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Omega 3, 6, and 9 Fatty Acids


Posted : 03/18/2007 2:24 pm

any positive updates?

Look under acne

That description couldn't be said any better way on my skin right now. I am now on the path to clearing.

But I shouldn't speak too soon, I'll let time and pictures dictate that. I am now at the end of week 4. My skin feels like .. velvet you could say. I don't need to exfoliate as much anymore, just a gentle buff here and there.

Last week I made the mistake of trying to encorporate tea tree oil in my moisturizer as well as my acv + lemon juice toner, it clogged my pores hours after washing. Upon taking that out I don't get clogged pores now, so I am just waiting till that goes away, and my blemishes to leave. I don't deal with white heads anymore so that's a good thing! No more painful bumps that is.


Posted : 03/18/2007 2:39 pm

Another really good read about why omega 3 over even GLA's


Much of the GLA taken from the oils mentioned or as a supplement is not converted to AA, but rather to DGLA. DGLA competes with AA and prevents the negative inflammatory effects that AA would otherwise cause in the body. Having adequate amounts of certain nutrients in the body (including magnesium, zinc, and vitamins C, B3, and B6) helps to promote the conversion of GLA to DGLA rather than AA.


It is important to know that many experts feel that the science supporting the use of omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation and prevent diseases is much stronger than the information regarding use of GLA for these purposes. Two important, and most studied, omega-3 fatty acids include eicosopentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both found in fish and fish oils.




Posted : 03/18/2007 3:05 pm

Fish oil is like superman


They actually have a blog for all the stories relating to it's benefits in the real world




Posted : 03/18/2007 3:55 pm

Hello everyone! i am new to this forum (although have been browsing for some months but not actually joined!) and i just wanted to say, what a fantastic topic this is, very informative and it makes sense! (at last) solely because of this forum i have been taking a few supplements over the last week or so, the main one being fish oil! along with zinc, vit c, vit e, and EPO (not sure about epo now since its omega 6 i believe)and have really tryed to reduce my intake of omega 6's , i think this might be the combination for me (touch wood) i have had no new major breakouts in the last week, just a few small ones that fade fast, and previously id get horrible inflamed ones every day or so that stayed around for ages (im sure you all know what im talking about). Now i have to add, that at the same time as starting the supplements i also started taking apple cider vinegar daily and using it as a toner (which i LOVE) so i cant be sure if its the fish oil or the ACV, or even if its a combination of them all! but i will certainly be sticking to this for a while and hoping my skin continues to improve! anyways... nothing specific to ask, just showing some appreciation to u guys! and good luck!



Posted : 03/18/2007 4:14 pm

I am currently taking: Multi-Vitamins (Non-Iodine) Flax Seed Oil, Borage Oil, and Evening Primrose Oil.

I take 2 non-iodine multivitamins a day

I take 2 flax seed oil capsules a day (500 mg per capsule) = 1000 mg per day

I take 2 evening primrose capsules a day (500 mg per capsule) = 1000 mg per day

I take 2 borage oil capsules a day (1000 mg per capsule) = 2000 mg per day

I split them up, with meals throught the day.

With breakfast I take 2 multivitamins with water.

With lunch I take 2 flax, 1 evening primrose with 1/2 cup (4oz) of NON-Hormone Milk

With dinner I take 2 borage, and 1 evening primrose with 1/2 cup (4oz) of NON-Hormone Milk

Along with this my diet contains Fish: Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon, Wild Pacific Cod, Mahi-Mahi. 2-4 times a week

The only cooking oli I have been using is Olive oil. I donot use butter. I eat organic walnuts every now and then.

Other foods im eating: fruits and veggies, whole grain breads, crackers and cereals. Yougurt. Organic Wild Blueberries.

I work out 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes (usually an hour)

And I drink lots of water, at least 40 oz of water a day, all the way up to 120 oz a day at the most

What am I doing wrong?

Should I stop taking any of the supplements?

Do you think this combo of oils is bad?

Really, honestly, truthfully, how long does it take for you to correct your Omega 3-6 ratio? 3 weeks to a Month? 2 months? 4 months?

