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Should Be Excited But Can Only Feel Dread


Posted : 01/13/2014 4:19 am

On Wednesday I'm heading to Arizona to visit some friends that I love dearly but only see a couple times a year since I moved. I should be excited. I should be looking forward to this. But I have two major problem areas right now and all I can feel is anxiety over the knowledge that they definitely won't be much better by the time I go out there.


I'm dreading it. This same sort of thing has happened a hundred times before and I hate every part of the process so much. Caking on makeup in the morning in a desperate attempt to cover up, going through the day without allowing anything to touch my face or even allowing myself to smile too widely for fear of messing my makeup up, finally feeling okay only to get back at the end of the day and look at myself in the mirror and realize that at some point my makeup DID get messed up and god only knows how long I looked hideous.


I'm just so sick of this. I'm 21 and this has been going on since I was 12. Shouldn't it be over already? What have I done to deserve this all-consuming inability to just relax and not think about my skin for five damn minutes? I want to get off this wild ride.


Posted : 01/14/2014 1:08 am

It's important to know that stressing out over it probably isn't helping your skin much.

But I feel ya :(. I hate looking at mirrors/my reflection throughout the day when I can't just publicly pull out my concealer and start covering up. Just remember that these friends love you just as much and they'll be happy to see you, no matter what your skin looks like!

Also, when I'm having bad skin days and I know my skin is looking terrible, by the time I get home I don't even DARE look in the mirror. I just run straight into the washroom and stick my face in the sink so that by the time I look up, I will have wiped off half my makeup already so I won't know how it looked like. :D I guess it's like lying to yourself....but sometimes, there are somethings you're just better off not knowing :P


Posted : 01/15/2014 1:10 pm

This always happens to me before a big event.

Right now, i have a pimple scab on my chin, its not flat though. I also have a healing cyst between my eyebrows which is still red and raised.

Im the opposite i guess with regards to the mirror thing, i always have my mirror on me so i can see what i look like in certain lighting. I dont feel comfortable mostof the time.

It even distracts me from working on my dissertation :/ i have a presentation tomorrow...

I hope it all goes well for you and that you are thinking of your friends more than what your skin looks like :)
