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Depressed And sick of my face


Posted : 02/01/2017 9:00 am

Hello Everyone, this is my first post but i need to get some things of my chest. It all began 5 months ago. I had a great summer and got really tanned. I felt so good and confident. Im currently 18 years old and a year ago my life was great. I looked good, had a lot of friends, i got a lot of attention from boys. I worked out 4 times a week and i felt really confident and good about myself. Now everything has changed. After summer my skin looked bumpy and i got one pimple. This was horrible for me, because me skin always looked good except for some blackheads, but i didn't care. I realised i needed to exfoliate so i started using bha from paula's choice. The bumps dissapeared and i had hope i could achieve my good skin from last year. To fade some red spots i put on an aha. Huuuge mistake. Al these tiny red bumps appeared and i thought i overexfoliated, so is stopped and applied al these thick creams to fix this. Now my skin looks like shit. Suuper bumpy and with 3 big pimples. I cry 5 times a day and throw up everytime i see my reflection. I dont go to school anymore,. I dont want boys, who used to like me, :see me now. I stress about my skin the whole day and this makes it worse. i feel so ugly now. I feel like everyone is staring. I dont know how to deal with my skin now. I think it is unfixable. I cry when i think about the life i had last year. I want my old self back. I dont like to brush my teeth and shower because of the huge mirror in the bathroom. Bad skin ruined my life and i feel like a different person


Posted : 02/13/2018 11:17 pm

i know how you feel. I have been going through the same thing.... it doesnt seem fair at all.... two months ago my skin was clear and not its not. How are you holding up?


Posted : 02/14/2018 4:01 am

Hey, I know how it is, I stopped school for a time because a horrible breakout last year.

Did it leave scars? (I don't talk about shallow marks, because it will disappear with time)

When it doesn't leave scars, acne is horrible, but at the end of the day, it'll finally disappear, and you have great chances to have your old self back.

Look at this depressed person, and look at how she evolved , at the end of her treatment (go on her youtube page) :

ll tell you something. What is happening to you may be the best thing that ever happened to you (I'm talking to you about what acne learnt to me) :

Last year, you didn't realize how lucky you were to have a normal skin. Like, honnestly, did you ever think "ho, my life is great, because I don't have to worry about my good looking skin". Of course not. And the thing is, you probably can remember that somedays you felt depressed, and you say to yourself now like "wtf was I depressed about? My life was amazing but I didn't realize it". This is the case for most people.
Most of these people cry about issues such as losing their boyfriend, their jobs opportunities...many problems that are just nothing when you know what darkness is...It's human. We don't realize what we have, and we complain about what we don't.
It means that you need to struggle in life, to really enjoy the life experience.

Like, you think about your old self like "I was happy, because I had a good skin" but...did you realize it? Did you sometimes had days when you had a smile on your face the whole day because you thought "I'm blessed because I have a good skin".
It will happen to you in the future...
let it time, skin recovers sometimes over 2 years..

Now, you know what feeling really low, and it means you will actually truly enjoy you future life.

I personnally suffer from really bad scarring , but if you don't , know that this issue is just temporary and it will make you a happy person in the future.