You know, your diet is really healthy, how much acne do you have right now, and how often do you get it, is it better than before?

I know most people have had great success with using all of the EFA's like you are doing, such as bob mckee

But if you are looking to obtain a omega 3 to omega 6 ratio, you are going far from it, perhaps even more so than when you started.

I would focus on just fish oil, and drop the others, because you do know borage, epa, and most of flax is omega 6 (even if it's a gla). If for a month you don't have comparable success on what you are doing now to last month, I would simply just focus on fish oil and start balancing your omega 3 to 6.

Your diet is fine, just cut out the nuts, and any egg yolks, they have way way way too much omega 6. Remember, we are trying to focus on our balance :). If you would like to continue with all the efa's it is up to you.

I personally do this: I take 6 fish oil's a day. 2 with each big meal that has a source of fat (2% milk). And then do this three times a day. Then I also have green tea extract 3 times a day with a source of non-dairy.

I only need 6 because the rest of my diet is really low on omega 6. Because as long as I can get in the 1:4 range, I am sitting pretty so to speak. Because it's much closer to 1:1 than the 1:20 or 1:50 most people are (and I probably was). Because think about it like this. Each pill generally has 300 mg of omega 3 (which is the epa and dha in the back of the bottle, not the total 1000 mg listed). if I get 1800 of omega 3 a day from supplements, even if I had 6000 of omega 6 in a day (which I'd have a hard time getting to!) I should theoretically be okay, since it's "close" to 1:1, since I know it's hard for some people to get to 1:1.

The other reason I advice so simply focus on fish oil instead of the others, is because there are 50 diseases linked to the lack of omega 3's or the imbalance. You'd be surprised to notice the quality of your own body and mind drastically shoot up upon taking this. It's already helping me in college, I can recall what I studied... during the exam, as if I see a general idea of the answers in my mind more so than before. Great tool.

The other part also comes from your skin care! It does what it says it does, but then you have to ensure your skin care is top notch so you aren't suseptible to break outs. I learned that just yesterday, because I found what I was doing wrong.

Just to let you know, I started seeing results within 2 weeks. The frequency and quantity of acne just diminished. I now couldn't even get a white head if I tried to. Because I realized the oil content is much more... how it should be, it does it's job.

So remember, diet = 60%, skin care regimen = 40% (exfoliate, cleanse, protect, moisturize).


Yes, i've been taking the pills for 13 days now, and i've been on this diet for 13 days now. I still get acne, a few here and there on my face, but no more cysts. I also have been using a good skin care line for the last few months. I also breakout on the back and shoulder area too so. I realized what im taking is the same thing bob mckee or whatever took so if its so much omega 6 over 3 why did he become clear? and what was his diet like anyone know? I am really curious about that because that would give him more omega 6 then 3 right? I haven't figured out my omega 3-6 ratio yet im still kinda confused about that part. But I can tell you the last 13 days my balance of 3-6 is much better then it was before I started taking these supplements because my diet was horrible.


Posted : 03/18/2007 6:18 pm

Hello everyone! i am new to this forum (although have been browsing for some months but not actually joined!) and i just wanted to say, what a fantastic topic this is, very informative and it makes sense! (at last) solely because of this forum i have been taking a few supplements over the last week or so, the main one being fish oil! along with zinc, vit c, vit e, and EPO (not sure about epo now since its omega 6 i believe)and have really tryed to reduce my intake of omega 6's , i think this might be the combination for me (touch wood) i have had no new major breakouts in the last week, just a few small ones that fade fast, and previously id get horrible inflamed ones every day or so that stayed around for ages (im sure you all know what im talking about). Now i have to add, that at the same time as starting the supplements i also started taking apple cider vinegar daily and using it as a toner (which i LOVE) so i cant be sure if its the fish oil or the ACV, or even if its a combination of them all! but i will certainly be sticking to this for a while and hoping my skin continues to improve! anyways... nothing specific to ask, just showing some appreciation to u guys! and good luck!

