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Has Anyone Cured Acne 100% With Just Nutrition Changes?


Posted : 05/03/2013 11:57 am

Im really interested to see how many people believe they have cleared their acne by changing/eliminating foods from their diet. If so, what did you do, how long did it take and what are the specifics of your acne ie do you have an underlying condition?

Ive tried so hard to "fix" my skin with diet but nothing ever worked except taking birth control + anti-DHT supplements.

I dont believe my acne can be fixed with diet alone but Im curious to hear about people who have succeeded. Thanks.


Posted : 05/03/2013 12:20 pm

I keep my skin what I would say is 99% clear with my not very strict, but mostly very good and nutrient dense diet. I am still prone to blackheads and get the occasional inflamed pimple but they heal very quickly.

I did clear my skin 100% when I first changed my diet. It was a little over a month and half when I realized my skin was completely clear for the first time since adolescence. I merely stopped drinking any sugary drinks ever and began avoiding any high glycemic load meals and snacks while increasing the nutrient content of my meals. I was in the process of finding new things to eat. This was also years after I'd discovered that some intolerance to oranges and some other citrus caused my cystic/nodular acne. I hadn't yet figured out that I also couldn't have key limes, which I occasionally bought instead of Persian limes or lemons. And so sometimes I'd get cysts, sometimes not. But couldn't make the connection until my skin had completely cleared. Also, prior to my diet changes, I'd tried helpful supplements like a Zinc/b-complex and C combo, and I rarely got inflamed acne on my face and the citrus-related cysts were a lot smaller and faster to heal.

I think that I was also free of the blackheads or whatever keeps the skin on my back from feeling completely smooth, because at the time I likely still applied an ACV/green tea toner all over and the mild exfoliant controlled that. A habit I keep meaning to try again.

We do have a thread filled with success stories that had been pinned until the recent site restructuring. You'll have to ignore a few of the claims listed by the OP that include some fairly silly 'cure' claims, but after that, it's mostly all diet. Unfortunately, many links won't work because they've restructured the site a few times, but often you can figure it out or find enough info (poster, title) to do a search.

And you'll find a link to a thread by Healthoid in there somewhere which required posters be clear for several months, 6 I think, plus before and after pictures.

And of course, they aren't necessarily 100% about nutrition changes, there's sleep, stress, physical activity, some cleanses which I'm on the fence about believing in, etc. Because no one has said that diet is the only factor in acne. It isn't. But it is a huge factor and always affects acne because it affects every other factor that leads to acne. Every organ, every pathway, every system.. It isn't possible for it not to.


Posted : 05/03/2013 1:43 pm

Im really interested to see how many people believe they have cleared their acne by changing/eliminating foods from their diet. If so, what did you do, how long did it take and what are the specifics of your acne ie do you have an underlying condition?

Ive tried so hard to "fix" my skin with diet but nothing ever worked except taking birth control + anti-DHT supplements.

I dont believe my acne can be fixed with diet alone but Im curious to hear about people who have succeeded. Thanks.

I think dht may be my issue as well since I am horny all the time. I don't know if saw palmetto is enough to clear me though (i am a man), and birth control is not an option. Which anti-dht supps do u take??


Posted : 05/03/2013 3:08 pm

some testosterone lowering herbs ive been taking and have been helping are: black cohosh, saw palmetto, and turmeric.

and ive noticed improvement. especially when i started saw palmetto. but i was taking four a day :X (one for every time i ate)

now i only take two. and replaced the other two times with the cohosh and turmeric.

fish oil is also very good.

as far as diet goes.. alternivista is spot on.. low glycemic foods

go easy on sugary fruit.. eat a lot of veggies, even if just in smoothies.

i personally avoid anything processed. even my beloved bread<3 aha

its tough at first, but it gets easier, i enjoy my salads more than ever and actually find myself craving veggies! woo!


Posted : 05/03/2013 3:15 pm

grass fed beef is grea ttoo


Posted : 05/03/2013 3:17 pm

My diet changes has been the best thing for my face since trying and doing anything else over-the-counter or at my dermatologists, and I've met a lot of dermatologists. I may not be bating at 100 percent just yet, but I've discovered so many good and bad things for myself that I can't wait to see what else my body does. It's pretty exciting really. You can see the pictures in my gallery anytime you like.

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

I only changed my diet last year in August and already I know more about nutrition than any dermatologist has in my entire area. Even if you were a "nutritional dermatologist" and had a good office and open mind, you're not going to send practically every patient away telling them to avoid dairy without them paying you for some kind of prescription or use of your equipment. They wouldn't make any money that way!

