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If You Want To Cure Your Acne All Bs Aside


Posted : 03/12/2013 6:14 am

I have come back after a long time and I wanted to share my recovery with you. You only have to take the initiative to get make the necessary changes in your lifestyle, whether you want to do it that's up to you.

Basically my skin has been completely spot free since a year now. has helped me much. I have seen so many doctors unwilling to address the source of the problem and only treating symptoms. I am not sure whether they lack medical education or they are playing dumb to help the pharmaceutical industry become more wealthy and themselves at the same time. I am leaning towards the latter.

I haven't been taking pills (never have), I have stopped pretty much all acne treatments although I still keep a tube of clindoxyl gel and double action moisturizing salicylic acid just in case.

What causes acne : dairy (butter, buttermilk, milk, cheese), nuts, and sugar.

Dairy causes cystic acne

Nuts (omega 6) causes inflammation

Sugar causes white heads, liver unable to process the sugar

Explanation here (For the usual non believers who demand scientific evidence)

Acne and Milk The Story Behind The Connection


Acne: Omega-6 Fat Worsens Skin Inflammation (Nuts)


The missing piece to the Sugar and Acne puzzle -

I abbreviate it to DNS, everytime I go to a restaurant and I need to remember what I am not supposed to touch DNS easy to remember that way. (In your particular case you might also be reactive to soy, eggs, wheat but I suggest start by throwing out the first three I mentioned, and I mean literally throw them out or give the to the homeless. I know it's difficult I've been there before but your health is at risk and med bills and medication will cost you.)

Foods that counter acne:

Salt (salt decreases sugar levels in blood)

Apple cider vinegar (restores balance in your body, and detoxifies)

Green tea (again lowers blood sugar)

Fruits and vegetables


Tofu (omega 3) also replaces the calcium you need

Scar healing


MSM sulphur in certain vegetables, google MSM sulphur in food (don't take the pills the pharma industry dumps unknown chemicals in drugs, but you can trust vegetables at 110%.)

Safe places to eat: Non-westernized Asian restaurants, and Vegan restaurants

There you go I provided you with all the information, I didn't have to come back and didn't want to come back to (because of people who are always negative and desbeliever despite you trying to help them) but I did because I know there are people who really needed it.


Posted : 03/12/2013 7:19 am

Foods that counter acne:

Salt (salt decreases sugar levels in blood)

Apple cider vinegar (restores balance in your body, and detoxifies)

Green tea (again lowers blood sugar)

Fruits and vegetables


Tofu (omega 3) also replaces the calcium you need

Green tea is really good in fighting acne, at the same time it is good for weight loss. What we can at least do is to keep our skin clean always, use the right and safe soap for our skin, skin care products are not that necessary though it can help.


Posted : 03/12/2013 7:47 am

Eliminating products almost always leads to this crazy obssesion of scrutinizing and overanalizing every little thing you ate, linking it to your acne... I'm tired of always avoiding everything, started eating normally (normal doesn't mean junk food), and guess what, no negative reaction in my acne.


Posted : 03/12/2013 9:26 am

Eliminating products almost always leads to this crazy obssesion of scrutinizing and overanalizing every little thing you ate, linking it to your acne... I'm tired of always avoiding everything, started eating normally (normal doesn't mean junk food), and guess what, no negative reaction in my acne.

I am totally with you on this Pianina! I really hated depriving myself of food or drinks to try and help with my acne. I mean, if you can find a way to get clear skin and eat the things you still enjoy then that is so much better in my book. I try to find alternatives sometimes but there are just times when you gotta give in. Life is short. :)


Posted : 03/12/2013 11:23 am

It's all up to you, I don't force anyone to make those changes, actually I was reluctant to do them myself because that's A LOT of sacrifice, in the end I was starting to have scars all over my face. Red, indented. Day after day looking at myself in the mirror, watching all my confidence being ripped apart to shreds.

