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Alkaline Foods...full List Here!


Posted : 02/24/2012 12:46 am

So I have been trying to eat healthy and have been doing alot of research online and here on the site...

Here is my list of ALKALINE foods that I am soon to be following in order to help clear my skin, from the inside out. IF you have any additions, please add them to the list.


Thanks guys, Trent.


Beets, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, garlic, mushroom, parsnip, peas, pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach, leek, brocolli, radish, parsley, mint, coriander, fresh beans and onion.



Apple, avacado, grapes, lemon, melon, orange, nectarine, peach, pear, pineapple, tomato, mango, watermelon, banana, strawberries, raspberries, coconut, kiwi fruit and passion fruit.



Egg (poached), cottage cheese, chicken breast, tofu, almond, pumpkin/ sun flower and flax seeds, and organic milk (unpasterized).



Veggie juice, fruit juices, green/ ginseng/ dandelion and rosehip tea, sundried tomatoes.


Posted : 02/27/2012 11:59 pm

Add ur foods to the list if I have forgotten anything.


Posted : 10/16/2012 10:35 pm



Posted : 02/24/2014 10:36 pm

You dont need lists. Just make your diet predominantly plant foods that aren't seeds & aren't high sugar.


Posted : 02/26/2014 10:06 am

Yeah I literally eat everything but sugar and milk and grains. (and citrus). I don't do lists.


Posted : 02/26/2014 12:11 pm

i'm now searching into the copper intoxication (we're going mad here lol). most of the plants are alkaline. actually they leave alkaline minerals because they are very acidic(probably for protection reasons) with lemon on top with 2,5ph (i'm talking from memory here at the alkaline stuff) and lemon is actually the most alkaline (mineral leaving) food there is. (i see some avoid citrus). a friend tested animal fat and it has a 8ph and usually animal food is alkaline initially but after it gets burned it leaves acid ashes.

the problem is that plants are generally copper balanced and zinc deficient, and meat is the other way around, the 2 are in a battle, in which we wan't to make sure zinc survives. >


Posted : 02/26/2014 12:48 pm

Hey Dan, did you get gas when you started to eat cabbage? I have been farting all day because I ate 1 pound of cabbage on my last meal yesterday.. Hope my body gets used to cabbage and I don't have to fart all day everyday..


Posted : 02/26/2014 2:31 pm

If you make your diet predominately fruits & vegetables, while avoiding anything you have an intolerance for and not binging on high glycemic fruit in one meal, it would be very difficult to not accomplish an alkaline diet. Or more importantly, an anti-inflammatory diet.

The lowest GI foods are mostly meats & animal products which are not acidic, they are acidifying. Again, if you make your diet predominately fruits & vegetables, you will likely be eating an alkaline diet.


Posted : 02/26/2014 2:33 pm

If you make your diet predominately fruits & vegetables, while avoiding anything you have an intolerance for and not binging on high glycemic fruit in one meal, it would be very difficult to not accomplish an alkaline diet. Or more importantly, an anti-inflammatory diet.

Amen! And be sure to add extra virgin olive oil to your diet, it's very alkaline!


Posted : 02/26/2014 2:50 pm

lol, no. not at all, that's only beans specific. but beans have to be boiled in 3waters with sodium bicarbonate. you could make a cooked version, but i'm not sure if there'll be much left after such procedure types.

idk maybe you are doing some unacceptable combinations like mixing fruits with food, or water with food, (fruits with water being the worst) keep them separated by at least 30min. but this should have given you burps i guess. that's all i know.. maybe change the cabbage source or type, the red one would probably be more beneficial.


by the way i forgot to be ontopic lol and say i was aware of the alkaline stuff (i have an alkaline water nutcase friend) for some years, and i generally kept an alkaline diet if i'm not missing something. i didn't check an acidic plants list, but i knew that eggplant was forbidden for acne people (regardless of allergies). i also knew potatoes were no good. and for the tomatoes there was just the late summers in which i had them. i can't make firm connections, all i can say is, that i kept a pretty alkaline diet over the past few years with not much result..