Well... No one will ever get rid of their acne 100 percent with their diet alone, you have to take in other factors as well. Even if you were to against all odds find the perfect diet for your particular body, sitting in a chair all day and eating it wont do a thing for your skin. You have to move around, and I'm not talking just a 30 minute walk a day. I'm talk on your feet constantly for a good half of the day, otherwise you wont be getting the full benefits of the nutrients from your diet. And then there's also how you feel about everything overall, including your sleep and overall health.


Posted : 05/03/2013 3:36 pm

My diet changes has been the best thing for my face since trying and doing anything else over-the-counter or at my dermatologists, and I've met a lot of dermatologists. I may not be bating at 100 percent just yet, but I've discovered so many good and bad things for myself that I can't wait to see what else my body does. It's pretty exciting really. You can see the pictures in my gallery anytime you like.

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

I only changed my diet last year in August and already I know more about nutrition than any dermatologist has in my entire area. Even if you were a "nutritional dermatologist" and had a good office and open mind, you're not going to send practically every patient away telling them to avoid dairy without them paying you for some kind of prescription or use of your equipment. They wouldn't make any money that way!

Well... No one will ever get rid of their acne 100 percent with their diet alone, you have to take in other factors as well. Even if you were to against all odds find the perfect diet for your particular body, sitting in a chair all day and eating it wont do a thing for your skin. You have to move around, and I'm not talking just a 30 minute walk a day. I'm talk on your feet constantly for a good half of the day, otherwise you wont be getting the full benefits of the nutrients from your diet. And then there's also how you feel about everything overall, including your sleep and overall health.

How bad was your acne though?


Posted : 05/03/2013 3:40 pm

My diet changes has been the best thing for my face since trying and doing anything else over-the-counter or at my dermatologists, and I've met a lot of dermatologists. I may not be bating at 100 percent just yet, but I've discovered so many good and bad things for myself that I can't wait to see what else my body does. It's pretty exciting really. You can see the pictures in my gallery anytime you like.

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

I only changed my diet last year in August and already I know more about nutrition than any dermatologist has in my entire area. Even if you were a "nutritional dermatologist" and had a good office and open mind, you're not going to send practically every patient away telling them to avoid dairy without them paying you for some kind of prescription or use of your equipment. They wouldn't make any money that way!

Well... No one will ever get rid of their acne 100 percent with their diet alone, you have to take in other factors as well. Even if you were to against all odds find the perfect diet for your particular body, sitting in a chair all day and eating it wont do a thing for your skin. You have to move around, and I'm not talking just a 30 minute walk a day. I'm talk on your feet constantly for a good half of the day, otherwise you wont be getting the full benefits of the nutrients from your diet. And then there's also how you feel about everything overall, including your sleep and overall health.

How bad was your acne though?

Bad enough to be suspended from my public high school until I stop bleeding from my face and through my clothes on my back. my current pictures are in my gallery you know.

It actually got better in college, but worse when I started changing my habits and diet. I realized that the closer I got to the natural food source, the greater my symptoms -or lack thereof- became. Therefore, I understood that there was two main causes behind my acne: 1.) I am intolerant to some foods and have yet to find which ones, and 2.) My digestive system is not functioning the way it should. I just found out that night shade vegetables were causing the flair ups behind my psoriasis on my hands and arms, and I was convinced that I would live with that forever.


Posted : 05/03/2013 4:01 pm

My diet changes has been the best thing for my face since trying and doing anything else over-the-counter or at my dermatologists, and I've met a lot of dermatologists. I may not be bating at 100 percent just yet, but I've discovered so many good and bad things for myself that I can't wait to see what else my body does. It's pretty exciting really. You can see the pictures in my gallery anytime you like.

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

I only changed my diet last year in August and already I know more about nutrition than any dermatologist has in my entire area. Even if you were a "nutritional dermatologist" and had a good office and open mind, you're not going to send practically every patient away telling them to avoid dairy without them paying you for some kind of prescription or use of your equipment. They wouldn't make any money that way!

Well... No one will ever get rid of their acne 100 percent with their diet alone, you have to take in other factors as well. Even if you were to against all odds find the perfect diet for your particular body, sitting in a chair all day and eating it wont do a thing for your skin. You have to move around, and I'm not talking just a 30 minute walk a day. I'm talk on your feet constantly for a good half of the day, otherwise you wont be getting the full benefits of the nutrients from your diet. And then there's also how you feel about everything overall, including your sleep and overall health.

