks, I'm already seeing the leaky gut symptoms disappear. And it's making it 150% easier to stick to the strict gluten/sugar-free diet. Seriously, you just dissolve 1/2 tsp on your tongue when you are craving sugar/carbs and the craving disappears like magic. Good stuff!

hm i may have to try this, do my symptoms sound similar to leaky gut?



I looked back through your post but didn't see you had listed any of your symptoms. What were the symptoms that prompted you to suspect leaky gut? It's actually pretty likely that most people who suffer from inflammatory acne have gut problems---especially if their acne symptoms are closely associated with the foods they eat. It's an autoimmune response.


For me, it was skin-related food allergies, an unrelenting sugar addiction, frequent headaches, unbearable fatigue, mouth ulcers, a white coated tongue, candida overgrowth, bowel issues, and hormonal imbalances.


Since the sugar addiction/leaky gut cycle are rather like the chicken and the egg, I found glutamine to be the best way to knock them both out with one supplement. Knowing that with the glutamine, I am healing my gut AND making myself less vulnerable to giving into cravings and undoing the work I've done makes me much more confident I'll keep on the right belly-track.


As far as repopulating the gut with probiotics, the best time to do it is after supplementing with the glutamine (taken daily on an empty stomach at 3-5 grams) for 1-2 weeks, when you can be sure the gut has begun the healing process. After much research, I decided to kick off the repopulation with one large megadose of Bacillus coagulans. I got the gummies and took the entire bottle in one night, totaling 65 billion cultures. It was somewhat expensive at about $17, but the strain is very high quality and has a unique viability in the gut, so it's worth the money. I had a few die-off symptoms the next day, but felt my body re-calibrate very quickly afterwards. Now, I do 2-3 full bottles of kombucha a week to maintain my new little colony.



I think you will find that once your gut has begun to heal, you won't have such a miserable time with your diet. It's the intense cravings that make it seem more strict and boring than it is. Right now, your body has no idea what it needs or what it already has to work with--but that will change once your gut lining is back intact.


You don't have to give up grains entirely. But you do have to lose the wheat flours--all sorts. And all sucrose. Replace the flours with Ezekiel brand products. They are still grains but lovely, whole, sprouted, and live. They have all sorts of bread and cereal products to choose from. Replace your sweeteners with agave syrup, with a much, much lower glycemic index. Start slowly re-introducing whole fruits after you've begun your probiotic re-populating.


In the meantime, supplement with a few high quality antioxidants to make up for what you'd be getting with the fruit, and especially a basic Vitamin C. People with acne are also proven to have chronically low levels of antioxidants. I'm a huge fan of N-Acetal Cysteine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Green Tea Extract, and CoQ10. While you are healing, you also want to be sure you are getting a good quality Magnesium in you. Most people are deficient in it as it is, but your body especially needs it when it is recovering. The bonus is it is also a natural anti-inflammatory. Get your Magnesium in either a glycinate or citrate form for the best chance at absorption. If you prefer not to add another supplement to your regimen, you can opt to get your daily Mag. intake with a lovely epsom salt bath, which is also mega-healing for your skin and feels like a full body massage to your body and mind.