Then this one day, I was at the subway and someone took one look at me, just one look, I saw the disgust, turned away from me like I was a monster and in just 2 seconds I felt like I was the most horrific person in the world and that I didn't deserved to be loved by anyone not even by myself. I got back home and I said to myself this shit has to end! and I will do whatever it takes to overcome it. Now you see the problem wasn't that I didn't know what was causing my acne. For several years, all day everyday on the internet trying to figure out what was causing it. You already know what it is, we both know what is, it's that initiative, that huge leap that scares us. Or at least what scared me. That, intuitive habbit that makes you hang on to things you know tastes so good and also the thought of if I eliminate this and that from my diet then I'll have nothing left to eat, trust me there's a lot of alternative good food to eat.

Your incredibly long list of routines on your signatures? I had the same things, I would buy every single over-counter thing that could possibly work in the pharmacy aloe vera, honey, cleansers, morning scrubs, you name it. I spend so much time and money, and it just wouldn't get better. And when you look at those beautiful faces walking on the streets and the shopping mall, you think of how unfair it is, why do they have flawless faces and not me, why!?. So let me tell you this: you can make a pimple go away with benzoyl peroxide but you can't stop it from coming back unless your body is detoxified because the food poison will make it resurface again and again, and again.

Today I can look at people not in the face, but in the eyes and start smiling again and all thanks to natural diet and treatments. And deep down you know I am not lying because natural treatments cannot make you worse if anything they'll make you better. Again I am not asking you to make that kind of sacrifice because I've done it and it's a lot of work. I am only asking you one thing: when your acne doesn't get better in six months or a year or two years. Just go back on the holistic nutrition forum history way at the back and read what I posted above initially. That will be the only thing I ask of you today.

I am moving on with my life now, I did all I can here and my job is done, good luck and keep well,


Don't ever give up, sincerely,

Shield of Faith


Posted : 03/12/2013 11:48 am

What pisses me off about posts like this appearing over and over and over is the constantly IGNORING of the fact that many of us have already given up these foods, for periods as long as YEARS and not seen improvements. Over and over again, these people (LIKE ME) are ignored. Those long lists of routines you see in our signatures? They are there because DIET DID NOT HELP US.


Posted : 03/12/2013 12:23 pm

What causes MY acne : dairy (butter, buttermilk, milk, cheese), nuts, and sugar.

I fixed it for yah buddy. Congrats by the way.


Posted : 03/12/2013 11:17 pm

Eliminating products almost always leads to this crazy obssesion of scrutinizing and overanalizing every little thing you ate, linking it to your acne... I'm tired of always avoiding everything, started eating normally (normal doesn't mean junk food), and guess what, no negative reaction in my acne.

Amen sister. Obsessing over diet absolutely leads to some type of an eating disorder no doubt - at one point I was terrified to eat anything but damn juiced up carots. I went crazy. I was even afraid to eat certain vegetables or fruit because I was scared it would trigger a reaction inside my body leading to cystic acne.

Enough is enough. I still eat really healthy and dairy and gluten are at the bottom of the list of what I consume on a daily basis but I'm not obsessive anymore because it's just unnecessary. Also I don't want to relapse into an E.D again at this time either.

It's all up to you, I don't force anyone to make those changes, actually I was reluctant to do them myself because that's A LOT of sacrifice, in the end I was starting to have scars all over my face. Red, indented. Day after day looking at myself in the mirror, watching all my confidence being ripped apart to shreds.

Then this one day, I was at the subway and someone took one look at me, just one look, I saw the disgust, turned away from me like I was a monster and in just 2 seconds I felt like I was the most horrific person in the world and that I didn't deserved to be loved by anyone not even by myself. I got back home and I said to myself this shit has to end! and I will do whatever it takes to overcome it. Now you see the problem wasn't that I didn't know what was causing my acne. For several years, all day everyday on the internet trying to figure out what was causing it. You already know what it is, we both know what is, it's that initiative, that huge leap that scares us. Or at least what scared me. That, intuitive habbit that makes you hang on to things you know tastes so good and also the thought of if I eliminate this and that from my diet then I'll have nothing left to eat, trust me there's a lot of alternative good food to eat.