How bad was your acne though?

Bad enough to be suspended from my public high school until I stop bleeding from my face and through my clothes on my back. my current pictures are in my gallery you know.

It actually got better in college, but worse when I started changing my habits and diet. I realized that the closer I got to the natural food source, the greater my symptoms -or lack thereof- became. Therefore, I understood that there was two main causes behind my acne: 1.) I am intolerant to some foods and have yet to find which ones, and 2.) My digestive system is not functioning the way it should. I just found out that night shade vegetables were causing the flair ups behind my psoriasis on my hands and arms, and I was convinced that I would live with that forever.

I saw your photos and it was pretty bad. I cannot believe the school you went to suspended you. Screw them.

Did you find the food intolerances that were causing your acne?

My diet changes has been the best thing for my face since trying and doing anything else over-the-counter or at my dermatologists, and I've met a lot of dermatologists. I may not be bating at 100 percent just yet, but I've discovered so many good and bad things for myself that I can't wait to see what else my body does. It's pretty exciting really. You can see the pictures in my gallery anytime you like.

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

I only changed my diet last year in August and already I know more about nutrition than any dermatologist has in my entire area. Even if you were a "nutritional dermatologist" and had a good office and open mind, you're not going to send practically every patient away telling them to avoid dairy without them paying you for some kind of prescription or use of your equipment. They wouldn't make any money that way!

Well... No one will ever get rid of their acne 100 percent with their diet alone, you have to take in other factors as well. Even if you were to against all odds find the perfect diet for your particular body, sitting in a chair all day and eating it wont do a thing for your skin. You have to move around, and I'm not talking just a 30 minute walk a day. I'm talk on your feet constantly for a good half of the day, otherwise you wont be getting the full benefits of the nutrients from your diet. And then there's also how you feel about everything overall, including your sleep and overall health.

What is your current diet consist of?

Also, I am not sure if you are employed, but it would be difficult for a person to move around half the day if they have a sedentary job. Other than switching jobs, what are some ways to go around this issue?

My diet changes has been the best thing for my face since trying and doing anything else over-the-counter or at my dermatologists, and I've met a lot of dermatologists. I may not be bating at 100 percent just yet, but I've discovered so many good and bad things for myself that I can't wait to see what else my body does. It's pretty exciting really. You can see the pictures in my gallery anytime you like.

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

I only changed my diet last year in August and already I know more about nutrition than any dermatologist has in my entire area. Even if you were a "nutritional dermatologist" and had a good office and open mind, you're not going to send practically every patient away telling them to avoid dairy without them paying you for some kind of prescription or use of your equipment. They wouldn't make any money that way!

Well... No one will ever get rid of their acne 100 percent with their diet alone, you have to take in other factors as well. Even if you were to against all odds find the perfect diet for your particular body, sitting in a chair all day and eating it wont do a thing for your skin. You have to move around, and I'm not talking just a 30 minute walk a day. I'm talk on your feet constantly for a good half of the day, otherwise you wont be getting the full benefits of the nutrients from your diet. And then there's also how you feel about everything overall, including your sleep and overall health.

yea that is very true. They want us to refill those prescriptions so they make money (but I think this applies more towards private derms rather than dermatologists that work for big hospitals, i.e. kaiser permanente. If a dermatologist writes you a prescription and you never fill it, than they do not make any money


Posted : 05/03/2013 4:20 pm

I saw your photos and it was pretty bad. I cannot believe the school you went to suspended you. Screw them.

Did you find the food intolerances that were causing your acne?

What is your current diet consist of?

Also, I am not sure if you are employed, but it would be difficult for a person to move around half the day if they have a sedentary job. Other than switching jobs, what are some ways to go around this issue?

yea that is very true. They want us to refill those prescriptions so they make money (but I think this applies more towards private derms rather than dermatologists that work for big hospitals, i.e. kaiser permanente. If a dermatologist writes you a prescription and you never fill it, than they do not make any money

Well, they didn't WANT to... it's just that I was distracting the other kids in class too much, and no one would stop starring at me. Plus, acne meds were the 'in thing' and nutrition wasn't AS big of a deal... a least not until "Supersize Me" came out, lol.

