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Positive Outlook


Posted : 09/04/2013 2:43 pm

Hey everyone,

This forum brings all acne sufferers from around the world together to share their experiences and their journeys with suffering from acne, no matter what way each individual goes about treating it.

I can't in one word summon what acne has done to my life but I can say that each day, I look at other positive ways to deal with it despite feeling so low some days, I have to snap out of it because it isn't going to change anything.

I thought I'd create a 'positive' thread where people can post what positive things they do to help them with their acne, we have threads giving people advice on different treatments but while taking treatments, you still need to remain positive in some way and I thought it'd be good to see what other positive things people others do while treating acne.


Posted : 09/04/2013 3:03 pm

That's a great idea. My skin was the clearest when I was happy with my life so I definitely believe that a positive outlook can have an impact. It may not cure acne, but it can treat the psychological side effects of it.


Posted : 09/05/2013 1:19 am

I suffered from acne for about 11 years. 8 of those years it actually affected my life for the worst. So much that I wouldnt be where i am today or be the person I am today because of it. That thought of that alone blows my mind away. Though It still upsets me from time to time because of what I could have done and learned in that time. But as I look at it I would never be able to help anyone like I hope I can.

I havent had acne problems in 10 years. Hell , I rarely use any cleansers anymore. I will pretty much stick to my guns on this solution because anything less would be 10 steps back and I would die trying to help at least one person understand this. Because I know others feel like its killing them or that they want to die some days. I mean I was willing to die for this realization... until I gave up. So I will just sum up some 6 principles to healing that came out about from the miracle I had.

Just a few facts that I learned on my own about acne that no doctor could ever tell you because he has probably never had to heal his own acne. (Plus, he would be out of business.)

1. Acne is not out there trying to get you. It is not a separate entity from you. It is an extension of you. It starts in your mind ( like any other thing).

Acne thoughts + emotion( "I can't stand acne!") = Acne

2. Since it is in your mind it is created by your thoughts.And since it starts with a thought it can be ended thought.

Acne thoughts - acne emotion( I can't stand acne)= Healing

3. You have an emotional attachment to acne. " I can't stand acne". It must be let go. Forgiven. But first let me emphasize any form of medicine or naturopathic home remedy, or no remedy, you wish to take has to go through this process to heal.

Forgiveness is what heals. Right now you're at "F@ck you acne". when you need to be at "Acne is ok. " Then eventually you will get to "Who's acne?"

When you cut your finger most of the time there is no grudge with the cut , so you let it heal. Its not "F@ck you cut! or F@ck you kitchen knife(well sometimes but only for a minute hehe). When you make up with a friend its not "I forgive you for breaking my Justin Bieber but when you get a chance burn in hell" Its either "I forgive you "or it what I call " No need to forgive because, I was never upset." You simply cannot have peace without letting yourself have it.

4. You have to change your mind about acne. You think it makes you ugly and unattractive. But since your so wrapped up in yourself, you've never bothered to look around and realize theres really no such thing as ugly. There is nothing unbearable to look at.

Think about it. Take a look around at people with it and without it. Does acne change how you feel about them? The ones that do have it can you tell it bothers them? Can you tell how it makes them feel at all? Usually not. And why is that? Because its all in their head! If you can't perceive a problem with your eyes then it must be in the mind, right?

5. Stop resisting the acne. Let it be there. Remember its there because you cant stand it. So for now on tell yourself its ok to have it.

Because it does not matter. ITs like bird shit on a car. Its not going to change how you feel about a car. It would never keep you from buying a car you love. You'd have to scour a car just to see it anyway. If it was a ferrari you wouldn't even care! The problem is taken care of you just need to get out of the way because you have been in the way the whole time by caring about acne.

6.The BEST ACTION to take to release your attachment to it is to affirm : "I don't care if it stays or goes, I'm not going to do this to myself anymore. I going to live my life and be happy." Then start living your life like someone who doesn't have it. Stop putting all this crap on your face. pick one cleanser use it no more than twice a day if you need that to make you feel at ease. Stop looking for zits in the bathroom for an hour. Stop picking. Stop hiding. People that don't have it don't do that crap. So stop taking it so seriously. Laugh at yourself once in awhile and spend time trying to always be laughing or doing something you enjoy.

If you can do this you can apply it and over come anything!

hitea liked

Posted : 09/05/2013 5:09 pm

I've read a quote somewhere saying something along the lines of : Flour and baking soda aren't that great by itself, but the cake tastes pretty damn good.