Your incredibly long list of routines on your signatures? I had the same things, I would buy every single over-counter thing that could possibly work in the pharmacy aloe vera, honey, cleansers, morning scrubs, you name it. I spend so much time and money, and it just wouldn't get better. And when you look at those beautiful faces walking on the streets and the shopping mall, you think of how unfair it is, why do they have flawless faces and not me, why!?. So let me tell you this: you can make a pimple go away with benzoyl peroxide but you can't stop it from coming back unless your body is detoxified because the food poison will make it resurface again and again, and again.

Today I can look at people not in the face, but in the eyes and start smiling again and all thanks to natural diet and treatments. And deep down you know I am not lying because natural treatments cannot make you worse if anything they'll make you better. Again I am not asking you to make that kind of sacrifice because I've done it and it's a lot of work. I am only asking you one thing: when your acne doesn't get better in six months or a year or two years. Just go back on the holistic nutrition forum history way at the back and read what I posted above initially. That will be the only thing I ask of you today.

I am moving on with my life now, I did all I can here and my job is done, good luck and keep well,


Don't ever give up, sincerely,

Shield of Faith

Many of us *already* eat tremendously healthy because we have acne and desperately cling to a shred of hope that our healthy diets will pay off eventually, but we don't see any improvement.

I have had acne since 1999 and since then I have stuck to a rigorously strict healthy diet. For years and I mean YEARS I was raw vegan - didn't cheat once. I avoided all dairy, Casein, Gluten, processed foods and ate nothing but garden vegetables, took a large array of supplements and teas yet I still had full blown acne.

I am tired of you people saying we have acne because we stuff sh*t inside our bodies and don't know how to live or eat properly. You are wrong! I eat healthier than at least 90% of the damn population and so do a lot of these people on these boards. Acne comes about because of genetic predisposition and hormones - depending on the "strain" diet will either influence for the better or it won't make any impact on the acne severity at all.


Posted : 03/13/2013 5:02 am

My diet has a really limited amount of sugar in it and I get whiteheads. Whiteheads in my opinion are due to my oily skin after years of over washing my face and using really harsh products.


That is all.


Posted : 03/13/2013 7:25 am

Eliminating items does not always lead to obsession. Many people have no problems doing so. And that should be most people. I really fear for the population these days, so sickly. And so unable to cope with such minor difficulties.


Of course, diet affects those abilities. Perhaps what people with such poor coping abilities should do is add foods with the nutrients that help with stress and emotional response, not to mention sleep, first. Then start the limitation.


Posted : 03/13/2013 12:00 pm

Eliminating items does not always lead to obsession. Many people have no problems doing so. And that should be most people. I really fear for the population these days, so sickly. And so unable to cope with such minor difficulties.

Of course, diet affects those abilities. Perhaps what people with such poor coping abilities should do is add foods with the nutrients that help with stress and emotional response, not to mention sleep, first. Then start the limitation.

Depends on how sure you are about what products are harmful for you. If I knew I'm allergic to gluten I would have no problems never having a piece of bread in my life. But with acne it's just guessing - maybe I'll try to exclude dairy, maybe citrus fruits, maybe rice...and because acne is not going anywhere, the list of excluded foods is just growing.

Why people are unable to cope with minor difficulties? I think many of us are living stressy lives with much pressure and various problems, which never end. You just get mentally exhausted and vulnerable... Not everyone has the luxury of being able to stay at home, make some nice nutritious organic meals and grow own vegetables. If I take my own example, I live in a crazy expensive city, while myself coming from a poor family. Wanting to have any valuable existence here you need money which you don't have much as a student. So not only I need to study which is corresponding to a full time job, but I also need to work to have any money. My work is running from one side of the city to another and by eliminating foods (again, just guessing that those are bad for me) I loose the ability to just stop by and get a snack on the run. I just don't eat anything during the day. Using much energy, but not filling in. And I'm pretty sure there are many people that would completely understand what I'm talking about...