Hey lops, I am very happy to hear about your success! It made my day 🙂 It gives hope to others, as well as backs up everything that everyone has found in this thread.

And one more thing, ACV definitely does help. But I found that when mixed with lemon juice, the smell just disappears 🙂 Try that out! You may really grow to love it. Do you dilute it in water by any chance?

Thanks again for signing up and posting that, it's great testimonial!


Posted : 03/18/2007 6:25 pm

I am currently taking: Multi-Vitamins (Non-Iodine) Flax Seed Oil, Borage Oil, and Evening Primrose Oil.

I take 2 non-iodine multivitamins a day

I take 2 flax seed oil capsules a day (500 mg per capsule) = 1000 mg per day

I take 2 evening primrose capsules a day (500 mg per capsule) = 1000 mg per day

I take 2 borage oil capsules a day (1000 mg per capsule) = 2000 mg per day

I split them up, with meals throught the day.

With breakfast I take 2 multivitamins with water.

With lunch I take 2 flax, 1 evening primrose with 1/2 cup (4oz) of NON-Hormone Milk

With dinner I take 2 borage, and 1 evening primrose with 1/2 cup (4oz) of NON-Hormone Milk

Along with this my diet contains Fish: Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon, Wild Pacific Cod, Mahi-Mahi. 2-4 times a week

The only cooking oli I have been using is Olive oil. I donot use butter. I eat organic walnuts every now and then.

Other foods im eating: fruits and veggies, whole grain breads, crackers and cereals. Yougurt. Organic Wild Blueberries.

I work out 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes (usually an hour)

And I drink lots of water, at least 40 oz of water a day, all the way up to 120 oz a day at the most

What am I doing wrong?

Should I stop taking any of the supplements?

Do you think this combo of oils is bad?

Really, honestly, truthfully, how long does it take for you to correct your Omega 3-6 ratio? 3 weeks to a Month? 2 months? 4 months?

You know, your diet is really healthy, how much acne do you have right now, and how often do you get it, is it better than before?

I know most people have had great success with using all of the EFA's like you are doing, such as bob mckee

But if you are looking to obtain a omega 3 to omega 6 ratio, you are going far from it, perhaps even more so than when you started.

I would focus on just fish oil, and drop the others, because you do know borage, epa, and most of flax is omega 6 (even if it's a gla). If for a month you don't have comparable success on what you are doing now to last month, I would simply just focus on fish oil and start balancing your omega 3 to 6.

Your diet is fine, just cut out the nuts, and any egg yolks, they have way way way too much omega 6. Remember, we are trying to focus on our balance :). If you would like to continue with all the efa's it is up to you.

I personally do this: I take 6 fish oil's a day. 2 with each big meal that has a source of fat (2% milk). And then do this three times a day. Then I also have green tea extract 3 times a day with a source of non-dairy.

I only need 6 because the rest of my diet is really low on omega 6. Because as long as I can get in the 1:4 range, I am sitting pretty so to speak. Because it's much closer to 1:1 than the 1:20 or 1:50 most people are (and I probably was). Because think about it like this. Each pill generally has 300 mg of omega 3 (which is the epa and dha in the back of the bottle, not the total 1000 mg listed). if I get 1800 of omega 3 a day from supplements, even if I had 6000 of omega 6 in a day (which I'd have a hard time getting to!) I should theoretically be okay, since it's "close" to 1:1, since I know it's hard for some people to get to 1:1.

The other reason I advice so simply focus on fish oil instead of the others, is because there are 50 diseases linked to the lack of omega 3's or the imbalance. You'd be surprised to notice the quality of your own body and mind drastically shoot up upon taking this. It's already helping me in college, I can recall what I studied... during the exam, as if I see a general idea of the answers in my mind more so than before. Great tool.

The other part also comes from your skin care! It does what it says it does, but then you have to ensure your skin care is top notch so you aren't suseptible to break outs. I learned that just yesterday, because I found what I was doing wrong.

Just to let you know, I started seeing results within 2 weeks. The frequency and quantity of acne just diminished. I now couldn't even get a white head if I tried to. Because I realized the oil content is much more... how it should be, it does it's job.

