On May 27, 2017 at 2:32 AM, Noa27 said:So for the last couple of weeks i eat loads of fresh, healthy food and i drink more water. The strange thing is: now there are whiteheads all over my face
Is it because my skin need to get used to the healthy stuff?
Do you still eat grains and wheat products? Those are considered healthy for some but it can also cause inflammation and increase in oil production to those who are sensitive to it.
I used to eat loads of fruits every single day thinking it was fine since it's healthy but I realized that too much of everything can be harmful to your health even fruits. Fruits contain sucrose. Sucrose is still sugar. Our Liver is responsible for breaking down sucrose.
Now that I cut down my fruit intake, I noticed I have lesser clogged pores and my skin isn't that oily compared to before I started and i've only been doing it for 5 days.
Great post. A lot of great information here. I battled acne for 20 years before I cured it with diet and lifestyle changes. I have noticed that a good diet keeps me clear. I avoid sugarcompletely. Of course I do slip now and then but mostly I have been clear for the past 4-5 years.
On 8/30/2017 at 11:54 PM, Ae1976 said:Great post. A lot of great information here. I battled acne for 20 years before I cured it with diet and lifestyle changes. I have noticed that a good diet keeps me clear. I avoid sugar completely. Of course I do slip now and then but mostly I have been clear for the past 4-5 years.
Hey there, I am so glad you were able to clear your skin. I've been trying to fix mine for almost as long as you but nothing has ever worked except Accutane, and even that was not permanent. I'm trying no sugar now, but may I ask how long it took for you to see any change on this kind of regimen?
On 8/31/2017 at 7:20 PM, Ae1976 said:So after I stopped sugar it took about 2 weeks from the day I stopped to see a change.
Hope this helps you.
Thank you so much! I am noticing an improvement in my forehead acne (which actually looks more like folliculitis (sp?) to me) but I am also very superstitious and don't want to make any bold claims yet, because my skin is apparently sentient and loves to have a zit party as soon as I think it's chilled out. I will come back either way with an update in a couple more weeks time.
On 9/2/2017 at 6:52 PM, CelestialElf said:Thank you so much! I am noticing an improvement in my forehead acne (which actually looks more like folliculitis (sp?) to me) but I am also very superstitious and don't want to make any bold claims yet, because my skin is apparently sentient and loves to have a zit party as soon as I think it's chilled out.I will come back either way with an update in a couple more weeks time.
Please do update me. 🙂
On 9/6/2017 at 0:08 AM, Ae1976 said:On 9/2/2017 at 3:52 AM, CelestialElf said:Thank you so much! I am noticing an improvement in my forehead acne (which actually looks more like folliculitis (sp?) to me) but I am also very superstitious and don't want to make any bold claims yet, because my skin is apparently sentient and loves to have a zit party as soon as I think it's chilled out.I will come back either way with an update in a couple more weeks time.
Please do update me. 🙂
I wish I had pictures! My phone is actually a little TOO good, and automatically makes my skin look better than it is, lol ..
So it's only been 6 days, a bit premature maybe, but I'll just give an update, which turned out to be rather wordy, sorry!:
From what it was at the worst of the recent breakout I think I have improved about 85%. That's a big deal for me!! I still have some inflammation going on .. right now about 4 or five whiteheads in random locations of my face, and other red spots gathered on my lower cheeks that are just hyperpigmentation or clogged pores (these areas were the worst and are gonna take some time to heal. The folliculitis on my forehead is MUCH better, although one area close to the hairline is still bumpy and reddish. Before, I had some cystic stuff starting, and every single pore on my face was inflamed or a whitehead. So I can deal with this, lol! When it was really bad (about 2.5 weeks ago) my chest and back were starting to break out heinously. And my rocasea was VERY bad. I have been on accutane before, which cleared my back for years, so to see that PLUS chest acne suddenly? Pretty mortifying. Chest/bacne is about 70% better. Still somewhat itchy and inflamed but only 2-3 obvious whiteheads as opposed to 10-15. D: And the rocasea is better too, although people say ask me if I've gotten sun recently.
Clearing as much as I have like this simply does NOT happen for me unless I'm on Accutane. So I may have stumbled upon something here? I really hope it's not just a placebo or short term thing. Or just dumb luck which will reverse itself when I finally relax.