My skin is really good at the moment, no active break out this week. However I eat whatever I want (except dairy, never liked it anyway). I was a somewhat vegan since summer, but this was a really bad period for my skin. So what's the deal? No point even trying to mess with food.


Posted : 03/13/2013 2:17 pm

Eliminating items does not always lead to obsession. Many people have no problems doing so. And that should be most people. I really fear for the population these days, so sickly. And so unable to cope with such minor difficulties.

Of course, diet affects those abilities. Perhaps what people with such poor coping abilities should do is add foods with the nutrients that help with stress and emotional response, not to mention sleep, first. Then start the limitation.

Can you explain how after years of healthy dieting i had no change in my skin and once i started relaxing and just eating what i wanted to eat ( including "junk" food ) my acne is almost completely gone.


Posted : 03/13/2013 3:32 pm

Eliminating items does not always lead to obsession. Many people have no problems doing so. And that should be most people. I really fear for the population these days, so sickly. And so unable to cope with such minor difficulties.

Of course, diet affects those abilities. Perhaps what people with such poor coping abilities should do is add foods with the nutrients that help with stress and emotional response, not to mention sleep, first. Then start the limitation.

Can you explain how after years of healthy dieting i had no change in my skin and once i started relaxing and just eating what i wanted to eat ( including "junk" food ) my acne is almost completely gone.

Well, relaxing might be a clue.

Eliminating items does not always lead to obsession. Many people have no problems doing so. And that should be most people. I really fear for the population these days, so sickly. And so unable to cope with such minor difficulties.

Of course, diet affects those abilities. Perhaps what people with such poor coping abilities should do is add foods with the nutrients that help with stress and emotional response, not to mention sleep, first. Then start the limitation.

Depends on how sure you are about what products are harmful for you. If I knew I'm allergic to gluten I would have no problems never having a piece of bread in my life. But with acne it's just guessing - maybe I'll try to exclude dairy, maybe citrus fruits, maybe rice...and because acne is not going anywhere, the list of excluded foods is just growing.


It's not guessing, it's methodical experimenting and testing.


Posted : 03/13/2013 5:23 pm


People seriously need to stop preaching ideas they base on their own experience and documents they found on the internet... Healthy diet should be promoted and encouraged with respect to overall well-being of the body and not targeting acne specifically, as if "eliminate these foods and you'll cure your acne". When acne is put on focus, such things will lead to eating disorders cause it targets right to the painful spot. Knowing how people are desperate and will try anything someone tells it works it's irresponsible to trigger food obsessions! Most will not even read the countless documents and articles written in a language which is generally hard to read and understand, full with scientific terms, they will just jump on the diet with no moderation, because of how desperate they are.

Shortly - promoting healthy eating is the best thing to do, but promoting elimination of foods in order to cure acne - targets the wrong spot and sends the wrong message. People need the focus on the positive - try to fight FOR good health, and not AGAINST acne. Think finally how demotivating it is to hear "this is the key to your cure" and see it not working for you.


Posted : 03/13/2013 5:40 pm

Eliminating items does not always lead to obsession. Many people have no problems doing so. And that should be most people. I really fear for the population these days, so sickly. And so unable to cope with such minor difficulties.

Of course, diet affects those abilities. Perhaps what people with such poor coping abilities should do is add foods with the nutrients that help with stress and emotional response, not to mention sleep, first. Then start the limitation.

Can you explain how after years of healthy dieting i had no change in my skin and once i started relaxing and just eating what i wanted to eat ( including "junk" food ) my acne is almost completely gone.

Well, relaxing might be a clue.


Eliminating items does not always lead to obsession. Many people have no problems doing so. And that should be most people. I really fear for the population these days, so sickly. And so unable to cope with such minor difficulties.

Of course, diet affects those abilities. Perhaps what people with such poor coping abilities should do is add foods with the nutrients that help with stress and emotional response, not to mention sleep, first. Then start the limitation.