So remember, diet = 60%, skin care regimen = 40% (exfoliate, cleanse, protect, moisturize).


Yes, i've been taking the pills for 13 days now, and i've been on this diet for 13 days now. I still get acne, a few here and there on my face, but no more cysts. I also have been using a good skin care line for the last few months. I also breakout on the back and shoulder area too so. I realized what im taking is the same thing bob mckee or whatever took so if its so much omega 6 over 3 why did he become clear? and what was his diet like anyone know? I am really curious about that because that would give him more omega 6 then 3 right? I haven't figured out my omega 3-6 ratio yet im still kinda confused about that part. But I can tell you the last 13 days my balance of 3-6 is much better then it was before I started taking these supplements because my diet was horrible.


I am very happy to hear that! It's very true, a lot of people notice that cysts seem to become a thing of the past, with this or green tea extract. Pretty cool, isn't it?

And you know, bob mckee's post is excellent, he is actually the reason why I got into this whole EFA thing. I asked him about it (it's in one of his threads) and he told me about it. So I made this thread and everyone here helped greatly in finding out why they work, what about them works, and what's the best way to go around it.

I never really knew much about GLA's (from the evening prim rose oil and borage oil) but I realize that GLA's help with inflamation and all that good stuff. This may also help you. I posted it a few posts above, but check it out


Much of the GLA taken from the oils mentioned or as a supplement is not converted to AA, but rather to DGLA. DGLA competes with AA and prevents the negative inflammatory effects that AA would otherwise cause in the body. Having adequate amounts of certain nutrients in the body (including magnesium, zinc, and vitamins C, B3, and B6) helps to promote the conversion of GLA to DGLA rather than AA.

It is important to know that many experts feel that the science supporting the use of omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation and prevent diseases is much stronger than the information regarding use of GLA for these purposes. Two important, and most studied, omega-3 fatty acids include eicosopentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both found in fish and fish oils.

So essentially, they also do help. But the fastest route is through fish oil.

Bob got clear, most of us here will get clear with EFA's, and since if you have any source of omega 3, the chances are the ratio will get closer even if it's not 1:1 and that's very good!

We all agree on one thing though, that EFA's are the most vital aspect in helping your skin, besides water of course.

One thing I noticed is that bob got clear within about 2 to 3 months, how he says don't expect it to be too soon, which is very true. But I think what happened there is since he included flax and some GLA's from epa and borage, it may have taken him a bit while longer to get clear since his omega 3 content wasn't as high. This is just speculation by the way. But I think the conclusion is that the more you try to encorporate omega 3's, the faster you'll be on your way 🙂

Definitely keep taking GLA's if they are working for yourself, and take fish oil as well.

And even though you don't know your ratio it's alright, I am pretty sure you must be somwhere under 1:4 depending upon how healthy your diet is and how much you are taking supplement wise. The closer to 1:1 the better, but don't sweat it too much.

But just keep us posted on how it's going, then we can somehow see how it goes. Also, please list your diet if you can, it would great for people to look at as well and give people ideas perhaps, since your body has also been responding positively.


Posted : 03/18/2007 8:43 pm

hey...i cant work out how to quote...


"Hey lops, I am very happy to hear about your success! It made my day smile.gif It gives hope to others, as well as backs up everything that everyone has found in this thread.


And one more thing, ACV definitely does help. But I found that when mixed with lemon juice, the smell just disappears smile.gif Try that out! You may really grow to love it. Do you dilute it in water by any chance?


Thanks again for signing up and posting that, it's great testimonial!"



I actually dont dilute the ACV , i only apply it at night, and only really to my cheeks, i know most people say you are supposed to...i guess im a bit lazy...just soak a cotten ball straight from the bottle! but i always moisturise, morning and night with olay regenerist...ive been doing this for a week and havnt experienced any dryness at all...just more even toned skin! yay.the smell is pretty disgusting i must admit...maybe i will try adding lemon juice... good tip thanks!


well im hoping this new method is going to get better and better, at the moment i am feeling really positive about it...but i have to keep reminding myself that i am only just over a week in, sooooooo.....who knows ay?


also..anyone have any views on whether its worth continuing with the evening primrose oil? i take 4 caps a day along with 10 fish oil caps (and other vitamins!) i feel like such a pill popper! so would like to take less. I was inspired to take the EPO after reading about them on the big thread on this forum, but the fact that they are a form of omega-6 fatty acid kinda confuses me, and the omega-3 thing makes sense!hmmmmm


Posted : 03/18/2007 11:32 pm

hey...i cant work out how to quote...