Here's what I'm doing that have helped:
-Eating a vegan, LOW GI, near-zero sugar diet with a good amount of plant fats (but no processed oils, and actually no processed anything except tofu)
-taking b5 (only 2 grams a day, not a megadose really, but a good amount)
- vitamin c (500mg twice daily), magnesium (can't remember dose, a standard amount I think), and a multi. Lysine for skin healing and also bc I get cold sores
-vit d 10,000 IU a day (seems like a lot, but it's just 2 500ui pills a day, and is completely safe for most people)
-calming teas like chamomile help inflammation somewhat for me
I haven't changed anything else much at all. I still have terrible sleep habits and rarely get into the sun (I sleep during the day due to work and also being a vampire) so for me to clear a bit despite these bad habits is pretty neat! (By the way, when I say plant fats, I'm talking about things like avocados, chia, flax, coconut, and unprocessed unsalted nuts. I think the fats have helped my skin be less dry/eczema-ish and also slow down digestion and blood sugar spikes.)
I am lowering the dose of b5 to 1.5 grams a day bc what I'm taking seems effective and it's expensive stuff. The most important angles that I believe are helping are removing processed sugar completely from the diet (that includes things like agave, honey, or any kind of syrup), eating low GI, and b5. I am vegan for ethical and spiritual reasons, and have been for a while, but it has never helped my skin. In fact, the last two years I've eaten a very low fat somewhat high GI diet. It's kept me thin (healed my IBS) and lowered my cholesterol but I could never figure out why my skin was still crap! It's not like I've always eaten tons of sugar, but it seems like my indulgences in vegan junk food (cough oreos cough) might have been causing some issues. Plus I've always eaten a ton of white rice and white potatoes. Both of which are healthy, for normal people anyway. But I was born with a predisposition to hypoglycemia, and suddenly everything is starting to make sense! I obviously have trouble with insulin insensitivity!
Sorry this was a long update. I had thai food tonight, veggies/tofu and brown rice, which I haven't had in a while. I also wore makeup, which I don't usually do. Hopefully these activities won't bother my skin. By the way, if this is not a fluke and I keep having progress, I will make my own thread with very detailed advice, just in case it helps others.)
My old hyperpigmentation is clearing. I get a tiny little bump once in awhile in random locations, but they aren't really whiteheads, more like a clogged pore. They go away quickly. Redness from rosacea is down a bunch. I'm only taking 1.5 grams of b5 a day, still eating the same way. I "cheated" yesterday with some vegan creamer that has sugar in it. I had a slight darkening of red spots but it's gone now so I really think sugar is a problem for me. I haven't been this clear since I was at the end of my courses of Accutane. This shit is CRAY ya'll.
@CelestialElf I have read and saved your whole regimen, I am on a same diet as you currently avoiding junk food and sugar especially cause me too am suspecting that sugar is a big cause of my breakouts.
I stopped eating all kinds of sweets for a month and a half now and instead I eat fresh fruit and sometimes dried dates (they are my quilty pleasure) I don't know if they are breaking me out I should stop them for awile and see what happens, now I get only 2-3 cysts on each side on my cheeks (that's usually where I break out) but still my skin looks red and inflamed. You mentioned that honey should be avoided and that surprised me cause I consume honey instead of sugar, not often maybe 2-3 times a week or less for 1 teaspoon, I add it in my tea sometimes and in my oatmeal for a little sweetness..
I am planing on starting to take the vitamins suplements you mentioned, I am ashamed to say that I don't take any vitamins in pills thinking that the food like vegetables and fruits are already giving me the the needed dose and looks like I am wrong..
Anyway, thank you for sharing this and I look forward to hear more from your journey and how it is improving, hope you will get positive results. XX
I am not sure what Alternativista has covered in this very extensive discussion but she knows her stuff. She helped me and motivated me to seek out any and all info that can potentially help the acne situation. Everything dealing with acne comes down to what you expose your skin to......and what you consume. You can change your RNA by what you surround yourself with as well as what you consume. You can change your eye color in a few years time using raw fruits and cooked vegetables believe it or not. That is how powerful diet is. Seems like crazy talk but your internal body chemistry that includes hormones....vitamins....fiber....amino acids that heal your skin and boost your neuro- transmitters in your brain.....what you put inside you reflects what is displayed on the outside. And though there is no universal procedure to kill acne....there are in fact many options available to you that are not terribly expensive. Look through all her posts and you will in fact find yourself with little to no acne left.
21 hours ago, onefatalgoose said:I am not sure what Alternativista has covered in this very extensive discussion but she knows her stuff. She helped me and motivated me to seek out any and all info that can potentially help the acne situation. Everything dealing with acne comes down to what you expose your skin to......and what you consume. You can change your RNA by what you surround yourself with as well as what you consume. You can change your eye color in a few years time using raw fruits and cooked vegetables believe it or not. That is how powerful diet is. Seems like crazy talk but your internal body chemistry that includes hormones....vitamins....fiber....amino acids that heal your skin and boost your neuro- transmitters in your brain.....what you put inside you reflects what is displayed on the outside. And though there is no universal procedure to kill acne....there are in fact many options available to you that are not terribly expensive. Look through all her posts and you will in fact find yourself with little to no acne left.
