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Starting An Organic Fruits/veggie Diet And Doing Caveman Regimen After Skin Discoloration From Topical Isotretanoin Who Wants To Join Me!? Any Advice?


Posted : 01/19/2015 8:19 pm

From January 1st to April 10th 2014 I applied tazorac 1% gel to my cheeks and jawline. My derm told me to keep using it for years but I caught a revelation from God when I came back to Him after backsliding. It was instantaneous and clear as day God convinced me in my heart to stop using all the topicals from derms. The derms look at you with a straight face and tell you diet has no correlation with acne and to keep using toxins on your face and to keep putting toxins in your gut from foods,dairy,acidic foods etc. Well after applying topicals every day for 3 months I stopped seeing the derm all together and threw away all my skin care products and just used emu oil and Manuka honey with organic hair shampoo. I was still breaking out because I was eating fast foods, with processed foods and unhealthy acidic diet. I was led next to eating a healthy diet, but for the next 6 months I ate both good food but far more terrible diet alongside it. Well here I am 9 months later with pink skin still getting acne, skin discoloration and red pink marks on both cheeks and jaw line. I am convinced that I must eat all organic fruits and veggies,a gallon of water everyday, excercise and sweat, receive 30 minutes of direct sunlight, and no more applying toxins and chemicals to my face,skin or in my gut from foods and allow my immune system to heal my skin starting from within my body first and lastly the outside which is the skin. My new lifestyle started this month with this new regimen. I am new to this site and I would appreciate any advice from any of you. Or if any of you would like to join me on my new journey for clear skin... God bless


Posted : 01/22/2015 2:49 am

I think that is a great idea! I'm just now starting to drink a ton of water. I plan to drink 90oz a day for a month and see the results :) Exercise has improved my skin also! I totally think the holistic route is the way to go! I think you will see a huge improvement in your skin if you are only going to be eating fruits and veggies.

Some suggestions: (These things have helped me out)

- Drink a green smoothie every day! (I use spinach as the green)

- Get good sleep!

- Take a probiotic daily.

I think if you add these things in they will only help you! Good luck on your journey to clear skin! Hope to hear good things from you in the future!
