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3 Year N=1 - Curing Leaky Gut Is Not A Cure For Acne


Posted : 08/11/2014 2:38 pm

For me, fixing leaky gut has not fixed my issues that cause acne (this is my result after a 3 year self detox with physician test data before and after). Had many courses of antibiotics as a child and developed bad acne in my teens (not sure if there's a correlation, just an assumption). a stool test a few years ago confirmed candida overgrowth, sibo, etc. - which suggests 'leaky gut.' after a long period of eating non-inflammatory foods and killing off the overgrowth, my 2nd stool test showed that everything was back to normal - my secretory Iga reading (mucosal barrier) was stellar, good bacteria in normal range, no candida (also no parasites but they were apparently not a problem from beginning). However i still react to almost all the same foods as before incl. almost all the common allergenic foods - wheat, milk, soy, peanut, eggs - am now also reacting to corn which didn't bother me before. This leads me to think that these foods will always cause inflammation in me and will always be off limits. Luckily i do not react to sugar and can eat most fruits in abundance. i have a lot of trouble keeping weight on so this is the only way. i did several tests with a physician after my long-term cleanse, and am in great health - liver is fine, etc. Only thing the report said was to take digestive enzymes, but even a very strong one does not keep the acne away if i eat those foods. I also added in TMG for stomach acid (also took betaine hcl), fish oil. I worked my way up to eating home-made sauerkraut and other probiotic foods, which at first gave me big problems, but now i'm good, taking probiotics in pill form too. But - NONE of these keeps my acne away if i eat inflammatory foods. Luckily, avoiding intolerances, does. And i don't think there's a cure for me other than that.


Also - i've tried lots of other cures - only accutane, vit A and b5 worked 100% for me (while eating poorly) - but all had side effects. nothing else has ever worked.


