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I'm Going To Stop Picking And Obsessing Over My Face!


Posted : 11/10/2013 10:26 am

I woke up this morning with a HUGE pimple on my right cheek. Lately, I have been breaking out quite badly (for me) and I've been picking, obsessing, and getting down because of my face. This morning I have had enough. I squeezed that pimple and nothing came out. I kept squeezing and squeezing until it became an open wound. Now I have a huge blemish on my cheek that will eventually scab over, but this will take a while. The dang thing didn't even pop! I haven't seen my boyfriend in two and a half weeks and he comes home tomorrow and I will have to face him with a huge, disgusting scab on my cheek. I am also a teacher and a coach and this bad breaking out on my face has made me feel embarrassed because I am 22 and this shouldn't be happening! I really struggled with this when I was in high school and I would break down and cry because of my face. I feel ugly, gross, and am so mad at myself. I get so down when I break out and get even more stressed, which causes me to pick and make my face even worse. I don't want to leave the house, but today I have a meeting and tomorrow is Monday which means I have to go to school AND see my boyfriend. PLUS, this week is the first week of hockey season and now I have this disgusting face and I'm going to have to pile on the makeup to try to cover it up and it will be a disaster. Ugh :( My boyfriend tells me I am beautiful no matter what, but right now I just want to hide and never show my face until it looks better.

Help! I know people can relate. I get so down and beat myself up because of this. :(

Today I am going to start something where I DO NOT pick my pimples. This means I WILL NOT squeeze any pimple to try to pop it and I will not pick scabs I have on my face now. It starts today because I am sick of this feeling I get when I break out. It should not get me down like it tends to do! Every night (hopefully every night) I will post my progress and any setbacks I had. Something needs to change and it starts right now! I will do everything I can to make this open wound scab and heal fast and then I will be on track to stop picking and I will hopefully be less anxious and stressed out about my face.

It would be nice to hear from other people so feel free to post!


Posted : 11/11/2013 2:09 am

I can really relate to you when it comes to picking acne. I'm 23 and my skin is way worse now than it ever was when I was a teenager and it's largely because I try to pop pimples until they bleed, regardless of whether or not they need to be popped, and then will pick and pick at the scab that forms so it takes forever to heal. I can't remember the last time I didn't have at least 1 or 2 scabs on my face. My skin looks terrible and I feel so ugly and am embarrassed to be around other people since I'm worried that they're staring at the scabs and are judging me. I am a makeup artist and I always talk to my clients about the importance of skincare and that having clear skin is one of the most important things for doing flawless makeup, but I don't even have clear skin myself.

I'm really glad to know that I'm not alone in doing this and hope that I can find some way to stop this bad habit. Good luck to you!


Posted : 11/11/2013 8:16 am

I know exactly how you feel. There's quite a few posts on the site pertaining to stopping picking. Maybe look into those for some tips on what others have done or to have success. I let every little breakout get me down and its not healthy.

Maybe offer yourself an incentive program, but you've got to be completely honest w/ yourself. If I can not pick for X days I will do Y for myself. Something like that. And just know that you're human and allowed to make mistakes. You might fall off the wagon. Just try to see the big picture, dust yourself off, and get back on your plan.

Good luck.


Posted : 11/11/2013 10:31 am

Thanks for posting both of you! It's good to know I'm not alone because I look around and I feel like I am the only one this this problem because everyone I look at seems to have perfect skin! are right on when you say one little breakout gets you down and it's unhealthy because that it totally me. This is the start of something new so you're right, I need to dust myself off, look at the bigger picture, and end this bad and unhealthy habit so it does not happen again. I get soooo down and depressed when my face is blemished!

Lilcoop777...I hope you can stop too! It is tough and embarrassing but hopefully both of us can find the self control and just walk away from the mirror when we want to pick apart our faces.

Today all I can think about is this huge scab on my cheek, but thanks to your replies I am going to focus on the big picture and keep my hands away from my face so this thing heals fast and I can finally stop stressing and letting my appearance get the best of me! I am starting today as day 1 because I was really upset and stressed out last night and I picked more, but I am sitting here right now feeling optimistic and being okay with the fact that I am human and made a mistake. Although on the positive I did not pick a small zit near my lip and before admitting I have an issue with obsessing over any little breakout I would have tried to pop it and pick at it until I was satisfied, so that is progress. Once I have hit 7 days without picking (one week from today is Monday, Nov. 18th) and this scab on my cheek is gone, I am going to treat myself to a night out with my boyfriend! Right now I am embarrassed for me to even see him but thank God I have a supportive man who loves me and thinks I am beautiful no matter what.


Posted : 11/11/2013 6:31 pm

Not picking is so difficult. They say it's best not to pop or pick (and I agree to a certain extent) but when you have a white-head the size of a watermelon on your cheek-bone sometimes a scab seems minor in comparison! I honestly dont see much of a difference between my skin in terms of when I pick and when I leave it alone. But then again, I never pick at a nodule/pimple that doesnt have a big white-head. If it hasn't come to head, it's much easier to cover up with make-up anyway.


Posted : 11/13/2013 1:38 am

Not picking is so difficult. They say it's best not to pop or pick (and I agree to a certain extent) but when you have a white-head the size of a watermelon on your cheek-bone sometimes a scab seems minor in comparison! I honestly dont see much of a difference between my skin in terms of when I pick and when I leave it alone. But then again, I never pick at a nodule/pimple that doesnt have a big white-head. If it hasn't come to head, it's much easier to cover up with make-up anyway.

Yes picking and popping I believe is thereaputic lancing to releave pressure and aid in healing. Do not go crazy though.

You could do what I do and avoid mirrors that way you are less likely to obsess and pick. I desginate 1 mirror that i will actually look at and its the downstairs basement bathroom with poor lighting.


Posted : 11/13/2013 4:03 pm

That is such a good idea, but I feel like there are mirrors EVERYWHERE. I do agree that one of the biggest problems with picking is not the act itself, but the going overboard! If I successfully drain one whitehead/nodule with minimal bleeding and serious relief, It's hard not to look for other problems to fix. I want to get rid of my magnifying mirror, but It's difficult to apply make-up without it.