"Hey lops, I am very happy to hear about your success! It made my day smile.gif It gives hope to others, as well as backs up everything that everyone has found in this thread.

And one more thing, ACV definitely does help. But I found that when mixed with lemon juice, the smell just disappears smile.gif Try that out! You may really grow to love it. Do you dilute it in water by any chance?

Thanks again for signing up and posting that, it's great testimonial!"

I actually dont dilute the ACV , i only apply it at night, and only really to my cheeks, i know most people say you are supposed to...i guess im a bit lazy...just soak a cotten ball straight from the bottle! but i always moisturise, morning and night with olay regenerist...ive been doing this for a week and havnt experienced any dryness at all...just more even toned skin! yay.the smell is pretty disgusting i must admit...maybe i will try adding lemon juice... good tip thanks!

well im hoping this new method is going to get better and better, at the moment i am feeling really positive about it...but i have to keep reminding myself that i am only just over a week in, sooooooo.....who knows ay?

also..anyone have any views on whether its worth continuing with the evening primrose oil? i take 4 caps a day along with 10 fish oil caps (and other vitamins!) i feel like such a pill popper! so would like to take less. I was inspired to take the EPO after reading about them on the big thread on this forum, but the fact that they are a form of omega-6 fatty acid kinda confuses me, and the omega-3 thing makes sense!hmmmmm

To quote, press the "reply" button, and then start typing under the quote tags, it should work 🙂

I am glad it's working for you 🙂 One of the reasons why dilution is important is simple science. ACV has a pH of about 3, and so does lemon juice. Water is 7. And healthy skin is 5.5. Once you dilute acv and lemon juice in equal parts water, you get close to 5.5. Without dilution, you get something acidic which can, in the long term, be bad for your skin. But if it works, keep doing it! Then perhaps when you are clear, use a dilution 🙂 I hope it makes sense.

About the prim rose oil, I say go for it if it's working. The main goal is to include many healthy fats as possible, but making sure you are also getting lots omega 3. So basically, focus on omega 3's more since the GLA content does almost the same essential thing as omega 3 does, but better. And don't forget, if you focus and become clear on omega 3's then you're even more better off, since the lack of omega 3 is linked to an amazing amount of diseases, which can be prevented too. So try a lot of omega 3, and a little of EPO or Borage. But be aware of the side effects borage oil has, look that up, as I am not too sure.

So yeah, go nuts, but just be aware of the side effects of everything you take. And be sure you aren't eating any nuts or egg yolks!


Posted : 03/19/2007 2:09 pm

Great info but I am REALLY confused!!! I eat relatively healthy, fruit everday, veggies most days but I do have the occasional mcdonald's on the weekend I must admit...I also LOVE chocolate and I do have a little something sweet everyday (bad eh?). But overall I'd say my diet is pretty well-balanced. I started taking evening primrose a couple of days ago but now i wonder if i should switch to fish oil. What kind should i take (i mean what fish i saw a bunch of different kinds). I really don't know how the heck to calculate my omega 3 intake etc is there maybe a general rule for the "average" person or is that completely insane of me to ask? Can I combine fish oil with EPO?


Thanks for all this's great!!


Posted : 03/19/2007 2:41 pm

Great info but I am REALLY confused!!! I eat relatively healthy, fruit everday, veggies most days but I do have the occasional mcdonald's on the weekend I must admit...I also LOVE chocolate and I do have a little something sweet everyday (bad eh?). But overall I'd say my diet is pretty well-balanced. I started taking evening primrose a couple of days ago but now i wonder if i should switch to fish oil. What kind should i take (i mean what fish i saw a bunch of different kinds). I really don't know how the heck to calculate my omega 3 intake etc is there maybe a general rule for the "average" person or is that completely insane of me to ask? Can I combine fish oil with EPO?

