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Vitamin B5 Information


Posted : 06/02/2004 2:23 pm

yeah with b5 once the skin is clear you are supposed to slowly reduce the dosage till you mind the correct maintenance dose. problem is that it takes bout two weeks for the effects of b5 to show on your face so when ur slowly reducin the dosage if u go under your correct maintenance dose you'll break out two weeks later if u get my drift. go to [Removed] they have all the info you'll need and links to others. or email me if u want.



Posted : 06/07/2004 5:41 am



Im currently taking 5 grams of B5 daily. I was wondering how much B complex should I take for that dosage and also whether I should take a Biotin supplement along with it. Also is it best to take the B complex and Biotin at exactly the same time as B5 or does it not matter when?


Posted : 06/08/2004 2:11 pm

If coenzyme A is really what the body is lacking, why cant you take a coenzyme A supplement instead of B5? Just curious


Posted : 06/08/2004 2:47 pm

does such a thing exist, I never even thought to look




I just checked, they don't have Coenzyme A so I doubt there is a supplement format. I'll keep checking around though.


Posted : 06/08/2004 3:36 pm

Natural health consultants states that coenzyme A does not come in pill form but it's precursors do and it sells for $51.50 for 90 caps 3 caps per day.


Posted : 06/08/2004 3:40 pm

Vita cost also sells it for $45.00. Let me know your thoughts


Posted : 06/09/2004 12:27 pm

Clear Skin ImageTM

The Natural Acne Solution


(Each capsule)


Clear Skin Image Proprietary Nutrient FormulaTM

Pantothenic Acid

(d-Calcium Pantothenate)-1,000 mg

Biotin-1 mg

Niacin-20 mg

Molybdenum (Amino Acid Chelate)-.02 mg



Suggested use: As a dietary supplement, for best results take 9 capsules a day (3 capsules, taken between meals 3 times a day with water). For severe forms of acne we suggest a "Clinical Dose" of 12 capsules a day (4 capsules, taken between meals 3 times a day with water). Otherwise, we suggest taking 1-6 capsules a day (with water, between meals) depending on your skin's condition and the results you desire.


Clear Skin Warning: You may experince a temporary warming of the skin or a mild to severe flushing of the skin effect. In very rare occasions abdominal pain may be experienced.

All of the above are part of the process of cleansing and detoxification by increasing blood flow to the skin surface, thus removing toxins and other metabolic waste products.


The benefits of Clear Skin ImageTM include:


AaA Induces proper detoxification of harmful waste products, the primary cause of acne

AaA Breaks down internal toxins.

AaA Reduces or eliminates even the worst problem acne.

AaA Clinically proven to be safe and effective.

AaA Reduces the sebaceous oil glands by stabilizing overproduction of sebaceous oil.

AaA Reduces the size of skin pores resulting in a much finer skin surface.

AaA Nutritional support for healthy, vibrant and beautiful skin.

AaA Treates acne internally at the source of the problem.


The New and Improved Clear Skin Image product. We have done the impossible! 1000 mg's of the purest Pantothenic Acid (less then 5% moisture content), along with additional ingredients. Molybdenum (amino acid chelate), Biotin and Niacin per one capsule dose. (NO DI-Calcium Phosphate). Molybdenum is a trace mineral not yet well known to the public. This is unfortunate since its presence in the system in sufficient quantity can make such a dramatic difference in the health of persons coping with Candida infection, multiple chemical sensitivity, or chemically induced migraine headache, as well as the adverse effects of alcohol and tobacco.




This sounds promising, I think I'll order and let you know, how it works.


Posted : 06/09/2004 3:04 pm

Or you could just buy all those supplements seperately. You'll most likely get a larger supply at roughly the same price (probably cheaper).


Posted : 06/09/2004 3:10 pm

Ok, I just checked out vitacost and they do indeed have Coenzyme A. But how much would you have to take in order to see results. Anyways, I've got gobs of money to blow (well not really, but all my paychecks go to fight acne or the bank), so I'm going to give this a shot. This may actually work. On the bottle it even says that it metabolizes fatty acids, and thats the whole point of the B5 treatment... Ok now I'm excited. What does everyone else think about this? Am I going to be the only guinea pig?


Posted : 06/11/2004 4:30 am

CAVEAT: I am not a doctor, a pharmacist, or a health care provider. This isn't medical advice, merely a layman's opinion.


