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Acne is destroying my life


Posted : 01/20/2017 10:38 am

I'm so depressed because of my acne. I lost my self-confidence. My self-esteem is lower than zero. I've had acne since I was 12 (I'm 16 now). I'm taking atibiotics and I wish it helped me, but for now it doesn't look like it's going to change something. I also stopped eating chocolate and other unhealthy things.
I feel disgusted while looking at myself in the mirror. I just still can't deal with it, that I look worse than my all friends.
I can't leave home without putting kilograms of make-up on my face.
I don't imagine myself going somewhere without wearing foundation, concealer and powder.
I know I'm not the prettiest one, I've never been. I know my parents didn't expect that their daughter will be their biggest problem.
I know my boyfriend is gonna leave me some day, because no one can love me, and no one is going to love me.
I've been thinking about suicide so many times. Sometimes I still think it's a really good solution. I'm depressed because how I look like.
Is there anyone who has the same problem and wants to talk? Maybe someone who will give me some advices?


Posted : 01/20/2017 11:12 am

Acne is a normal thing at your age. Mine was absolutely terrible at the age of 16 and it was very embarrassing. I completely understand. However, there are others like you out there, do not let the way your face looks bring you down. I know it's tough but be confident in yourself, acne will eventually subside just as beauty will. Enjoy your life, you have so much wonderful life ahead of you. People love you for what's on the inside. Do not let this bring you down. I've had a heart condition my entire life, 6 heart surgeries, and could never do the things I've wanted. Everyone has something. Be strong and fight through it. Dans regimen worked wonders on my skin by the way. Try it out but remeber, Acne is very bad at your age, some people just have bad skin genetics like me, you, and many others. You just have to live life with the cards you are dealt.
Youre never alone, you'll be just fine.


Posted : 01/20/2017 11:42 am

No, please know that hurting yourself is not the answer to this. Suicide is permanent and acne is just temporary.. Everyone on these forums is in the same boat and looking for answers . Different solutions work for different people you just have to figure out what works and what doesn't. There will come a day where you are acne free and you will look back at this as a life changing experience . Trust me, I was extremely self conscious about my acne.. I revolved my whole life around my breakouts bc I felt like people were always staring at me.. not worth it and it's not reality.. everyone breaks out and everyone goes through this at some point in life. My point is live life and enjoy it! There's so many people both young and old that are sitting in hospitals really sick that would trade spots with you in a second. It will get better!!!!!!! Please keep fighting the fight and rely on others who have been there to help you. I hope this helps you!!!


Posted : 01/20/2017 9:46 pm

Wehrlebird and Mav312 are right and there are loads of people in your very same situation on these forums. It is hard to accept at your age but it will get better and you'll have a great life.
I didn't beat my acne until I was in my 20s and now that I'm in my 40s I've had 20 great years and hope to have another great 40years or more.
There's a big wide world out there and lots of stuff to do and experience and there'll be friends and lovers along the way that will come to you as you go about enjoying study/career/hobbies and other stuff in life . Just keep toughing it out for now and focus on stuff that you enjoy and getting a good education.
If you continue to feel depressed please do seek some help. Happy to try to help with any questions you have.


Posted : 01/21/2017 7:35 am

Hey girl acne is normal for your age. It is still a difficult situation, though - everyone on this forum can sympathize with you, including myself. I'm in my 20s and I still have moderate acne that just never goes away. Don't let it stop you from doing things. I know it is hard - I was bullied in middle and high school because of my pizza face. However, that was probably what made me a genuine and caring person. You can do it. You have a boyfriend who doesn't mid your little flaws. There are so many people on this forum who can't even go out of their boxes and find themselves soul mates because of low self-esteem. Girl you got this.


Posted : 01/29/2017 8:51 am

Please do not think about hurting yourself.
I had acne since I was 12. At the time there was no internet where I could get access to a wonderful community like this. You do! Your boyfriend is with you because he wants to be with you. Stop letting acne dictate your feelings. Most people don't even notice your acne. I know this because there have been times where I actually (stupid I know) had to point out my acne to people.
