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Finally Joined...just Want To Know Someone Understands...need To Vent.


Posted : 10/06/2014 10:25 am

I am just so down, tired and don't know where to go next with my acne. I just need to vent a bit and share my story with people who understand.

I got the worst present for my 40th birthday, adult onset cystic acne.

It has gotten worse and worse no matter what I have tried. Now from the eyes down I am a red inflamed, pimple and cyst covered mess. A friend stopped by last weekend when I wasn't wearing make-up and asked me if I had shingles. Then asked if I have been to the doctor. uh, YES!!

I have tried four different dermatologists.

1st - old guy - "its not so bad or try this cream"

2nd - awesome woman - "we can fix this, lets look at the whole picture" then she left private practice. (it was getting better)

3rd - the Accutane pusher - every woman in the office was holding a pregnancy test when I walked in and I wondered why, found out.

4th - the if you don't want body sculpting or expensive treatments, I will barely humor you - takes 3 months to get an appointment even for follow-ups when she cancels on you!!

I have tried four antibiotics...last one was Bactrim DS and I took it 12 weeks (killed my stomach) and I have tubes of at least seven different prescription creams, maybe more. My acne actually got worse on Bactrim and the two different creams the last doctor prescribed. Accutane seems to be the only thing I haven't tried but it isn't even on the table as an option...too many possible side effects for me to be comfortable taking it.

I have tried a homeopathic MD. I already had a very clean diet...did a 28 day cleanse..she checked my hormones and found my testosterone to be low (which confuses me because everything I have read says that for an adult woman too much testosterone usually is the reason for acne. How can mine be low and I look like this??)

Right now I am washing very gently twice a day, moisturizing, toning and praying.

I am not on any prescription(s) and the acne is spreading and spreading...

I don't even want my husband to look at me. My kids are concerned about my "spots" and are hoping a doctor can fix me. I want to crawl face first into a hole and not come out. But I have work and obligations and I have to face the world, but I hate it!!

I don't know where to go from here...and I am not really looking for advice as much as some sympathy. My face hurts all the time from the cysts and it just totally sucks to be a full grown adult dealing with this without finding any solutions. (I do think it would be worse to be a teen or twenty something...but older people want to look nice too). I used to audition for local film and tv. I haven't submitted for almost three years now as there is no way I could get a booking.

Argh!! Thank you for letting me vent!!


Posted : 10/06/2014 6:08 pm

My heart goes out to you. I am 31 and still sturggling. Good for you for sticking to your guns in terms of accutane. It is a strong drug and i think the older you are when you take it, the harder the course can be. What was your experience with the naturopath?

Keep on keeping on. I find that my faith in God has been a tremendous help. Reading about great men and women of the bible going through trials worse than this keeps me grounded (read about the story of Job or Joseph).

Your family loves you, your friends adore you and God is watching out for you....never think you are alone ever.

Jenjen84 liked

Posted : 10/06/2014 6:35 pm

Hi Retta,

I understand COMPLETELY what you are going through. I am 47 years old and suffering the worst acne I have ever had. I always had acne since I was 17, but it was bearable until my early 40s. That's when it turned cystic. I was dealing with it ok bc I would get one or 2 cysts a month, go get a cortisone shot and be done with it for awhile. That is not the case anymore. 4 months ago my skin went absolutely haywire. I have no idea why. I have broken out every single day for the last 4 months, my face is an absolute mess. I cry just about everyday.

I had blood tests done, my first one came back testosterone very high, next one came back in normal range. I do believe its hormonal. I was prescribed spiro and have been taking it for the last month. I've had massive breakouts, but i'm holding faith that it will kick in eventually, its truly my last hope.

I've found it harder to deal with it at this age, its just so embarrassing to be suffering from acne at this age. I see nobody at my age dealing with this. I've been too embarrassed to go out..Thank god for my wonderful husband, friends and the super support here. I would lose my head if I didn't find the support that I've found here.

I wish I could give you some great advice, but i'm at a loss too. You will find a lot of great info and support on this site. Even though I can't give you advice, I can give you any support you need...Just know you are not alone!


Posted : 10/07/2014 1:27 am

I sincerely understand and you have my utter and utmost sympathy but you've to look at the bright side here, As long as you're blessed with the support of your family everything is gonna be alright I know it doesn't feel natural practicing your daily routine while getting stung by cystic acne. It's a dilemma either you take medications that causes you pain and discomfort or you give in to inflammations nevertheless neither one of them is beneficial.


Posted : 10/09/2014 8:02 am

Hi Retta,


I'm 42 and like yourself developed what i believe to be hormonal acne at the age of 40.

After extensive tests , its looking likely that i am in peri menopause. Hormonal blood panel done in jan this year proved inconclusive except for elevated FSH at 38.1 ( 40.00 is menopause). I'm still searching for a treatment. Topical zinc helps tremendously. I breakout usually for 3 weeks out of 4 in the monthly cycle.


Its tough at this age, dealing with work and family responsibilities etc, but you are not alone :)




Posted : 10/10/2014 5:55 am

I wish I could offer you some great words of encouragement or some great advice but like the other persons on this thread have said we can all feel your pain and struggle. I am 31 and also struggling with hormonal acne. It feels horrible when you feel that you are completely all alone in this. Know that you are not alone. I am here if you ever need to talk. I'm glad to have found this little community of "friends" to vent and talk to. This is not something I can talk to about with my normal day to day people. I feel embarrassed about it. I too feel embarrassed around my husband and loved ones and some days just want to run and hide. But I have a job and other things that must get done and sadly that isn't a option for most working adults.