I've tried pantothenic acid twice now, two different brands, same results each time (Which is to say none) I ignored the rational thoughts telling me it was a quackery out of desperation (I've had acne for far too long) I'm not sure why everyone orders it off the net because I had no problem finding at the nearest pharmacy (I live in Ontario, Canada) It's been said earlier no doubt, but I'll repeat: It will be labeled 'pantothenic acid' not 'B5' Someone also said something about Coenzyme Q10 in supplement form, I've seen those at the drug store as well. The only place I've heard about using B5 is on the net, every vitamin/herb guide (and mainstream medical guides such as the Merck manual) I've checked out says that pantothenic acid might be helpful for certain types of arthritis, no mention of acne and pantothenic acid in any book I've seen (And these are all recent books, published within the past year or two)


-As for B5 deficiencies, my understanding is that this has only been seen in a laboratory setting in which the deficiency was intentionally induced to see what would happen as a result of the deficiency (If I remember it causes tingling feet, little else, no mention of acne)


To wit: There is pretty much no food that does not contain B5.



It's a vitamin that is also manufactured by your own body somewhere in the G.I. tract, and since it's water-soluble, the body just flushes out any excess (And the money you spent on it) therefore I believe 'megadosing' to be utterly useless.


-Correlation does not necessarily imply causation. What else do we know about these inpatients in Hong Kong? What were they in the hospital for? How do we know some of them weren't immunocompromised, experiencing acne as a result and cleared up once they were in remission? Was this a double blind, placebo-controlled study? If acne were to clear up, how do we know it's not because the B5 was doing something else in the body? Were they taking a B complex? Could they have somehow had a lack of acne due to a deficiency in all the B's (Not good news) with the exception of p.acid?


-The use of B5 beyond 3 months (If I recall) in humans hasn't been studied, moreover, those studies date to the 1940's. Do any of us really know what the long-term effects of B5 will be?


I'm not trying to scaremonger, I just think some critical questions need to be asked if people are going to embark upon the route of unorthodox treatments.


Posted : 06/15/2004 2:37 pm

If I want to buy B5 vitamins what name should I be looking for? Will it be called B5 or will it come in the form of another vitamin??


And other than online, what stores would you say I could find B5...Walmart? Walgreens?


Posted : 06/17/2004 8:23 pm

-Correlation does not necessarily imply causation. What else do we know about these inpatients in Hong Kong? What were they in the hospital for? How do we know some of them weren't immunocompromised, experiencing acne as a result and cleared up once they were in remission? Was this a double blind, placebo-controlled study? If acne were to clear up, how do we know it's not because the B5 was doing something else in the body? Were they taking a B complex? Could they have somehow had a lack of acne due to a deficiency in all the B's (Not good news) with the exception of p.acid?


-The use of B5 beyond 3 months (If I recall) in humans hasn't been studied, moreover, those studies date to the 1940's. Do any of us really know what the long-term effects of B5 will be?


Posted : 06/19/2004 7:22 am

Hmm. I'm thinking about trying this. Though, I am having a hard time deciding what exactly to purchase. I still haven't decided yet, but I'll let you guys know where I stand, maybe it'll help you.


First, Evolution-X. EvoX seems convenient because it combines the B5 and the necessary supplements of other B-vitamins in one product. You also assume that that they know what they're doing with their ingredients, being that is is an "official" acne-fighting product. But of course, it's quite expensive. One 400-capsule bottle will cost you $45 shipped. Each capsule has 510mg of B5, and actually rather small amounts of the other B vitamins, but I suppose that is all that's necessary? I also notice that it's got a dash of Alpha Lipoic Acid in there, you can never argue with that. But anyway. Those 400 capsules, if you follow the directions and take 20 a day, will only last you 20 days! This is about $65/month! Ow. The final thing to consider, though, is that if it doesn't work within 3 weeks, you can return all of your bottles for refunds and get an extra $50 back, provided you fill out their survey. I have to say that EvoX is a powerful contender.


Conversely, I've been poking around Puritan's Pride. They have a big sale thing going on with supplements and whatnot where you buy 1 get 1 free, buy 2 get 3 free, etc. Taking these discounts into account, here is what I found.


500 B5 capsules, 500mg each (vs 510mg in EvoX, big diff) for $23.70. That's for a 25-day supply. You'd do this by purchasing five of this product, for buy 2 get 3 free (it's at the bottom of the list):


(For those that still aren't aware, Pantothenic Acid is B5)


Though you'd also need a supplement. It's been said before that you should take one pill, twice a day. Puritan has a bottle of 50 tablets, which will last you precisely the 25-day duration that the B5 product would. However, it's buy 1 get 1 free, so it's 100 tablets/50 day supply of Vitamin B Complex, for $5.50.


Add in the $23.70 for B5, and we're at $29.20. Shipping is $4 there, so here is the bottom line:


Evo X is $45 for 20 day supply


Puritan's Pride is $33.15 for 25 day supply, and you'll have 25 days worth of B complex vitamins left over.


