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Wheat Intolerance, Do Signs Have To Be Obvious?


Posted : 05/17/2013 7:07 pm

Hello everyone :)

Again, exploring all my options all over again for the 3-4th time.

Regarding wheat/gluten etc. I had a celiac test like a year ago and it came back negative and the doc said I'm definitely not intolerant to wheat.

I still avoid it where I can of course but I'm just curious if the signs of wheat intolerance can be almost unnoticeable? I don't have any of the obvious symptoms at all and never have but I do have acne, albeit it's not spontaneous acne i've learned it's cycle which associates with 'my cycle' but is there even a chance that wheat intolerance can cause hormonal acne? Well, acne to act in a hormonal manner mirroring every month?

My doubts have come about as I don't have any other obvious wheat intolerant symptoms why would my only symptom be as extensive acne, doesn't make sense.

Does anyone have a wheat intolerant (maybe specifically woman) where the only symptom was acne even if they thought it was 'hormonal' acne?

I've definitely cut out wheat incredibly strictly from my diet about a year ago, did it for 6 months and saw no change whatsoever so for me that confirmed it's not the wheat but as mentioned I'm just going over my options again and trying to get opinions from others :)



Posted : 05/17/2013 8:30 pm

I am pretty sure they don't

I can eat as much grains as I want and I feel FANTASTIC. Yet they give me acne


Posted : 05/19/2013 3:47 pm

You can definitely have an intolerance without it being obvious. However, I wouldn't think this was triggering your acne since you get it even while avoiding the wheat, right? Food can lead to acne in two ways, immediately causing a breakout via an allergic (or some sort) reaction, and by causing long-term inflammation (or deficiencies) that can lead to hormonal imbalances. But you seem to eat pretty healthy so I don't really think either of those are happening to you.

For myself, the immediate, allergic reactions have become obvious now that I stopped having an eating disorder and fearing foods. By approaching food without fear, I have no preset bias or expectations and the foods that cause a reaction are obvious pretty immediately. Usually I haven't even finished eating before the reaction is occurring. If you aren't seeing that type of thing happening, I wouldn't worry much about what you eat.

I apologize if I've asked this before: But have you tried the regimen? I forgot whether you had (hard to keep track of what all the various forum members are doing). I bring it up because my acne seems somewhat similar to yours in that it's VERY hormonally triggered and I always break out with ovulation and PMS. You wouldn't think topical treatments could control deep, cystic hormonal acne, but it's totally working for me. I only experience a minor breakout around ovulation and usually don't break out at all before my period. The regimen has been a total lifesaver for me. I'm 99 percent clear most of the time now. :)
