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Possible link with ACNE to MILK


Posted : 03/21/2008 8:01 pm

Set the scene

About 3 weeks ago i was ironically drinking a glass of milk while browsing the internet and decided to search milk and acne in google. I had been really down about my acne around then cause it was raping my face and i was looking for any possible connections/cure.


The find!

A list of links came up condeming milk about its link to acne, with a few of the websites saying it was proven(at this point i spat a mouthful of milk back into the glass). A maker of one of websites, which was still in the progress of being made, even claimed that he/she was a dermatologist for 30 years and had successfully treated thousands of patients.


My experience

Its now been 3 weeks and iv almost completely stopped drinking milk (a splurge in a tea or coffee every couple of days) and my acne has cleared up immensley. i noticed a difference after a few days as there seemed to be a decline in production of volcanoes and mountain ridges on my face. I still eat cheese and margarine and i still get a few new reasonably small spots on my face, but right now im just praying that iv found the main cause of my acne.



I read a few interesting things that may be the cause of the link between milk and of them said that it can be to do with pregnant cows milk containing hormones which promote acne and another saying that milk contains enzymes which have shown to increase sabacious gland production blah blah blah.



I know 3 weeks is a very short amount of time, but this is the longest by far iv ever gone without a big breakout and i thought it was about time i should share. Im suggesting that you try not drinking any milk for a week and see how it goes! maybe it will work the same for you as it has for me! theres not really anything to lose.


If anyone has any testimonials about milk and acne please post them! Il update if this was all a big mistake and if i was completely wrong. fingers crossed.


Posted : 03/21/2008 8:07 pm

I think that it's a pretty common consensus that dairy can be the cause of trouble for many people due either to allergy, sensitivity, or the hormones and pasteurization. However, a lot of people have much more success with raw, unpasteurized milk. If you are seeing such improvements, I would definitely say stick with it, and even recommend that you cut out ALL dairy products, or products that contain dairy for at least a month.


Personally, I now avoid it like the plague and I do much better without the dairy.


Posted : 03/21/2008 8:16 pm

I think that it's a pretty common consensus that dairy can be the cause of trouble for many people due either to allergy, sensitivity, or the hormones and pasteurization. However, a lot of people have much more success with raw, unpasteurized milk. If you are seeing such improvements, I would definitely say stick with it, and even recommend that you cut out ALL dairy products, or products that contain dairy for at least a month.


Personally, I now avoid it like the plague and I do much better without the dairy.


ah cool thanks, il try that.


Posted : 03/21/2008 9:07 pm

Any before and after pics?


Posted : 03/21/2008 9:15 pm

I gave up milk on May 31st 2007. Introduced green veggie shakes in mid/late became 90% clear in September. Also used BP a few times a week, rarely washed face except using warm water.


Posted : 03/21/2008 9:29 pm

Ah yes, milk.


Milk ruined my chin/jawline about 1-2 years ago. Good times hehe


Posted : 03/21/2008 10:40 pm

It's been discussed on here daily for the past 5 years but you're ok. Try to avoid anything that has cows milk in it. You and along with a significantly high percentage of the population are probably lactose intolerant. Not many adults handle milk very well.


Posted : 03/24/2016 10:31 pm

I've had the same experience with milk. I normally avoid consuming too much dairy in general, but i notice when I order a shake from McD's (my weakness) later that evening and the next day break outs reappear out of the blue. I've tried it multiple times and it's quite consistent, further verifying that there is definitely a link.


Posted : 04/11/2016 10:12 am

Its absolutely true for me that dairy breaks me out.