Dairy, Caffeine, night shades (tomatoes, peppers, paprika), and sweet potatoes (not a night shade) are on my list so far. The only issue with reading what other peoples food intolerances are is something that wont help you. No one in my family is intolerant to anything, even though many are overweight. I am also the only one in my family with psoriasis, but I am the most fit and active of them all. The things that effect me come through my skin, and for the majority of people in my family it goes to their waist line.

My current diet is pretty simple actually... oatmeal every morning with an apple or two, a salad with beets and carrots, some homemade vegetable soup with freshly cut vegetables and soaked beans/legumes, fish twice a week, very rarely chicken, and steamed vegetables as a snack. Look up "Gordon Ramsey's broccoli soup" on youtube and you'll see one of my favorites. The soup lasts me 3 days. Also, because it's still cold in Chicago I take adult gummy Vitamins for Viatmin D3.

I have three jobs actually. My main job is working in a large freezer moving around boxes all day long, and my other jobs help my family out as well as our small business. If you had an office job 8-9 hours a day that makes you sit down a lot, then so what? Move around the other half of the day!

I'm not saying don't go to your dermatologist. Ever see that show on Animal Planet called "Monsters Inside Me"? If I have some godforsaken parasite sucking away at my tissues and bones, then I know exactly whom I'm running to! What I'm saying is don't go to your dermatologist for mild to moderate acne, not until you try changing your diet and lifestyle. Unless you can't change your diet and lifestyle, then by all means try whatever they'll give you. However, it is your responsibility dealing with the side effects and possible injuries to your digestive system. There are a few people who discovered their acne was hormonal related, and a few that were too severe for any diet to work. Those people need to see a dermatologist, but the majority of us never had to. There are countless books out on the market for skin and nutrition alone. The diet and acne myth has been beaten and shouldn't be a part of anyones dogma to make money, yet it still circles around.


Posted : 05/03/2013 5:21 pm


I take a supplement called Hairomega 3-in-1 its an anti-DHT product. The main ingreddients are saw palmetto, nettles, pygeum and green tea.I also take spearmint, either in tea or capsule form.


Im really interested to see how many people believe they have cleared their acne by changing/eliminating foods from their diet. If so, what did you do, how long did it take and what are the specifics of your acne ie do you have an underlying condition?

Ive tried so hard to "fix" my skin with diet but nothing ever worked except taking birth control + anti-DHT supplements.

I dont believe my acne can be fixed with diet alone but Im curious to hear about people who have succeeded. Thanks.

I think dht may be my issue as well since I am horny all the time. I don't know if saw palmetto is enough to clear me though (i am a man), and birth control is not an option. Which anti-dht supps do u take??


Posted : 05/03/2013 6:17 pm

I take a supplement called Hairomega 3-in-1 its an anti-DHT product. The main ingreddients are saw palmetto, nettles, pygeum and green tea.I also take spearmint, either in tea or capsule form.

Im really interested to see how many people believe they have cleared their acne by changing/eliminating foods from their diet. If so, what did you do, how long did it take and what are the specifics of your acne ie do you have an underlying condition?

Ive tried so hard to "fix" my skin with diet but nothing ever worked except taking birth control + anti-DHT supplements.

I dont believe my acne can be fixed with diet alone but Im curious to hear about people who have succeeded. Thanks.

I think dht may be my issue as well since I am horny all the time. I don't know if saw palmetto is enough to clear me though (i am a man), and birth control is not an option. Which anti-dht supps do u take??


Its good to hear some people have had success. Im really frustrated because last year, the healthier I ate the worse my skin seemed. It was finally confirmed that I have PCOS and Im thinking that since the acne is caused by a hormone imbalance maybe I cant fix it no matter how healthy I eat.

I guess Im looking at it like diabetes type 1 or epilepsy, they are serious problems which must be treated with meds even though I dont like being dependant on birth control I feel like I dont have a choice. I still eat healthy but I dont know how strict I could be.

I know birth control is a 'quick fix" but I have no idea how or even if my hormones could be fixed naturally.

The thing is, what most people consider as "healthy" is not healthy at all. Please tell me exactly what your diet consisted of when you were eating "healthy"?


Posted : 05/04/2013 8:30 am

My diet changes has been the best thing for my face since trying and doing anything else over-the-counter or at my dermatologists, and I've met a lot of dermatologists. I may not be bating at 100 percent just yet, but I've discovered so many good and bad things for myself that I can't wait to see what else my body does. It's pretty exciting really. You can see the pictures in my gallery anytime you like.