Thanks for all this's great!!

From what I've seen, an increase in GLA does the same thing a good amount of omega 3 does, but not as much

etc etc

I currently only take omega 3's, because the main problem lies that our society does not get enough omega 3's, and once we do, we start alleviating all the problems (even the ones associated with a lack of GLA's) and then some, in fact 50 + diseases.

Here's a good short history about it

Also, here are the afflictions associated with the imbalance of omega 3 and 6

As you can see, some of the things that GLA's help are in there too, but if omega 3 does that, and so much more, I would just focus on that since it tends to even eclipse the benefits of GLA's.

What you can do is start taking omega 3's. And if in the first 6 weeks you aren't satisfied, add in some GLA's as well (evening primrose oil). But start with omega 3's, since it will cover a broader area than gla's do. Make sense? Start broad, end narrow. This way you're more efficient in covering all areas. Because if you're like me, I don't want to waste any time and I want this acne business out of my life as fast as I can now that I know what to do. So try that. It's still up to you if you want to keep taking gla's as well, but I currently do not.

How much to take:

I know it's confusing, so the simplest way I can say it is that to get the most benefits, I've read that generally everyone says to get in a 1:3 (omega 3 to 6) ratio. Meaning if you have 3000 mg of omega 6 in your diet, you should be getting in 1000 mg at minimum of omega 3. There are not realistic figures but it's just for an example. And generally speaking, if you get 1.8 grams of omega 3 in your diet a day, you should probably fall in the range naturally if you eat healthy. I think that's safe to say.

To get that much, I generally take 6 pills of fish oil a day. And I am now taking 4 pills of green tea extract daily. 3 is enough, I take 4 for overkill purposes since it has literally no side effects. But I don't want to give acne a smallest bit of a reason to pop up again.

fish oil should go with a source of fat for the best absorption rate. And green tea should go with a non-dairy food for best absorption rate.

I currently take 2 fish oil pills... 3 times a day. And 2 green tea pills, 2 times a day (I just started this, I used to take 1 pill.. 3 times a day). But then it got too much. I may end up taking fish oil with 3 pills.. 2 times a day. But however you want to split it is up to you. Just get in 1.6 grams of omega 3 a day (which is 6 pills).


Posted : 03/19/2007 2:50 pm

I am now at the end of week 4. I can't believe how time has flown. But I am glad time flies, because this is one case where you want it to!


Results so far:


I now am on 6 fish oil pills a day, with 3 green tea extract pills a day. ( I will start 4 green tea just in case, but it's not necessary).


I don't get greasy oil that covers my face and clogs pores, but I get normal healthy oil that nourishes my skin. My hair is amazing, it shines and isn't covered in grease and gunk. It's silky too. My back is clearing, I don't get acne there anymore, it's just really soft, feels good too!


It's amazing when the oil on your face works for you, instead of against you, that really is a sign that you need to fix the functioning of your body. Now I know what Bob Mckee meant.


I don't get white heads anymore. Just clearing blemishes and a couple of clogged pores from a human mistake (I applied an essential oil, my mistake).


The texture of my skin is silky smooth, and really thick yet soft. How skin should be.


My hormones are regulated, my mood is always steady, calm, and you can feel it. It's like there is a chemical rushing to your brain to keep your calm and keep sadness and any negativity away. You can close your eyes and feel your mind just on another level. It's almost like a side effect of taking benadryl, you're always happy, but instead of a drug, this is natural. Naturally how we should be feeling, as humans.


My mind and body just won't allow for any abnormal functioning to happen, it's ready to quit acne, and get on with life. You'll know when your skin isn't acne prone, and you'll know when your hormones are under control.


And I now know what that feels like. It's only been a month, and for the past 10 years (give or take) of acne, I can confidently say that it's almost over.