Yes!! People do not realize how much what we eat affects our RNA expression, inflammation, and cognition! She was truly ahead of her time.
Acne is the most common and frustrating skin imperfection most of us deal with regularly. Although it is advertised as a skin problem for teenagers, many of us will continue to deal with acne and acne breakouts well into adulthood. Even though no one has perfect skin, we can conceal skin imperfections like the occasional pimple to problematic acne breakouts using makeup.
Acne is the most common and frustrating skin imperfection most of us deal with regularly. Although it is advertised as a skin problem for teenagers, many of us will continue to deal with acne and acne breakouts well into adulthood. Even though no one has perfect skin, we can conceal skin imperfections like the occasional pimple to problematic acne breakouts using makeup.
Also, to tie into the fact that you can alter your RNA by what you surround your cells with....which is a huge topic of discussion in this thread....
I have to say it, and it is has been highly controversial in the past, but it is becoming less and less so as more information is pouring out of alternative media sources, and doctors who have been willing to speak out about it. The mRNA vaccines are doing nothing (and have done nothing) to prevent illness and are causing massive health issues for those who have been coerced into getting them via fear tactics. I am sorry to those who are pushing these onto the world (who need not be named....B---l G---s, A------y F---i) but this information has to be shared. (I am actually not sorry).
You only need to build your immune system naturally to avoid any of these "viral" threats. Vitamin C, D, A, Zinc, (also seehydroxychloroquine, ivermectin), etc....Raw Local Honey, green smoothies, fulvic minerals, living pro-biotics, turmeric root, quercetin, Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (diluted in alkaline water for safer consumption)adequate exercise and sleep, and a "fear free" lifestyle are a few of the essentials that you will need to fight off any "viral" threats being indoctrinated into people as "pandemics" and "super-spreaders". Also masks do nothing but hinder your health, as countless studies have shown them to not only be useless against spreading any "virus", but can cause a whole host of breathing issues/skin issues/health issues.
(Remember, mask 'mandate" does not mean Law. Ya don't have to do it just cause you see others doing it. There is in fact no legal ramification for refusing to wear them) For now....
I am sorry to those forced out of their careers due to these vaccines/boosters being forced onto employees, that is unfortunate and deeply disturbing.
There is a great documentary coming from parents who greatly regret ever having their children vaccinated, and I will post the link. Here's hoping this reaches people before they choose to get vaccinated. The documentary is titled "Vaxxed II".
If you have been recently "boosted" with these poisons, you can still reverse the damages by implementing the fore-mentioned lifestyle and diet changes into your lives. To what degree will obviously depend on how much damage was done to your body, but there is still hope even post vaccinated (poisoned).
Also you might check out Vernon Coleman's website for some down to earth info from a doctor who is being silenced by mainstream media outlets. Sherri Tenpenny, Bryan Ardis, and numerous others have been very vocal about this, putting their own lives at risk in doing so.
THE ADVOCATE APPROACH: This is when, for example, you have 3 out of 10 vaccine doses being toxic, while the other 7 remain placebo or a simple saline solution. In doing this, you create a vast number of "vaccinated" people promoting the idea that they are harmless, as they have had zero negative effects. Meanwhile, those who received the toxic doses, are chalked up as "adverse events". They are not individuals experiencing adverse events, they are simply the ones that got the actual toxic doses. And "adverse events" is putting it lightly, when you see the videos of some of these human beings experiencing these events it can be deeply disturbing/horrifying It is an ingenious scheme that was well thought out and planned by those looking to push their product without causing a sudden outcry from the entire public, which would be the case if it were not for the ADVOCATE APPROACH being implemented with these vaccines.
Vaxxed II link:
Watch the Water link: Bryan Ardis on what is actually in the most recent vaccines, and how they are "treating" patients who have the flu.
Both docs are worth your time to watch if you are still deciding if vaccines are a good decision for you and your loved ones.
"There's always a choice"- Denzel Washington (The Book of Eli)
There are advertisments being put out for the Shingles vaccine as well as the Whooping Cough vaccine. Just a word of warning....
One of two things is happening. You can decide which of them you believe to be more likely:
The advocates of these vaccines, who stand to benefit both monitarily and in the agenda to control the population, have suddenly done a complete 180 and are now deeply concerened about your health and well being....and should without a doubt be trusted...and now have relieable and credible statistics to back up the alleged effectiveness of these vaccines....