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

I only changed my diet last year in August and already I know more about nutrition than any dermatologist has in my entire area. Even if you were a "nutritional dermatologist" and had a good office and open mind, you're not going to send practically every patient away telling them to avoid dairy without them paying you for some kind of prescription or use of your equipment. They wouldn't make any money that way!

Well... No one will ever get rid of their acne 100 percent with their diet alone, you have to take in other factors as well. Even if you were to against all odds find the perfect diet for your particular body, sitting in a chair all day and eating it wont do a thing for your skin. You have to move around, and I'm not talking just a 30 minute walk a day. I'm talk on your feet constantly for a good half of the day, otherwise you wont be getting the full benefits of the nutrients from your diet. And then there's also how you feel about everything overall, including your sleep and overall health.

Working out 3-4 times a week doesn't cut it either. We are meant to move around a lot every day piffling around walking, gathering, chores, etc. and to lift and carry heavy things frewpquently. And occasionally run from danger or climb a step hill.. That's the kind of activity our systems are adapted for.


Posted : 05/04/2013 8:43 am

My diet changes has been the best thing for my face since trying and doing anything else over-the-counter or at my dermatologists, and I've met a lot of dermatologists. I may not be bating at 100 percent just yet, but I've discovered so many good and bad things for myself that I can't wait to see what else my body does. It's pretty exciting really. You can see the pictures in my gallery anytime you like.

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

I only changed my diet last year in August and already I know more about nutrition than any dermatologist has in my entire area. Even if you were a "nutritional dermatologist" and had a good office and open mind, you're not going to send practically every patient away telling them to avoid dairy without them paying you for some kind of prescription or use of your equipment. They wouldn't make any money that way!

Well... No one will ever get rid of their acne 100 percent with their diet alone, you have to take in other factors as well. Even if you were to against all odds find the perfect diet for your particular body, sitting in a chair all day and eating it wont do a thing for your skin. You have to move around, and I'm not talking just a 30 minute walk a day. I'm talk on your feet constantly for a good half of the day, otherwise you wont be getting the full benefits of the nutrients from your diet. And then there's also how you feel about everything overall, including your sleep and overall health.

Working out 3-4 times a week doesn't cut it either. We are meant to move around a lot every day piffling around walking, gathering, chores, etc. and to lift and carry heavy things frewpquently. And occasionally run from danger or climb a step hill.. That's the kind of activity our systems are adapted for.

Yeah, I totally agree. And although a lot of my friends and myself only go to the gym 3-4 times a week, we're still on our feet more than half the day anyway. I find that most people sit down for computer/tv reasons. Most people in my family sit down the majority of their day. A lot of people I've met do nothing but sit down after around 6pm or mid evening. A few of my friends still walk around a lot with me but they always need to sit for half an hour in between simple 20 minute strides. Although I'm fine wit that, I end up fidgeting a lot and prefer to stand most of the time.

I was also the only person in my family who walked around more than anyone else in several of my households, and even though we all shared practically the same standard american diet, I never gained weight and remain the smallest person in my family to date. Goes to show that even though I wasn't even exercising a lot, standing/lifting/walking more than half your day benefits you no matter what you end up eating. Still, exercising alone is no excuse to have only a partially good diet.


Posted : 05/04/2013 8:53 am

My diet changes has been the best thing for my face since trying and doing anything else over-the-counter or at my dermatologists, and I've met a lot of dermatologists. I may not be bating at 100 percent just yet, but I've discovered so many good and bad things for myself that I can't wait to see what else my body does. It's pretty exciting really. You can see the pictures in my gallery anytime you like.

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

I only changed my diet last year in August and already I know more about nutrition than any dermatologist has in my entire area. Even if you were a "nutritional dermatologist" and had a good office and open mind, you're not going to send practically every patient away telling them to avoid dairy without them paying you for some kind of prescription or use of your equipment. They wouldn't make any money that way!

Well... No one will ever get rid of their acne 100 percent with their diet alone, you have to take in other factors as well. Even if you were to against all odds find the perfect diet for your particular body, sitting in a chair all day and eating it wont do a thing for your skin. You have to move around, and I'm not talking just a 30 minute walk a day. I'm talk on your feet constantly for a good half of the day, otherwise you wont be getting the full benefits of the nutrients from your diet. And then there's also how you feel about everything overall, including your sleep and overall health.