After blemishes clear, and I am careful with my washing regimen till I clear, I will post pics. I just hope I don't fall into the lazy trap and neglect my face. I guess that's a good sign that acne isn't on my mind as much anymore, and slowly diminishing.


Posted : 03/19/2007 5:46 pm

starting fish oil tomorrow. so we shouldn't megaload? i'm glad i dont have to take so many pills per day. save myself some money. =)


Posted : 03/19/2007 6:22 pm

I've been following this thread since the beginning and have been taking FIsh Oil (Nordic Naturals brand) for about 20 days. I started with 2 pills (1000mg) a day and then upped it to 4 pills about a week ago.

Well, this is gross but today I noticed a few oily drops in the toilet after taking a dump. Actually, the toilet water had an oily sheen and the oil drops were the exact same color as the pills. The pills have also made me gassier since i started taking them. Gross, sorry.


anybody else notice this?

My results from fish oil have been minimal at best. I was thinking of taking more pills but the bowel situation is a slight cause for concern.

Oddly enough I found a post in a medical forum about this very same topic:


I guess I'll switch brands for now. ha.




Posted : 03/19/2007 6:25 pm

My hormones are regulated, my mood is always steady, calm, and you can feel it. It's like there is a chemical rushing to your brain to keep your calm and keep sadness and any negativity away. You can close your eyes and feel your mind just on another level. It's almost like a side effect of taking benadryl, you're always happy, but instead of a drug, this is natural. Naturally how we should be feeling, as humans.

I'm glad to hear you feel so great! Do you think it is actually the pills or because you are at peace because your skin is nice now?I think I've also read that omega-3s can help with mood disorders though so its not inconceivable.


Posted : 03/19/2007 11:33 pm

starting fish oil tomorrow. so we shouldn't megaload? i'm glad i dont have to take so many pills per day. save myself some money. =)

I didn't need to personally, but you can if you want, just be careful about the side effects if you do feel any that is. I just found the best balance at 6 a day. Any more and I get iffy, so I found that to be my limit. Keeping the food down to a science, I get about 1:1 ratio if not better. You should easily get a 1:2 ratio. Good stuff. Good luck!


Posted : 03/19/2007 11:39 pm

I've been following this thread since the beginning and have been taking FIsh Oil (Nordic Naturals brand) for about 20 days. I started with 2 pills (1000mg) a day and then upped it to 4 pills about a week ago.

Well, this is gross but today I noticed a few oily drops in the toilet after taking a dump. Actually, the toilet water had an oily sheen and the oil drops were the exact same color as the pills. The pills have also made me gassier since i started taking them. Gross, sorry.

anybody else notice this?

My results from fish oil have been minimal at best. I was thinking of taking more pills but the bowel situation is a slight cause for concern.

Oddly enough I found a post in a medical forum about this very same topic:

I guess I'll switch brands for now. ha.

Don't apologize, thank you for giving us a heads up. It's interesting to hear about it, especially after seeing that thread on medhelp.

You definitely may want to lower your dosage, it may be that. Or even stop, because that doesn't seem healthy, they shouldn't be doing that?

And by the way, each pill isn't 1000 mg of omega 3, it's 300 hehe (look at EPA and DHA and add them up). And yes, when I was taking just three pills, my results were sluggish. I upped it to 6, and eat high ALA enriched foods (700 mg of ALA in my pasta alone). etc etc.

Then I really boomed, but you may want to get that checked, since your system may not handle it? Please keep caution, it's very irregular at such a low dosage, especially from an EFA, you know?


Posted : 03/19/2007 11:40 pm

My hormones are regulated, my mood is always steady, calm, and you can feel it. It's like there is a chemical rushing to your brain to keep your calm and keep sadness and any negativity away. You can close your eyes and feel your mind just on another level. It's almost like a side effect of taking benadryl, you're always happy, but instead of a drug, this is natural. Naturally how we should be feeling, as humans.

I'm glad to hear you feel so great! Do you think it is actually the pills or because you are at peace because your skin is nice now?I think I've also read that omega-3s can help with mood disorders though so its not inconceivable.


