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I'm sick of it


Posted : 11/05/2017 3:37 pm

Dear people,

My name is E. and I am 19 years old. I have been living with acne since a few years. At first, I thought I would grow out of it soon, but it only became worse. I highly doubt lifestyle really matters, since my acne didn't became better after I quitted smoking. It really made zero difference. Most of my acne is located on my chin. It's often painful. Benzoylperoxide didn't do enough. My GP prescribed meclindamycine, which I am using since three days.

The most shitty thing is the dumb reactions of other people. Literally everyone seems to feel the need to comment. My father,acquaintances, even my psychologist (I get treatment because I suffer from Personality Disorder NOS) said: "It looks like it became worse!" No one seems to be interested in how it makes me feel. I never got any emotional support yet I get comments on an almost daily basis. I don't get it.

I lose faith in other people and in my future because of this. I wonder why I look like this, and if there's some kind of hormonal disorder going on. My GP doesn't seem very concerned. I fear I will beat the shit out of someone, especially because I already have mental problems to begin with. My acne cleared a bit up with clindamycine but it didn't prevent the forming of a new, solid cyst.

How do you deal with people who make dumb comments? Do you think they are aware of the mental problems that go with acne?


Posted : 11/08/2017 1:22 am

I hate when people make comments... though I don't really get them that often.
I wear makeup and even though you can still see it, you can tell I made an effort to cover it up. I think that makes it obvious to people that I'm aware and self conscious and sensitive about it.
I don't ever bring it up myself and try to ignore it and I think everyone I know has caught on. Or just common sense, because mine is so bad I think people have sympathy because of the obvious severity....
If people bring it up I tell them 'I know, and I don't want to talk about it.' if someone continues after that that's honestly really mean and I would walk away


Posted : 11/08/2017 10:01 pm

That really sucks. I was lucky enough that nobody really commented on my acne when it was at its worst, but I could still feel their stares, and knew they wanted to comment. Whenever my dad commented I would just say I didn't want to talk about it, and thankfully he would stop.


Posted : 12/06/2017 3:14 am

I feel for you. We should never even blame ourselves why we look like this since we don't really know their exact cause. To be honest, learning the art of not minding what they say is a skill.

Once they make comments, I hear them, yes, but I tell myself, they should just pass on to the next ear and let go.

I keep myself busy. I surround myself with people who truly understand and I go here in for comfort. :) There are a lot of people here like me and I know no one will judge because we experience the same thing. Keep your head high! *hugs*


Posted : 12/07/2017 8:57 pm

How do you deal with people who make dumb comments? Do you think they are aware of the mental problems that go with acne?

I've had people shout "Take care of that acne boy" , "You should really do something about your skin", and etc. It's tough. People will all act as experts in acne but no one has an action plan.

You deal with it by staying head strong and be comfortable with yourself. You know who you are. Also know that a lot of people who would make rude/insulting remarks have their own problems they are probably dealing with and need an outlet. Unfortunately, it may be directed at you.