Working out 3-4 times a week doesn't cut it either. We are meant to move around a lot every day piffling around walking, gathering, chores, etc. and to lift and carry heavy things frewpquently. And occasionally run from danger or climb a step hill.. That's the kind of activity our systems are adapted for.

Yeah, I totally agree. And although a lot of my friends and myself only go to the gym 3-4 times a week, we're still on our feet more than half the day anyway. I find that most people sit down for computer/tv reasons. Most people in my family sit down the majority of their day. A lot of people I've met do nothing but sit down after around 6pm or mid evening. A few of my friends still walk around a lot with me but they always need to sit for half an hour in between simple 20 minute strides. Although I'm fine wit that, I end up fidgeting a lot and prefer to stand most of the time.

I was also the only person in my family who walked around more than anyone else in several of my households, and even though we all shared practically the same standard american diet, I never gained weight and remain the smallest person in my family to date. Goes to show that even though I wasn't even exercising a lot, standing/lifting/walking more than half your day benefits you no matter what you end up eating. Still, exercising alone is no excuse to have only a partially good diet.

Because its the lw level activity that burns fat.. Your body fat is there to fuel normal life. Workouts that most do burn the carbs you just ate, then muscle.


Posted : 05/04/2013 2:03 pm

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

My skin is incredibly oily and I've seen improvement with green smoothies, but it hasn't vanished. I sure wish it would though! Do you still get relief from your oily skin from vegetable juice? Would you mind sharing your recipe?


Posted : 05/04/2013 9:42 pm

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

My skin is incredibly oily and I've seen improvement with green smoothies, but it hasn't vanished. I sure wish it would though! Do you still get relief from your oily skin from vegetable juice? Would you mind sharing your recipe?

My Previous Regimen is in my link bellow in my signature. I juiced once a day every day AND got rid of sugar. But unlike the guy who started that regimen, I also got rid of milk. My oiliness disappeared after about a few weeks. August 6th was when I started, and August 15th was when the oil was gone. It was crazy fast for me. I juiced once a day in the morning. He juices twice a day. I stopped my juicing last month because I was going at it for about six months and decied to take a break and focus more on the food I'm eating. My face has very little oil to it and nothing compared to what it was before. It's tolerable and not over-oily like most people I see with acne, so whatever the juice did really helped that out for sure. However, avoiding milk is probably why the oil isn't there as much as well.

Green smoothies alone wont help I'm afraid sad.png. Don't get me wrong, they are terrific, but no one can eat as much fibre and vegetable/fruit skin in those smoothies compared to what you would need for the amount of vegetables in juicing. The juicing literally squeezes out the juice and ONLy the juice of the vegetable, and when it enters your stomach you get the nutrients instantly. No need to wait for the digestion... it almost instantly gets absorbed into your blood stream.

If you have time, you can watch this film off youtube about a guy (and few others in the film) who did nothing more but juice vegetables three times a day for sixty days. One woman was "looking clearer" even though I didn't think she had any skin issues before:

My juicer looks about the same. I got it from a neighbor for 40 bucks because he wasn't using it. It's ridiculously light and isn't that hard to wash. Explore that movie channel on youtube and find a bunch of recipes to your linking. I juiced whatever I could and didn't actually focus on a recipe, only what I could get my hands on. Also, I found out that tomatoes and peppers were flaring up my psoriasis and even spreading it further around my hands and arms, so by accident I started looking into psoriasis and food triggers on my own. Unfortunately, I have a much stricter diet in my future because I have both acne and psoriasis, so you may not need to be as strict as me when it comes to your juice. You should be fine with tomatoes and peppers, but use them only a couple of times a week since they are a nightshade family after all.


Posted : 05/05/2013 10:58 am

i have gotten 90% clear with only nutrition changes. i started a paleo diet and eat no grains as well, and i take 30mg of zinc chelated a day. these two things and vitmain D3 have made me 90% clear. the hard part is getting rid of the rest. i tried 45mg of zinc and that and paleo pretty much cleared me 100% but i got extreme depression, lack of appetite, and brain fog 3 days after starting the 45mg zinc. It has been 4 days since i stopped the 45mg zinc and the depression/mental fog has cleared but i still have low appetite. it is scary because i lost 7 pounds in 7 days and i am still there. i am kind of scared it is the zinc or my tea tree oil. i read that tea tree oil can cause more estrogen and low testosterone which could make me less hungry and loose weight.