I have PMed you the answer, you'll see it makes sense. I'm just a little embarrassed to write it here 🙂


Posted : 03/20/2007 12:12 am

... YES that is what happened with me! Regardless of ratio, I think too much omega 3 does that. Be careful, get your blood pressure checked if you can. As soon as I reduced the intake to 6 again, it felt normal.

The good thing for me is that I don't eat too much a day so I only need minimal supplements to get to 1:1, since I only need 6.


I think it would be better to say how many mg u take in a day ... there are few dif dosage of those O3 pills.

good job on starting this thread !!


Posted : 03/20/2007 12:48 am

... YES that is what happened with me! Regardless of ratio, I think too much omega 3 does that. Be careful, get your blood pressure checked if you can. As soon as I reduced the intake to 6 again, it felt normal.

The good thing for me is that I don't eat too much a day so I only need minimal supplements to get to 1:1, since I only need 6.


I think it would be better to say how many mg u take in a day ... there are few dif dosage of those O3 pills.

good job on starting this thread !!



Most bottles have 300 mg of omega 3 (if you add up the epa and dha, you get 300 mg). So with 6 pills... I take 1.8 grams of omega 3 a day. I hope that helps.

With the side effects, I was on 10 pills (3 grams). Which was now I realized.. unnecessary on my part since I don't even get 3 grams of omega 6 in my diet lol.


Posted : 03/20/2007 12:59 am

:D It's so cool that finally good way of reducing excess sebum production has been found !?


Posted : 03/20/2007 1:02 am

😀 It's so cool that finally good way of reducing excess sebum production has been found !?

It not necessarily reduces the excess sebum as much as it does to change the quality of it so it doesn't lead to clogging your pores. But it does feel as if it's less, mainly because it isn't so heavy, you don't even know it's on you. It almost feels... necessary


Posted : 03/20/2007 1:10 am

Oh .. the oil not clogging up the pores is already such a big step forward !


Posted : 03/20/2007 1:57 am

hi everyone,

i have read about 5 (out of 33?!?) pages and could not go on anymore so i apologize if this question has already been answered:


Is anyone currently on a maintenance dose of fish oil? once you start replenishing your stores your body should need less supplementation right? i


just a word of caution based on my own experience with omega-3's:


a little (recent) history: i took flax, fish, and borage oil but i think this megadosing has caused me to be more susceptible to the cold that has been going around my class. the flax oil provided 6200mg x 2 tbsp per day = 12.4 grams of omega-3's!!! i took one fish oil cap with 600mg i got 13grams in total of omega-3's all of which is anti-inflammatory. ADDITIONALLY, the borage oil has GLA's that are anti-inflammatory.


what i didn't realize was that this is actually NOT good for me since your immune system is there to protect against bacteria and viruses...suppressing this too much CAN make you susceptible to catching a cold or other common illnesses.


now, this regimen WORKED - at the expense of being sick for almost 4 weeks. it started working in a measley 2 weeks and i saw almost perfectly clear skin by 2.5 weeks.


my mistake was that i took too much too fast - the 13 grams of omega-3s was overkill for my body (i'm 5'6" and 125lbs) AND i don't consume much omega-6's (or any oil/fat) to begin with.


so just you guys know, be careful how many grams you take. it's better to expect results slowly (close to 1 month for significant changes). it's all about balancing the omega-6/-3 ratio


note: i am going through withdrawal symptoms from consuming such a huge quantity of omega-3's and then stopping for 2 weeks due to getting sick and travelling and am currently experiencing a horrendous breakout. the only upside is that its VERY SUPERFICIAL - not deep cystic as in pre-flax/fish/borage regimen. it is those tiny pustules that crop up and very prone to breaking if i just run my fingernail over it. i have FAITH that OMEGA-3's have changed the underlying structure of my skin cells and that this breakout will pass once i resume a pared down version of my supplementation.


thank you to all that have contributed to this thread!


Posted : 03/20/2007 9:50 am

Most people concerned with nutrition or even weightlifting take like 2-8 of these a day, I'm not sure why half of the replies in this thread involve some kind of fear of fish oil..