Depends on how sure you are about what products are harmful for you. If I knew I'm allergic to gluten I would have no problems never having a piece of bread in my life. But with acne it's just guessing - maybe I'll try to exclude dairy, maybe citrus fruits, maybe rice...and because acne is not going anywhere, the list of excluded foods is just growing.


It's not guessing, it's methodical experimenting and testing.

i didn't mean relaxing in the literal sense i just meant not paying attention to diet


Posted : 03/13/2013 6:05 pm

Just eat what you want and be happy.


Posted : 03/14/2013 1:20 pm

Eliminating items does not always lead to obsession. Many people have no problems doing so. And that should be most people. I really fear for the population these days, so sickly. And so unable to cope with such minor difficulties.

Of course, diet affects those abilities. Perhaps what people with such poor coping abilities should do is add foods with the nutrients that help with stress and emotional response, not to mention sleep, first. Then start the limitation.

Depends on how sure you are about what products are harmful for you. If I knew I'm allergic to gluten I would have no problems never having a piece of bread in my life. But with acne it's just guessing - maybe I'll try to exclude dairy, maybe citrus fruits, maybe rice...and because acne is not going anywhere, the list of excluded foods is just growing.

Why people are unable to cope with minor difficulties? I think many of us are living stressy lives with much pressure and various problems, which never end. You just get mentally exhausted and vulnerable... Not everyone has the luxury of being able to stay at home, make some nice nutritious organic meals and grow own vegetables. If I take my own example, I live in a crazy expensive city, while myself coming from a poor family. Wanting to have any valuable existence here you need money which you don't have much as a student. So not only I need to study which is corresponding to a full time job, but I also need to work to have any money. My work is running from one side of the city to another and by eliminating foods (again, just guessing that those are bad for me) I loose the ability to just stop by and get a snack on the run. I just don't eat anything during the day. Using much energy, but not filling in. And I'm pretty sure there are many people that would completely understand what I'm talking about...

My skin is really good at the moment, no active break out this week. However I eat whatever I want (except dairy, never liked it anyway). I was a somewhat vegan since summer, but this was a really bad period for my skin. So what's the deal? No point even trying to mess with food.

I understand perfectly. And people should consider if they really want to live that kind of life. Is what you are doing really that important? And while I do have quite a bit of time right now, I didn't when I started this.And I have less money now. Even so, I don't make elaborate meals, really ever. I don't like my kitchen and don't want to hang around there. Everything I do can be done fast. Can you nuke a sweet potato? Blend some greens in a blender? Cook big pots of veggie soups on weekends to eat during the week? Here's an example of a quick source of nutrients--buy a jar of a good tomato pasta sauce without any crap in the ingredient list. About half fill a mug with sauce, dump in some chopped spinach from the bag of frozen spinach you keep in your freezer to add to everything, add boiling water or nuke. Then you can doctor it more however you want. I sometimes add a spoonful of yogurt to make it a cream of tomato basil soup. Sometimes add a little canned fish to make it like the 'Ciopino' soup they sell at Whole Foods.


Posted : 03/14/2013 10:36 pm

Does all kinds of dairy cause acne for you?

Even goats milk or goats cheese? Or goats butter?

What about ghee?


Posted : 03/17/2013 12:23 pm

THis is bullshit!

How come my acne free friends can eat unhealthy and drink insane amount of milk, without even getting a little tiny microscopic pimple?

i have done a lot of experiments with milk,dairy and it have zero effects on me.

Some people have acne, and you can't cure it without medicine

Your face is spotless, because you are lucky and your acne fade away, not because of your diet.


Posted : 03/17/2013 6:30 pm

Unfortunately I have to agree with most other people here, although I'm a lot more willing to be friendly :). You're diet is amazing, keep up the great work... but when it comes to acne it may be something much, much more complicated. I don't think you 'got lucky' but I do think you may have changed just as time when by. Perhaps you are getting a certain nutrient which was all you ever needed anyway, or perhaps you overlooked that a combination of certain bad foods at certain times of the day was triggering your outburst... a combination you never thought of avoiding because it was usually together on a sandwich you ate or something. Then again, maybe the diet really did help your acne and you happen to be allergic to everything you avoided.

