Hey everyone,
I'm 16, and I have severe acne. I started getting acne when I was around 13, and it just became worse and worse every day. I have a lot of bumps on my forehead, but my acne is the worst on my cheeks and my chin. I feel so extremely insecure about it, sometimes I can't even bear to look in the mirror, or I cry about it because it's just that bad... I've been to the dermatologist but the pills she prescribed didn't make a difference, and the cream stopped working after a while. I want to go back but at the moment I don't have the time or thw money to go... I've tried so many different over-the-counter products as well, I've cut dairy out of my diet and tanned so the spots would dry out, but absolutely nothing has helped. I feel so insecure to the point I can't even go to the grocery store without putting on makeup... I also don't want to go on school trips because I won't have the time to put on makeup and I don't want anyone seeing my bare face. So many people have commented on my skin, from my friends to my family. Even at a sleepover, I took off my makeup, and someone said 'Did you take off your makeup? I can tell' as though I don't have a mirror to notice that myself...
It seems that everyone around me has perfectly clear skin while I'm sitting here with an acne coveted, blistered face.
Does anyone have any tips to overcome my insecurity or can anyone relate to my experience?
I can totally relate... My skin has been so unstable, it'll be fine for about a week, then look like crap again. I'm very pale so everything on my face is more noticeable, I also have pigments from past acnes/scrapes from popping. I feel like everyone around me has better (even flawless) skin and it makes me sad. Whenever strangers look at me on the street, even if just for 1 second, I feel like it's because of my skin. I also don't leave the house w/o makeup, and sometimes I wear masks to work when my skin gets to the point that I don't want to wear makeup to make it worse. I always tell people I've got allergy or something so they won't pity me about my acnes.
My skin is looking bad now, and my LDF boyfriend is coming back in 3 days. I feel so mortified to have to let him see me like this. He always sys he doesn't care, but I feel so ugly
If your acne is severe enough I'd ask your dermatologist about accutane, ESPECIALLY if you're getting scarring. Trust me, you don't want to wait till your face is scarred from temple to jaw on both sides. If your pimples are leaving scars, seek treatment. This is more than just for your initial insecurity regarding the pimples themselves, but rather so you don't have to live with the memory of acne for the rest of your life (with a permanent, physical mark).
I totally know how you feel! My freshman year of college, I broke out horribly on my cheeks . I always had some mild acne, but this was worse than that, and even left some really bad marks that lasted a good few months. I was embarrassed, upset, and afraid to do things I used to enjoy, like go to the beach or sleepover a friend's house because it mean't removing my makeup. I went to my derm and he gave me some topicals which ended up working for a while, but eventually stopped. Then I took some antibiotics which also never made a difference. So frustrating! You aren't alone at all.
My advice for you would be to consider using acne.org's regimen! I was at a total loss when I gave in to trying out the products. Like I said above, nothing my dermatologist was prescribing helped and I tried all the basic face washes like Neutrogena and Clean & Clear. The acne.org regimen really does work, and it's gentle
The best solution is to seek treatment. Go see doctors. I never did anything about it because i was too ashamed of myself and i was scared of talking about it and letting other people see it. I am 25 now and regret that i did not seek treatment when i was younger and now my face looks pretty bad. It just feels like it will never go away and its driving me crazy. I even tried accutane but it came back because its hormonal acne.
i cant really tell you the solution , because acne is a common thing , and you cant stop it. You could visit doctors and dermatologists , like the other people are saying to do here. But if youre too samll to have money , like me , bad luck. Im 11 BTW . Just turned , 11. I feel SO insecure , i m afraid to tell my mother , and she has caught me putting on make up and its embarassing but she doesnt know the real reason. If only she knew. my cheeks and chin are pretty fine and very less acne on them , but my fore head ? NO . just NO . its exactly like popcorn. then i get alot of these irratating painful big pimples under my nose , and its just annoying knowing that if you even manage to bear the pain to sqeeze it out , it will bleed for like , 10 minutes and it will probably come again AND leave scars . I always wear a mask at school . Like ALWAYS . never take it off before my classmates atleast. not even to drink water . i drink water only when i come home and even eat my school tiffin at home. my mother doesnt know about what im going through but i dont wanna tell her. only one other girl in my class has acne but she is confident about it and never wears masks or make up . but she has darker skin than mine so it gets hidden. i plan to talk to her about it on our school trip somewhere . i hope she will understand . im sure she will . but when anyone asks me why i am wearing a mask 24/7 i say "oh i have a cold lol" and hope it will slide. im trying to be confident but i end up crying mysel to sleep . i hope u are doing a better job than me