One has a money-back guarantee, one does not.


I'm still really undecided, LOL. But at least I laid it out for everybody. I'm kinda into the EvoX thing, but then again I want to order from PP anyway for some MSM and stuff. Hrm.




Posted : 06/20/2004 1:20 am

So peeps, one question, with what do you take your B5 with?


Posted : 06/26/2004 1:31 pm

I have to say, I am getting increasingly irritated by people coming on telling others to avoid B5, to do X Y Z, and that B5 is just quack treatment and categorically doesn't work.


Since January I have been using BP. If anything, at first it made my skin worse, then worse still, then worse still. I woke up with my face having all the suppleness of a flapjack. So I stopped. It wasn't working for me. FOR ME.


I went on to B5 - 20 tablets a day. First week or so, not a great improvement. I am now a month in and haven't seen my skin looking better for years, frankly.


I saw it as a last chance solution - as the stories I have heard from people on RoAccutane made me avoid that option. For me, it worked. I am planning, after another month at my current levels, I'm going to lower the dose, and put it down to levels that are not abnormally high.


Maybe I am lucky, maybe it doesn't work for you, maybe it causes you terrible side effects, maybe it irritates you that others find benefits in it and you do not.


But don't criticise people for using it.


Posted : 07/02/2004 4:02 pm

I figured I was thankful to read evryones posts when I started B5 so I feel I should leave one too.


I started taking B5 about a month ago. I havent seen a single side effect accept flourescent yellow pee, that looks like red bull.


Anyways I am very happy with it so far. I have seen a dramatic change for the better and Im hoping to see even more. Its not even that big of a deal taking 10 grams a day. Its alot of pills to swallow but who cares, its worth it. I have taken them with and without food, drunk, before I work out, it doesnt matter, after you take them there isnt a single side effect that even makes you remember you took them.


And to the people that knock it I wouldnt even listen to them. What the hell do they know?


Posted : 07/07/2004 3:53 am

i don't know if this has been said before but... you get enough B5 from food. taking B5 is useless in most cases. no matter what you r eating.. a hamburger or vetarian stuff it won't make a difference.


my doctor even said i should avoid taking too much vitamin B because it can cause eczema. i had that eczema on my neck so i know what i am talking about 😉


Posted : 07/07/2004 5:36 am

i don't know if this has been said before but... you get enough B5 from food. taking B5 is useless in most cases. no matter what you r eating.. a hamburger or vetarian stuff it won't make a difference.


my doctor even said i should avoid taking too much vitamin B because it can cause eczema. i had that eczema on my neck so i know what i am talking about 😉


Posted : 07/07/2004 5:44 am

I figured I was thankful to read evryones posts when I started B5 so I feel I should leave one too.


I started taking B5 about a month ago. I havent seen a single side effect accept flourescent yellow pee, that looks like red bull.


Anyways I am very happy with it so far. I have seen a dramatic change for the better and Im hoping to see even more. Its not even that big of a deal taking 10 grams a day. Its alot of pills to swallow but who cares, its worth it. I have taken them with and without food, drunk, before I work out, it doesnt matter, after you take them there isnt a single side effect that even makes you remember you took them.


And to the people that knock it I wouldnt even listen to them. What the hell do they know?


Posted : 07/07/2004 11:44 am

sorry if this has been asked many times, but are there any short and long-term side effects that i should worry about when taking B5 that could come bite me in the ass later in life


Posted : 07/11/2004 3:14 pm

20 pills a day?!!!!


I'd rather live with my acne thx


Posted : 07/11/2004 3:37 pm

Its not as bad as you think.


Posted : 07/11/2004 6:34 pm

Hi, Can I take megadoes of B5 whilst taking Accutane? Is it a bit risky to do so?

I just cannot wait to try any mean that has potential to diminish my spots which i hate sooooo much. Acctuane works for me, but it seems it does not works as fast as i expected. I still got some non-cysts on my forehead.


Posted : 07/14/2004 4:23 pm

A little while ago in this thread I talked about what fantastic benefits B5 was bringing to me. And I stand by that... it did clear me up brilliantly.


But then I ran out, and had to stop taking it for four days whilst I waited for another delivery.


In between that time, I think my skin took the opportunity to go wild, and break out a whole lot.


But I have started back on the b5 now, and bizarrely I haven't actually noticed its benefits again. It doesn't seem to be doing anything.


Has anyone else experienced this?


Posted : 07/14/2004 4:42 pm

I decided to quit taking B5 after noticing messed up liver enzymes and the fact that it could cause brittle hair.