I've been on a juicing vegetable diet for a while now and I'm still getting at least 5 cysts at a time, although the impact is a lot less. The redness and inflammation in my face is still sticking out like a sore thumb. Yet when I had no choice but to eat a ham and cheese sandwich because I was snowed in one day and couldn't leave my house for groceries, nothing happened, even weeks after the chemicals flowed though me. My new diet change is HELPING, but I'm still partially breaking out reguardless.


Posted : 03/17/2013 9:50 pm

THis is bullshit!

How come my acne free friends can eat unhealthy and drink insane amount of milk, without even getting a little tiny microscopic pimple?

i have done a lot of experiments with milk,dairy and it have zero effects on me.

Some people have acne, and you can't cure it without medicine

Your face is spotless, because you are lucky and your acne fade away, not because of your diet.

Diet does affect everyone's acne. It sent possible for it not to. Your friends don't get acne because they do not have the genetic traits that make them acne prone.

My diet habits kep my acne under control while years of dermatologists and drugs did not. Not even two courses of accutane helped.


Posted : 03/18/2013 8:43 am

Unfortunately I have to agree with most other people here, although I'm a lot more willing to be friendly :). You're diet is amazing, keep up the great work... but when it comes to acne it may be something much, much more complicated. I don't think you 'got lucky' but I do think you may have changed just as time when by. Perhaps you are getting a certain nutrient which was all you ever needed anyway, or perhaps you overlooked that a combination of certain bad foods at certain times of the day was triggering your outburst... a combination you never thought of avoiding because it was usually together on a sandwich you ate or something. Then again, maybe the diet really did help your acne and you happen to be allergic to everything you avoided.

I've been on a juicing vegetable diet for a while now and I'm still getting at least 5 cysts at a time, although the impact is a lot less. The redness and inflammation in my face is still sticking out like a sore thumb. Yet when I had no choice but to eat a ham and cheese sandwich because I was snowed in one day and couldn't leave my house for groceries, nothing happened, even weeks after the chemicals flowed though me. My new diet change is HELPING, but I'm still partially breaking out reguardless.

I really think cysts and nodules are reactions to some kind of food or other intolerance. Have you tried a methodical elimination diet?


Posted : 03/18/2013 9:28 am

THis is bullshit!

How come my acne free friends can eat unhealthy and drink insane amount of milk, without even getting a little tiny microscopic pimple?

i have done a lot of experiments with milk,dairy and it have zero effects on me.

Some people have acne, and you can't cure it without medicine

Your face is spotless, because you are lucky and your acne fade away, not because of your diet.

I agree completely. If you've already tested stuff and found no positive effect, don't bother giving it up. I wish in hindsight I could have just stopped all this diet shit a long time ago and gone back on medication. I woke up this morning and saw a normal person looking back at me in the mirror for once (only mild acne), and that is thanks to a few weeks of medications, not the year+ I struggled to have the perfect diet and got nowhere.


Posted : 03/18/2013 1:36 pm

What pisses me off about posts like this appearing over and over and over is the constantly IGNORING of the fact that many of us have already given up these foods, for periods as long as YEARS and not seen improvements. Over and over again, these people (LIKE ME) are ignored. Those long lists of routines you see in our signatures? They are there because DIET DID NOT HELP US.

Yes, but the board has also long been filled with people for whom years of medication did not help, but diet did. Hence the far from complete success story thread that has recently been unpinned. Hence the many polls asking who here tried accutane and so on.


Posted : 03/18/2013 1:38 pm

Medication definitely won't help if you're eating something you're allergic to, that's for sure. But avoiding stuff you're allergic to won't cure acne either. In severe cases, it's going to take both at once.
