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Very Depressed


Posted : 03/17/2016 8:23 am

This morning my mum looked at me and said "what have you done to your face?" and then said "you look scary". I then burst into tears thinking it's my fault that i've got this horrible acne. My acne started when I was 16 and I'm now 20. At the ages of 14/15 I was very confident with myself, i'd take selfies 24/7 and I'd get complimented a lot at school but at the age of 20 now i feel very insecure and worthless. My acne is mainly on my cheeks covering about 70%, I'm very prone to hyperpigmentation. Almost every spot i get it tends to leave a mark. I've tried almost everything and everytime i go to my local GP he says it's "just because im young" and gives me Doxycycline which does nothing to help.
I'm just sick and tired of it all, i hate it when i talk to people and they don't look at me, they look at my acne. I can't even look people in the eye anymore because i feel judged constantly. I just want to hibernate until my skin clears up (if it will). I used to go out a lot and now i only really leave the house if i have to or work. I've lost interest in almost everything, im just sick of it all.


Posted : 03/22/2016 3:05 pm

Your mom was very insensitive to what you're dealing with. I am so sorry that she made those comments about your skin. Did you talk to her about it and tell her how your acne makes you feel and how much her comments hurt your feelings? I think people who don't suffer from acne don't understand how depressing and upsetting it can be. Just know that we are all here to support each other. I have been dealing with acne since I was 12 years old and I am about to turn 34. Hang in there.... My skin has gotten so much better over the years. I deal with very light mild acne.Your skin will clear. Try not to let it get you down. Have you tried the regimen? It has worked wonders for so many people on this site! I would recommend trying it for at least 2-3 months to see if it helps you. Good luck and I hope you're feeling better about yourself today!


Posted : 03/23/2016 4:24 pm

Hey, I'm new here and sorry to hear u are suffering. Was very insensitive of your mum - she probably just doesn't understand how badly it affects your confidence. I've suffered with acne of varying degrees all my life - female, 36 and completely understand how hurtful even innocent comments can be. Please though, if your doctor is not helping you, first ask to be referred to a dermatologist. If they say no. Say you will have to leave their practice and register with a new one. Then do it! I changed doctors when I was 24 and got referred straight away and was put on 6 months of roaccutane which pretty much cleared my acne for 4-5 years. Has come back now, but nowhere near as bad. Good luck xx
