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Dairy: Low-Fat Vs. Whole...


Posted : 02/11/2014 12:09 pm

Dairy--in just about every form, other than butter--makes me break out. And 99.9% of the time, it's cysts/nodules that I get for my trouble, so I avoid dairy most of the time.

Recently, I read that whole milk may cause less acne issues than 1%-2% milk. Does anyone find that your skin/body tolerates whole milk better than low-fat milk?

Once in a blue moon, I like to indulge in a Starbucks coffee--usually a Frappaccino--and always pay for my decision. But I'm wondering if requesting a drink with whole milk may be better? (I've been having an allergic reaction--extreme fatigue and other issues--from soy; so even though I don't break out from it, soy milk isn't a good option.)

Thank you,



Posted : 02/11/2014 12:14 pm

there are many other good options- soy is not a good one....almond or coconut or hemp milk- I like the blue diamond almond coconut blend

unfortunately at Starbucks it's either milk or soy, that is their only alternative, so avoid it all together and save lots of money!

I've heard that too, skim milk is worse, but I'm relatively clear and too afraid to rock the boat, and I really don't miss it too much....but give it a test and let us know!


Posted : 02/11/2014 12:47 pm

I don't know why, but no longer lets me reply to a post by clicking on the Quote button. Ah, well. I'll do this the old-fashioned way....

mrsrobinson wrote:

unfortunately at Starbucks it's either milk or soy, that is their only alternative, so avoid it all together and save lots of money!

Oh, but I miss it so much.... Flavored coffee is one of life's little joys for me; I wish it weren't. Considering how things have been for me, I've not been touching Starbucks more than twice a year.

I've heard that too, skim milk is worse, but I'm relatively clear and too afraid to rock the boat, and I really don't miss it too much....but give it a test and let us know!

Oh, sure, try convincing me to be the guinea pig. LOL


Posted : 02/11/2014 1:22 pm

I have been a whole week off now from dairy, I used whey protein a lot! My face keeps getting worse and worse now, it's just crazy, I haven't changed anything but stopped whey and I have now about 20 active pimples on my face, before the max amount was below 10 allways. Whey protein contains lactoferrin that has proven to reduce acne, maybe it's that.


Posted : 02/11/2014 4:01 pm

Whole milk is less insulinemic than reduced fat, therefore better for acne. And less processed. But it won't make a difference if you are intolerant to dairy. Depending on the reason for your intolerance, you might tolerate fermented dairy such as yogurt, kefir & cheese better than un fermented. And goat better than cow.

Regardless, it will still contain the hormine IGF1 and be insulinemic which means it will stimulate IGF1 and thus not be good for acne.

Also, skip the burnt coffee at Charbucks and get a lighter roast and make it at home. Add cinnamon or a cinnamon stick if you like. Drink it black. You won't need to cover up the nasty, bitter burnt taste with cream & flavorings.

And stop drinking early in the afternoon so it doesn't interfere with sleep. And don't tell me it doesn't. It does. I never noticed caffeine having any effect on me until I discovered it's the reason I was waking up several times during the night.


Posted : 02/11/2014 9:35 pm

Dolan Duck (because for some reason I can't quote): Lactoferrin helping with acne is actually some pretty good data. If the lactoferrin was helping, that's suggesting of some sort of gut dysbiosis. Maybe it isn't food at all, but rather microbes.


Posted : 02/12/2014 12:01 am

Lactoferrin would help all people, it has anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. That's propably why all those people who are not sensitive to dairy experience worsening of acne because you don't get those benefits. But hey, that's just another stupid myth that is strong in acne community. Avoid dairy only if you are allergic or sensitive to it, if not, then drink up, it will help clear your skin!
