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Some Encouragement?


Posted : 06/25/2015 2:43 am

I have just gone through my first year dealing with acne scarring and trying to face the fact that it's reality but I'm already so tired and frustrated of it. I feel depressed all the time and I'm beginning to hate the person I am more and more each day. Before this experience I was a very social, happy, and overall confident person. I remember waking up everyday being so happy and hopeful trying to find the good things in life and now it's just waking up and staying in the house all day and finding time to cry because I just can't come to accept this change in my life. I just want to ask how do others deal with depression and facing the change that has happened to them physically, emotionally, and maybe even socially? I really don't have anyone to talk to about how I feel and it would really help if I could hear how others overcome this. I need some motivation because I don't want to live like this anymore.


Posted : 06/25/2015 1:18 pm

I looked at your pictures and it's just red marks that will go away ! Also it is pretty mild, looks like freckles.

So cheer up ! :)


I find that the more I isolate myself, the more I focus on my skin and feel bad, so I think you should try to do more and more activities, preferably social ones if you find the will. I swear your marks are nothing, nobody sees it and you are your worst judge.


Posted : 06/27/2015 1:35 am

You could try finding all the little things in life that give you confidence. Whether it is putting on make-up, or doing something you love or something you know you're good at, or just being around people who love you no matter what you look like. Keep doing these things, and keep feeding yourself these little bouts of confidence throughout the day because they will add up and make you feel a whole lot better over time. It's definitely not easy and there will be days where it feels like you're back to square one. But we're only human and it's okay to falter. What we can do is to take it one day at a time. I'm living with acne scarring as well, and you're right, after some time, it just gets too tiring. One day I just realized that all I have is this one life and I didn't want to waste it by hiding away from the world. Have faith that things will get better. Wishing you much happiness!


Posted : 06/28/2015 5:39 pm

Hey lady, we are here to support you! First off, ask yourself what else changed when you got acne? Nothing! Your eyes are still there, your lips, your body, your passions, your personality. All of that amazing stuff stayed! That means you are still beautiful because you are you. Also, I bet there's still space on your face acne hasn't gotten to. People never see us the way we see/criticize ourselves. You've got this girl.


Posted : 06/29/2015 3:15 pm

Thank you guys for taking the time to actually respond to this, it really means a lot! It's true that we only have one chance to go through and enjoy life and even though I don't take time to notice it, there are a lot of people who go through exactly what I go through and still manage to be happy. It's hard sometimes to think in a positive way but it's the only way that helps us forget about our troubles and keep us pushing through. I think my problem is that I spend a lot of time at home so don't really have the chance to interact with other people and because of this I often feel alone and I don't bother to get ready or dress up to make myself feel more confident like before. I guess I'll keep working on that aha and hope things get better. Thank you.
