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On Christmas Break And Feeling Pretty Bad


Posted : 01/02/2014 11:20 am

Right now we have four days of christmas break left, and Ive only left the house three times. Pretty much every day, or atleast part of every day, has been spent up in my room because I just can not be around people right now. I feel really gross and ugly, and my dad especially just doesnt understand. He says that I just have a "loser mentality" and that I wasnt raised to feel sorry for myself. My parents even said they were appointed in how I turned out because of how much I dislike the way I look. I just want it to stop. I


Posted : 01/03/2014 1:09 pm

Hey there, I'm in the same situation in so far as my acne has come back and it's the Christmas holidays. Instead of staying in, however, I've been lucky enough to have people encourage me to go out and enjoy myself. Just put some makeup on (as a confidence booster) and throw yourself out there. Lowering stress improves your skin, and not worrying about your skin lowers stress. If you hide away from the world and isolate yourself then you'll never be able to enjoy the social experiences that others do. The only person holding you back right now is yourself. Think of the best and worst case scenarios - best, you make new friends, experience new things, feel happy. Worst someone comments on your acne and then... what? Nothing. You ignore the ignorant person and move on. I don't agree with your parent's phrasing. They are, however, correct in that sitting in your room will get you nowhere in this life. Only you can improve and experience your own life by putting yourself out there. Yes, you might get hurt, but so might anybody, it's not definite. What is definite is that if you don't go out you'll be lonely and upset.


Posted : 01/03/2014 1:43 pm


Right now we have four days of christmas break left, and Ive only left the house three times. Pretty much every day, or atleast part of every day, has been spent up in my room because I just can not be around people right now. I feel really gross and ugly, and my dad especially just doesnt understand. He says that I just have a "loser mentality" and that I wasnt raised to feel sorry for myself. My parents even said they were appointed in how I turned out because of how much I dislike the way I look. I just want it to stop. I

Your parents don't understand what you are going through right now. Maybe they are frustrated because what they see is different from what you see: they see their beautiful girl who, in their eyes, has no reason to be sad, cooped up in her room and refusing to let anyone enjoy her company. Now, it sounds like what you see is pimples and bad skin and pain, and you are staying inside and away from people because you don't want to burden them with the pain and ugliness that you see in the mirror. Well, both of you are right. We all know it hurts to hate the skin your in, and it's much easier to stay home alone where no one can see you, but you don't deserve that- you can do this! You deserve to be happy girlathome!

Start with maybe putting on a little makeup and going outside for a few minutes of fresh air in the morning. Then, maybe before it gets dark, go for a walk, maybe down a city block or in a park, or even just down to the next corner and back! The point is to be outside and to see people and things without necessarily having to interact with them if you don't want to. The next day, maybe you'll feel ok enough to call a best friend to come over and see you, and so on. Your parents will see that you are trying to be social and will leave you alone about it, and you'll feel better and less self-conscious before winter break ends. Win-win!!


Posted : 01/04/2014 2:45 am

Right now we have four days of christmas break left, and Ive only left the house three times. Pretty much every day, or atleast part of every day, has been spent up in my room because I just can not be around people right now. I feel really gross and ugly, and my dad especially just doesnt understand. He says that I just have a "loser mentality" and that I wasnt raised to feel sorry for myself. My parents even said they were appointed in how I turned out because of how much I dislike the way I look. I just want it to stop. I

Hey, I'm a 16 year-old guy and I've actually been experiencing the same. When our Christmas vacation started, I just stayed home all day coz there's this acne ointment I'm using and I really cant go out with that ointment on my face. I even came to the point when I feel so sorry for myself coz my friends are out there enjoying the holidays and I'm just in my room doing nothing but just watching anime. I really dont know what to tell you so that I'll be able to cheer you up but I just want you to know that you're not alone and I know exactly what you're feeling right now. It really sucks when you're a teenager and you cant even go out and socialize with other people because of your acne. But just pray, have faith to God and smile. It might be hard to do it, but I guess it better than feeling hopeless or feeling sorry for yourself. Just keep on fighting. Everything will be okay in the end. 🙂
