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Anyone feels the same?


Posted : 06/11/2016 9:37 am

Anyone feels the same? whenever you are stress your stomach is like twisting? I don't know how to describe it. It is like boiling... I don't know. I have acid reflux. And I believe leaky gut is the cause of my acne. Anyone can give me advice? I tried taking multivitamin, vitamin d, zinc. They helped my mood but still getting acne. Sometimes still depressed but not the same as before which I think is severe. I added Digestive Enzymes and Vitamin A but looks like not working. I eliminated gluten and dairy and some foods that gives me acne; but still getting it. huhu

What makes me more depress is that I am becoming more and more thin. Every person seeing me tells it.


Posted : 06/11/2016 11:48 am

well, i would try to stay away from acidic food to help with your acid reflux. when i had it really bad i just ate tums haha.
when i had leaky gut i went to a naturopath which helped with that. i got food allergies tested which is very important. with leaky gut its very important to avoid foods that you have food allergies with. they are random. for me it was probably 20 different foods. it is really important to avoid sugar at all cost. not just sugary stuff but avoid stuff that turns into sugar inside your body, like process foods and breads pasta etc. leaky gut literally feeds off sugar. if you buy bread buy sprouted grain bread. if you cant get your allergies tested stick to avoiding gluten, corn, soy, dairy, sugar and caffeine. i also took really strong high quality probiotic pills for a few weeks. i actually dont think you can heal leaky gut without taking probiotics.


Posted : 06/11/2016 8:41 pm

8 hours ago, hopeless87 said:

well, i would try to stay away from acidic food to help with your acid reflux. when i had it really bad i just ate tums haha.
when i had leaky gut i went to a naturopath which helped with that. i got food allergies tested which is very important. with leaky gut its very important to avoid foods that you have food allergies with. they are random. for me it was probably 20 different foods. it is really important to avoid sugar at all cost. not just sugary stuff but avoid stuff that turns into sugar inside your body, like process foods and breads pasta etc. leaky gut literally feeds off sugar. if you buy bread buy sprouted grain bread. if you cant get your allergies tested stick to avoiding gluten, corn, soy, dairy, sugar and caffeine. i also took really strong high quality probiotic pills for a few weeks. i actually dont think you can heal leaky gut without taking probiotics.

So long you cured your leaky gut? It is hard to find naturopath and allergy test here is our place.

Can you please tell me the process how you cured your leaky gut? first eliminate allergens, take probiotic, and what are the others? How many weeks you took probiotic? then you stop? why?

Are you still getting acne even you cured your leaky gut?


Posted : 06/11/2016 10:37 pm

what makes you think you have leaky gut, were you taking antibiotics? did a doctor tell you that? i like naturopaths because i feel they handle issues related to health better, you get better treatment and all that but a doctor could test you for leaky gut too. when i first got treated for leaky gut i had a rash all over my body, which is why i went to the naturopath (i did have some acne though). i ranked a 5 out of 1-5 so it was pretty severe, she did a food test and i had a long list of food to avoid like eggs, oatmeal, shellfish, fructose, sulfates, mangos and on and on (this would be different for everybody) she stressed the importance of NO SUGAR... then she gave me a bottle of high quality probiotics which was a potency of 50 billion and the bottle came with 90 pills and told me to take one a day. i tried to stick to the diet as best i could and had a follow up two weeks later. i retested and went from a 5 to a 3, my rash was gone and my skin looked really good. i didnt follow up again, i just stuck to the diet and finished the bottle of probiotics. then i was pretty good for a couple of years but went back and got tested again because i was having really bad acne, worse than ive ever had in my life and thought maybe it could be candida again. i thought this because i had taking antibiotics for my tooth, but it was a hormonal imbalance this time. i still retested and all the foods were completely different. now i can eat oatmeal but shouldnt be eating cheese. that kind of thing.


Posted : 06/11/2016 11:47 pm

1 hour ago, hopeless87 said:

what makes you think you have leaky gut, were you taking antibiotics? did a doctor tell you that? i like naturopaths because i feel they handle issues related to health better, you get better treatment and all that but a doctor could test you for leaky gut too. when i first got treated for leaky gut i had a rash all over my body, which is why i went to the naturopath (i did have some acne though). i ranked a 5 out of 1-5 so it was pretty severe, she did a food test and i had a long list of food to avoid like eggs, oatmeal, shellfish, fructose, sulfates, mangos and on and on (this would be different for everybody) she stressed the importance of NO SUGAR... then she gave me a bottle of high quality probiotics which was a potency of 50 billion and the bottle came with 90 pills and told me to take one a day. i tried to stick to the diet as best i could and had a follow up two weeks later. i retested and went from a 5 to a 3, my rash was gone and my skin looked really good. i didnt follow up again, i just stuck to the diet and finished the bottle of probiotics. then i was pretty good for a couple of years but went back and got tested again because i was having really bad acne, worse than ive ever had in my life and thought maybe it could be candida again. i thought this because i had taking antibiotics for my tooth, but it was a hormonal imbalance this time. i still retested and all the foods were completely different. now i can eat oatmeal but shouldnt be eating cheese. that kind of thing.

hmm, i'm always depressed, seldom have joint pain in my knee especially at the back - sometimes hard to stand up in the morning especially when cold or have eaten night foods, brain frog, no energy and have acid reflux, irritable stomach after i eat. also getting huge cystic acne (as in huge more than 1 cm diameter) whenever I ate chicken or egg. breaking out also with vegetable with high protein, gluten and dairy.

hope this probiotic is the answer for my condition.

by the way, after you finished the probiotic bottle, how long before you eat again your allergens? months or years?


Posted : 06/13/2016 8:20 pm

Hi I've been reading your posts. Here's so e other things to consider...if you're not allergic to gluten maybe cutting it out isn't necessary. I did that a few years ago and only lost weight it did nothing for my skin.
if you're worried about leaky gut, aside from the probiotics I've read that quercetin, pectin, bone broth and gelatin are good for gut health.
Also anti inflammatory things like cod liver oil, oils from flax or borage, cold water fish and green and orange vegetables.
You can make bone broth in a crock pot, you just cook bones over low heat for like 10 hours with some herbs, garlic or onion and carrots and celery. Ypu scrape off the frothy stuff on top asnd keep the vroth. Supposedly bone broth helps to heal the gut permeability.

For acid reflux, cranberry juice, DGL ( a derivative of licorice) and pepto bismol can help a lot with acid reflux.
I'd stay away from citrus also and pineapple and mango and kiwi.