That made me smile.


Posted : 09/05/2013 5:41 pm

I suffered from acne for about 11 years. 8 of those years it actually affected my life for the worst. So much that I wouldnt be where i am today or be the person I am today because of it. That thought of that alone blows my mind away. Though It still upsets me from time to time because of what I could have done and learned in that time. But as I look at it I would never be able to help anyone like I hope I can.

I havent had acne problems in 10 years. Hell , I rarely use any cleansers anymore. I will pretty much stick to my guns on this solution because anything less would be 10 steps back and I would die trying to help at least one person understand this. Because I know others feel like its killing them or that they want to die some days. I mean I was willing to die for this realization... until I gave up. So I will just sum up some 6 principles to healing that came out about from the miracle I had.

Just a few facts that I learned on my own about acne that no doctor could ever tell you because he has probably never had to heal his own acne. (Plus, he would be out of business.)

1. Acne is not out there trying to get you. It is not a separate entity from you. It is an extension of you. It starts in your mind ( like any other thing).

Acne thoughts + emotion( "I can't stand acne!") = Acne

2. Since it is in your mind it is created by your thoughts.And since it starts with a thought it can be ended thought.

Acne thoughts - acne emotion( I can't stand acne)= Healing

3. You have an emotional attachment to acne. " I can't stand acne". It must be let go. Forgiven. But first let me emphasize any form of medicine or naturopathic home remedy, or no remedy, you wish to take has to go through this process to heal.

Forgiveness is what heals. Right now you're at "F@ck you acne". when you need to be at "Acne is ok. " Then eventually you will get to "Who's acne?"

When you cut your finger most of the time there is no grudge with the cut , so you let it heal. Its not "F@ck you cut! or F@ck you kitchen knife(well sometimes but only for a minute hehe). When you make up with a friend its not "I forgive you for breaking my Justin Bieber but when you get a chance burn in hell" Its either "I forgive you "or it what I call " No need to forgive because, I was never upset." You simply cannot have peace without letting yourself have it.

4. You have to change your mind about acne. You think it makes you ugly and unattractive. But since your so wrapped up in yourself, you've never bothered to look around and realize theres really no such thing as ugly. There is nothing unbearable to look at.

Think about it. Take a look around at people with it and without it. Does acne change how you feel about them? The ones that do have it can you tell it bothers them? Can you tell how it makes them feel at all? Usually not. And why is that? Because its all in their head! If you can't perceive a problem with your eyes then it must be in the mind, right?

5. Stop resisting the acne. Let it be there. Remember its there because you cant stand it. So for now on tell yourself its ok to have it.

Because it does not matter. ITs like bird shit on a car. Its not going to change how you feel about a car. It would never keep you from buying a car you love. You'd have to scour a car just to see it anyway. If it was a ferrari you wouldn't even care! The problem is taken care of you just need to get out of the way because you have been in the way the whole time by caring about acne.

6.The BEST ACTION to take to release your attachment to it is to affirm : "I don't care if it stays or goes, I'm not going to do this to myself anymore. I going to live my life and be happy." Then start living your life like someone who doesn't have it. Stop putting all this crap on your face. pick one cleanser use it no more than twice a day if you need that to make you feel at ease. Stop looking for zits in the bathroom for an hour. Stop picking. Stop hiding. People that don't have it don't do that crap. So stop taking it so seriously. Laugh at yourself once in awhile and spend time trying to always be laughing or doing something you enjoy.

If you can do this you can apply it and over come anything!

What a fantastic post! Thank you. I firmly believe in this.

In fact, I've been clear based on this. I stopped picking, stopped freaking out about my skin, and I was happy. I was doing what I wanted during the day and not worrying if my pimples showed through my makeup. Then, the clear skin followed. It really did.

Thank you for reminding me of this! My healing starts today.