These new vaccines are no different than the destructive covid Mrna injections or any vaccines that came before them. Itis simply being re-branded and pushed back onto the unsuspecting victims who put their trust into the hands of those who have not earned it in any way shape or form. They are continuing to use fear to get you to do something in the name of "yours and your loved ones health".
Please keep those possibilities in mind when making the choice as to whether or not you will be getting any more vaccines/boosters. What you decide is ultimately your choice, but I am personally going to continue to "boost" my immunity naturally and not place my well being into the hands of those who I do not trust.
Best wishes,
"New and improved Covid Vaccines are here!"
Official advertisements for this are out now. I would personally wait for objective research into any improvements that have been made to the orginal batch that was so toxic to so many who were silenced from social media. Unless you recieved the placebo, in which case you would gladly advocate to anyone and all that they also get their own injection.
Caution advised if and when considering these injections for you or your loved ones. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Not my original quote. Winston Chuchill, I believe, said that. If you feel that you are in good hands with those pushing the vaccines, by all means get them.
If the studies/personal testamonies are leading you to believe that this is in fact a eugenics operation....and has been the entire time....then you would be statistically accurate in your thought processes.
There is no low that Evil will not descend to in order to achieve it's goals. Thank the maker for nature right? And the right to share information? We will see how long either of those two things last.
Best wishes,
Thanks Dan, for allowing me to share this information btw. All are free to make up their own mind regarding this issue. Let's hope that it remains that way
I'm sorry....I can't right now. I cannot....with this right now
I have seen this commercial 3 times now....and I am mixed in my emotions: Shock....horrification....and the kind of laughter/reaction to comedy that you convey after seeing something so disturbing it literally breaks your brain.
Pfizer is now advertising a "covid" pill that you can take from home. The commercial is an animated girl happily consuming her pill from a room in her house.
You may have seen it already.
I will only ask one question, and then you all can decide how to proceed. Here is the question:
Do you know what is in that pill? Exactly? I do not. Know yet. But if it is any way related to the "vaccines" that have tortured/mutilated/paralyzed/killed so many victims who have been silenced on social media....
I would avoid at all costs. Me. Personally, will be avoiding. I don't know what my opinions are worth, but I am not one who enjoys watching others suffer. It's not a pleasant experience to see these videos being shared before they are silenced. It's worse than any horror film I have personally seen, because it is not fiction.
If you trust your life to these treatments out of fear of getting exposed to the flu....yes the flu, not the illusive covid and its variants that have been fabricated....and a PCR test not testing for "covid" or its alleged variants....
Then by all means be the first in line for your very own "at home treatment".
I will not be standing in that line, and if it comes to losing my job or being forced to adhere to this insanity....
I will choose to lose my job.
But again, it's your choice.
Best wishes
Don't do it. I am not one to plead....
Ignore the fear. Ignore those blindly advising you. Ignore those actively trying to KILL YOU.
Do NOT under any circumstance take any drug or vaccine related to a made up "threat".
You are witnessing a genocide. I am fully un-filtered tonight.
Build up your immunity naturally. The powers that be are actively and HELL bent on killing you through these covid vaccines and now "at home treatments".
It is snake venom.....and I make no exaggeration. They isolated 19 proteins (covid 19) from venomous snakes and sea creatures with the intent of halving the world's population. They are not trying to save you. They give a FUCK about you and want you dead. Too much?
Will this post be regulated by the monitors of this site? Dan?
Stop. Trusting the very entities who are actively trying to kill you off.
I don't care
The CDC is becoming "very concerned" about how only 1.5% of the US has gotten the latest booster shots.
Qutestion is....do I go full on unfiltered....or keep my cool...
I'll leave the filter on tonight.
I am sure that they ARE concerned. Gravely concerned. As they should be.
They are concerned that people are waking up to the fact that they are being exposed to be the untrutworthy entity that they are.
This is good news folks. The more "concerned" they are.....the better for us.
I am personally concerned about how concerned they are about our lack of concern for the products they are offering.
And now my head hurts after typing that sentence.
Best wishes,
I guess there is no harm giveing my "unfiltered" version. Only this thime without swear words.
If I were a member of the CDC, getting paid to indoctrinate the public, and began to realize that the public was no longer buying my BS....
I would be concerned. But why?
I would be concerned because the amount of money that I would be getting paid to decieve the public would then be put inot jeapordy. Maybe I will be fired, or replaced by someone even more motivated by materialistic gains.
So yes, I can understand their concerns.