Posted : 05/05/2013 6:33 pm

When I first started juicing vegetables every day and the oiliness on my skin vanished for the first time in my life, I was nearly hell bent on bulldozing my dermatologists offices down. I mean, what liars... I can still see their smug little looks on their faces whenever I came back to refill my prescriptions. They got me good. They got me damn good.

My skin is incredibly oily and I've seen improvement with green smoothies, but it hasn't vanished. I sure wish it would though! Do you still get relief from your oily skin from vegetable juice? Would you mind sharing your recipe?

My Previous Regimen is in my link bellow in my signature. I juiced once a day every day AND got rid of sugar. But unlike the guy who started that regimen, I also got rid of milk. My oiliness disappeared after about a few weeks. August 6th was when I started, and August 15th was when the oil was gone. It was crazy fast for me. I juiced once a day in the morning. He juices twice a day. I stopped my juicing last month because I was going at it for about six months and decied to take a break and focus more on the food I'm eating. My face has very little oil to it and nothing compared to what it was before. It's tolerable and not over-oily like most people I see with acne, so whatever the juice did really helped that out for sure. However, avoiding milk is probably why the oil isn't there as much as well.

Green smoothies alone wont help I'm afraid sad.png. Don't get me wrong, they are terrific, but no one can eat as much fibre and vegetable/fruit skin in those smoothies compared to what you would need for the amount of vegetables in juicing. The juicing literally squeezes out the juice and ONLy the juice of the vegetable, and when it enters your stomach you get the nutrients instantly. No need to wait for the digestion... it almost instantly gets absorbed into your blood stream.

If you have time, you can watch this film off youtube about a guy (and few others in the film) who did nothing more but juice vegetables three times a day for sixty days. One woman was "looking clearer" even though I didn't think she had any skin issues before:

My juicer looks about the same. I got it from a neighbor for 40 bucks because he wasn't using it. It's ridiculously light and isn't that hard to wash. Explore that movie channel on youtube and find a bunch of recipes to your linking. I juiced whatever I could and didn't actually focus on a recipe, only what I could get my hands on. Also, I found out that tomatoes and peppers were flaring up my psoriasis and even spreading it further around my hands and arms, so by accident I started looking into psoriasis and food triggers on my own. Unfortunately, I have a much stricter diet in my future because I have both acne and psoriasis, so you may not need to be as strict as me when it comes to your juice. You should be fine with tomatoes and peppers, but use them only a couple of times a week since they are a nightshade family after all.

Thank you for the very detailed response! I think you have inspired me to go out and get a juicer now! I'm trying to make all my meals have a low glycemic impact as well so hopefully the combination will help smile.png

Edit: One more question I just thought of... Does the vegetable juice taste bad? I have a hard time imagining pure vegetable juice tasting good.


Posted : 05/05/2013 6:44 pm

Ill try and be specific: first I cut out all sugars/fast food/processed food three years ago...about two years ago, I added gluten/dairy t that list. For about 18 months I ate mostly protein like fish/chicken/veggies some fruit (nothing acidic) lots of green smoothies raw veggies and some nuts. Only water and green tea. No matter what I did my skin kept getting worse. I aat one point cut out any animal products for a few weeks but felt ill. My acne was the worst the more things I cut out. I will admit Ive never done an elimination diet. btw since being on birth control I can eat pretty much anything, the only time I notice any small pimples is if I drink a lot of alcohol. ideas?

I take a supplement called Hairomega 3-in-1 its an anti-DHT product. The main ingreddients are saw palmetto, nettles, pygeum and green tea.I also take spearmint, either in tea or capsule form.

Im really interested to see how many people believe they have cleared their acne by changing/eliminating foods from their diet. If so, what did you do, how long did it take and what are the specifics of your acne ie do you have an underlying condition?

Ive tried so hard to "fix" my skin with diet but nothing ever worked except taking birth control + anti-DHT supplements.

I dont believe my acne can be fixed with diet alone but Im curious to hear about people who have succeeded. Thanks.

I think dht may be my issue as well since I am horny all the time. I don't know if saw palmetto is enough to clear me though (i am a man), and birth control is not an option. Which anti-dht supps do u take??


Its good to hear some people have had success. Im really frustrated because last year, the healthier I ate the worse my skin seemed. It was finally confirmed that I have PCOS and Im thinking that since the acne is caused by a hormone imbalance maybe I cant fix it no matter how healthy I eat.

I guess Im looking at it like diabetes type 1 or epilepsy, they are serious problems which must be treated with meds even though I dont like being dependant on birth control I feel like I dont have a choice. I still eat healthy but I dont know how strict I could be.