Posted : 09/05/2013 5:53 pm

I just think that right now, that i´m 21 years old (It´s been like two years since i hadn´t logged in to my skin got a little bit better than it used to be before, when i was 16 years old. The problem with my skin is my red marks that my pimples left. I mean, if you touch my skin is very smooth and there are no pimples and no bumps. But the red marks make my skin look awful and it makes it look like if i had moderated acne, i also hate the redness that i have on my skin. But it´s been a week since i´ve been going out with no makeup on. The other day i had a birthday party, one of my friends turned 18 and i was going to meet her friends whom she met in school, i´ve never met this girl before so that day on Friday i was going to meet them for the first time. When i saw all of this girl (we were 12 girls in total) they all had perfect skin, no imperfections at all, there was only one girl who had pimples on her forehead and on her cheeks. I honestly wore makeup that day but you could see my pimples that i had that time because i was having my period. I didn´t feel awful but i really wished i had their skin, we later went to a club and there was a very cute guy who start it to talk to my friends and i saw that he was talking to them and looking at me ´´the first thing that came into my mind was this guy is talking trash about my skin´´ but it wasn´t like that. He actually got close to me, he told me that i was very very beautiful and that he want it to kissed me. wub.png At the end of day i realize that if a guy truly likes you, he will like you with or without acne.

I´ll give you guys an example. Angelina Jolie is famous because of her beauty, imagined if she had mild, moderated or severe acne, will she still be beautiful? of course because acne can make your skin look awful but never your feautures. If you have full lips, beautiful big eyes, or beautiful hair, or a great body acne is not going to change your features, i do really want to have clear skin but at the end of the day, is not that bad. rolleyes.gif


Posted : 09/05/2013 6:54 pm

Wonderful post!

I really do agree with you on this whole positive outlook thing. Being negative and feeling all "acne sucks, I hate the world" won't get you anywhere at all.

I was 13 when I started getting acne and I just turned 25 a month ago and I've realized so many things growing up. You are who you surround yourself with. The people around you who have your back are the most important. Surround yourself with family and friends who look past the acne and don't even give it a second glance. I've found a good amount of them since I was 13 and I still have them in my life right now and not just because they don't give a shit about the acne I had, but because when there were days I had my acne bother me, they really did cheer me up and make me feel better.


Posted : 09/05/2013 11:44 pm

Thank you for all who took time to read the post. There are a lot of demonizing trolls on here who I feel sorry for. But eventually they will understand what I was talking about when/ if their acne goes away but thats at least another 5 years or a bridge . You cannot overcome your set backs nor have a miracle if you be the cliche product of society ,just plain blind, cynical, and/or school shooter-ish.

Let me first get one thing clear here because there is a difference between positive thinking and seeking the truth which will only set you up for failure if you can't differentiate.

I'm not really promoting positive thinking its more of desire to seek the truth about one self and what is really going

Positive thinking is saying " you know this sucks but I'm just going to deal with it and try to smile". This is still negative thoughts creating a most likely negative outcome.

Positive thinking is trying to use will power to make yourself think something you don't believe because. ITs very exhausting. Its like putting your mind on a diet. You want to stay from it. You need to want to see the situation differently. " There is another way of looking at this" or my favorite" What is it you want me to see about this?

What I am trying to get across to everyone is, a person who suffers from acne has misperception in their mind that is basically been perceived through their eyes.( I think I just listed a half a dozen tricks to see the true perception in my original post if not one of the other ones I posted last night.)

What we all don't understand is you can see me better than I can, where as I can see you better than you can. And he/she can see us better than we can. Does that make sense? A person with acne is seeing themselves through tunnel vision except its more like a toilet paper roll because they can only see their zits. Make sense? When I had my healing which was something that was pretty much instant and took place in a grocery store , I basically lost the tunnel/toilet paper roll and could see my whole self. The self as in my whole complete vision of me. How I saw myself before was ugly and blurred because I thought I was my daily zitt. I thought people were just studying my zits. LOL. And if you can realize no one cares, because you don't care about theirs you will have an epiphany and start laughing hysterically at yourself. And realize there was never anything really wrong but just looked at it all wrong.

All someone needs to do is be willing to see themselves differentlyEveryone on here is so stuck on what they see. In fact they think they are the zit and that is the silliest f@cking thing someone could imagine.

I just had a conversation with my g/f about how alot of people with acne are severely depressed. And she asked "Why?" I had to laugh and said" Are you serious?"

and had to explain it to her. After my whole reasoning behind the depression part she said" Over acne??"

Now if I had this same conversation with someone during my 9 years of this suffering crap , it would have never been 9 years.

I mean in those two words, it explains her whole perception on acne itself and people who have it. NOT EVEN NOTICEABLE. Its not like the reaction was "Oh I can see why? " Or " God, I would be too!"

And if you haven't been brought to your knees, cried about it, prayed about it , or wanted answers like you want to breath... you won't get the picture. And the "whole picture" is what you need in order to let go. The whole picture is the truth. And the truth is you see what you want to see by seeing what you believe.