MY....only concern....is when I meet my maker and he asks me "hey, quick question....for you....why? were you so willing to be a part of this group of individuals that were so determined to kill my children?"
And then I would respond, "Well, sir, they offered me alot of money to do so'"
And he/she might respond "Well? where is your money now?"
And then I would say " Ohhhhh......shit. Right.....it doesn't exist in this place does it?"
And he/she might say " No.....no it doesn't"
And then we would look at eachother awkwardly....
Then he/she might say " So....what were you expecting as a reward for doing these harmful dedes to all of my childrend?"
I might say something like " Well, based on what all of my colleagues were telling me, I expected the same materialistic rewards that I was recieving here on earth? Only multiplied by an astonomical amount? That's what I was told by those who were paying me so....yeah."
And then the maker might say "You were decieved......you were used for evil....and those evil entities care nothing for you ....and only viewed you as a tool to further their evil desires....like.....fucking duh."
And then I would respond "Are you serious???"
And then the maker might respond " Yes, I am serious. You got used, and played, for your own selfish desires"
And then I would say " God Dammit!"
And then the maker might say something like " No....my son/daughter....I did not damn you. Those decieving you damned you."
Pretty unfiltered but.....i mean....let's be real folks.....money ain't nothing. Your life after this one is everything. Make sure you go with a clean conscious. Do more for others than you do for yourself. Treat others how you would want to be treated. Ya don't need religion to live by these things. Just a basic level of empathy
Thanks for listening
This....is the video I didn't want to show because I had to force myself to watch it.
WARNING: The following video may be disturbing to the community.
It needs to be seen, especially if you are considering any future vaccines. But it is nothing like you have seen, because it is being filtered out. This shit's real folks, and I only watched it once, that is all I could do. That was enough. For me.
Share....and make aware. It's all you can do at this point.
One of my co-workers, who is going for her nursing degree....just got her first Covid Vax today. She is scheduled for her second within the month.
This is a co-worker who I have shared everything with.
Her choice was....continue persuing her degree, and get the Vax.....or be removed from the program.
I said, "Janeeva, I get that this is what you have always wanted to do....but do you understand the risks involved? Do you understand why so many are leaving the profession that you are hell bent on trying to get into?"
She said "Yes, and I didn't want to get it. But there was no other choice".
I am telling you, and not preaching, that this stuff is happening to me personally. People I care about and know are being put under the gun to take this stuff in order to continue a career in the medical field. Those who are motivated to help others, are being forced to take substances that have proven to kill, paralyze, destroy lung and heart function, kidney function, cognitive function....to a degree never seen before.
And despite my warnings.....she did it.
So it's not me up on some alter preaching....I am seeing this in my personal life. And it bothers me to know that she may be exposed to one of the poisonous doeses of the "vaccine". Like so many have.
It's real folks, and it hits home when you see someone you deeply care about falling into this trap. I can't change her mind. I already tried.
-Best wishes,
I called her out on this, and I am just going to say word for word what happened.
She is mad at me.....and does not want to speak with me. I don't know why. She is sheduled for another shot in two weeks. I told her "I do not care.....if being a nurse has been your life long passion.....LOOK AT HOW MANY ARE LEAVING THE PROFESSION due to the required vaccine. And.....this is what you are willing to do? To be accpeted into the medical community?
You are going to expose your body to this substance that is MUTILATING people around you....their videos being filtered and taken down from social media.....the straight up SUFFERING.....
......so you can be a nurse.
You think I am not dealing with this on a personal level? Hah!
If you have been following.....
The latest and greatest news is that Pfizer "lied" about the ability for the "virus" to spread despite getting the vaccines.
It might seem like good news right? Only....they aren't addressing the crucial issue in regards to this matter. Cause....they can't.
If they were being fully honest they would say something like this: " We are upset that pfizer alongside unknown global cultists and those practicing eugenics....have been pushing the "Crown's 19 Venoms".
Covid....19....Virus. AKA....the "Crown's (the queen's) 19 isolated venom proteins)
They have to symbolize what they do. Because they believe it saves them from karma.
Delta....Omicron.....simple variants of Covid right? Re-arrange the words. What do you get? It is no co-incidence.
DO you think I'm crazy? Go get the the latest shots available. And watch. As you either become prey to nothing but a placebo....or a deadly toxin designed specifially and forementioned as a bio-weapon created for population contol.
I'm not crazy. Just giving you all a heads up. Because I have seen the suffering that is being filtered out. It ain't pretty. It's disturbing on a level no horror film can match.
Build your immunity naturally. Stop listening to the CDC....NIH....Pfizer....FDA....and start listening to those who are suffering and trying to spread the word.
Best wishes,