I know birth control is a 'quick fix" but I have no idea how or even if my hormones could be fixed naturally.

The thing is, what most people consider as "healthy" is not healthy at all. Please tell me exactly what your diet consisted of when you were eating "healthy"?


Posted : 05/05/2013 7:37 pm

Thank you for the very detailed response! I think you have inspired me to go out and get a juicer now! I'm trying to make all my meals have a low glycemic impact as well so hopefully the combination will help smile.png

That's a great way to start, but please do what you feel is best for you. smile.png

Also, heres the food pyramid in the film I showed you:

My friend works at GoodWill and got his own juicer there. Thrift shops may be a great way to start, provided that you soak and wash those things like no tomorrow before you use them. As a matter of fact, most of my kitchen equipment came from GoodWill. No one needs a 'new' anything... there are plenty of used juicers off the internet as well by people who no longer use them and/or have one too many. There are also youtube videos of people using them and teaching others how to clean them. I never made my own recipes, but there are probably a few hundred thousand off the internet and at your local library. What you want is to read as many reviews as possible for as many juicers you can find. You want something that's fairly small (like in the film), powerful enough to squeeze out as much juice as possible, and easy to clean with little no no water and time. The man in the film above juiced 4 times a day. I recon he only washed it once at the end of the day. I mixed the washing of my juicer in with my other dish chores when I got around to them. I also got a brand new 99 cent vegetable brush at GoodWill and a 1.99 plastic town to wash my veggies in. Cheap as hell, and only 10 to 15 minutes every morning. Starting will take longer however because your changing you habits.

Basically, your overall diet needs to be a TON of vegetables. Buy fresh lettuce to eat and put on some carrots and beets or whatever you like, and have at least one small salad a day. Save the plump, cheap, juicy vegetables like cucumber and tomatoes for the juicer. Please beware of beets... a small piece turns the entire concoction red! Also, half a cucumber creates a LOT of juice, so if I juiced every day then I only needed to buy 3 cucumbers for the entire week. Where I live they are 2 for a dollar sometimes or one for 1 dollar. Seasons are important to consider. Keep track of your receipts as well so you can generalize how much your veggies will cost each week. For me, it was around 20 dollars... nothing compared to the coffee, cereals, vending machines and whatever else I was snacking on for no reason. Plus the juice makes you feel full. Sometimes for my friends though, the juice only fills them up for an hour - If you save the fruit for snacking, you can have that after juicing. Sometimes the juice is too bitter or not like we are use to, so my friends often take a sip of juice and a small bite of an apple until they drink it all.

Having a blender is still good! They're great for morning smoothies with fresh or frozen vegetables, as well as my favorite broccoli soup. They are easier to clean than the juicer, but unless you're not chewing your food all the way then theres no need to always use them. Plus, when you blend something and drink it, you didn't give the saliva in your mouth enough time for the first step: helping you break down the food and preparing it for the stomach. Chew your food at least 30 to 50 'counts', then swallow. Enjoy your meals! You'll probably find that eating vegetables, both frozen and fresh, are a lot cheaper than buying all these "low-fat", "gluten-free", "naturally-sweetened", etc... products we want to buy. Good luck!


Posted : 05/06/2013 7:13 am

I don't think diet cures acne. Good diet together with juicing keeps acne at bay.


Posted : 05/06/2013 1:07 pm

I don't think diet cures acne. Good diet together with juicing keeps acne at bay.

So what other than accutane cures acne?


Posted : 05/06/2013 5:41 pm

I'm 99% clear through diet, still on for the scar forum.

Severe -> mostly clear after 3 - 4 yrs of diet change (I've had acne more than half my life).

This is what I eat everyday:

grass fed stew beef, chicken (boiled or baked, avoid seasoning)

raw coconut butter (core source of calories), raw almond butter

raw cocoa

extra virgin olive oil

all greens

In my case, I don't recommend the acne diet change unless you're really going all out. It's tough, no one understands, and it's not budget friendly.

If you do go this route, enjoy 50 different people who "know everything about nutrition" giving you 50 completely opposite recommendations on what you should eat.

Good luck.


Posted : 05/06/2013 6:33 pm

I don't think diet cures acne. Good diet together with juicing keeps acne at bay.

So what other than accutane cures acne?

Accutane ones not cure acne. Go over to the accutane forums and see how many times people have taken it because their acne came back.. And then there's those of us for whom it I'd nothing.
