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Avoid the mirror, forget im scary. ..


Posted : 12/23/2015 9:43 pm

I'm a 27 year old medical assistant. I had bad acne in high school that continues into my twenties...I did accutane when I was 23 with great results, but in this past year my acne had returned. The doctor I liked moved, and my health insurance is not as good, so the medicine my new doc rxd is tooexpensive or doesn't work. I want to do accutane again but she said you can only do it twice in your life, so this would be my last time. And itsreally hard on your body, is how bad I want the clear skin. ..

Ive done some reading and want to try a certain kind of zinc that controls yeast that causes folluculitis...I feel likemy acne is caused by gunk stuck on hair follicles. They get so big and red and painful and return once healed, cystic almost. ..I have huge pores and everything falls in and gets stuck.

I rarely wear make up.

I prefer not to clog them worse.

I just avoid looking at myself lately. Or I pick and feel sad.

My skin was so bad I didn't wear make up to work and this little girl told her mom she was afraid of me cause my face was scary.

I juse want to hide. I dont want visitors, I don't want to date, I dont want to make plans, I dont want my friends to see me this way. ..I avoid faceto face, but have to be at work so I just take a deep breath and avoid looking at myself allday.

Im beautiful under the red scabbed oily bsskin I've been dealing with lately. Im so sad. .. I have a few other things going on that would feel better if I had confidence to go out.

I wish I knew how to make it go away. ..


Posted : 12/24/2015 4:27 am

Whoever told you you can only go on accutane twice is wrong. He'd probably be more right in saying you'd only NEED to go on it twice, especially if you responded so well before.


If it's really upsetting you this much and this far into adulthood, then in my opinion there's no question.


Posted : 12/29/2015 3:48 pm

I have a correction for you lissmeanstrouble- you say you're beautiful under your oily red scabbed skin. No ma'am!!! You are beautiful even WITH your skin!!!! I don't believe there's such a thing as "bad" skin and I hate that we've labeled it that way (by the way, I myself have moderate/severe acne) can we please talk about the face that you're a medical assistant? That tells me you like to help take care of people! That's beautiful. As a fellow axne sufferer, it's darn hard going out when you're breaking out, but girl go do it! You are so much more than your skin. Don't let this beat you.

HarleyZ liked